About Us

best way to lose weight

best way to lose weight

A dedicated editorial team at Best Way To Lose Weight is committed to supporting you on your journey to living a healthy lifestyle. To help you take control of your health, we provide up-to-date, evidence-based health and medical information and real-world patient and clinician experience based on the highest standards for accuracy, objectivity, and balance. With valuable input from our health expert network, our content, including articles, graphics, videos, tools, and more, is created by experienced and accredited health journalists.

Who We Are

senior exercise personal trainer

senior exercise personal trainer

Wellness is for everyone at Best Way to Lose Weight. The writers, editors, trainers, and wellness enthusiasts on the team aim to provide science-backed resources and tips that can help you achieve any fitness goal or feel better and have more energy, regardless of where you are on your health journey. More than 7 million monthly readers enjoy our library of over 11,000 stories, which provides expert advice, editorial reviews, trend reports, and personal essays to motivate you in your next wellness challenge. 

You'll find workouts for all fitness levels on Bestwaytoloseweight.com and our social media channels, as well as beauty and skincare tips tailored to all skin types and concerns, approachable, nonjudgemental mental health information, inclusive sexual wellness and sexual health insight, tasty meal hacks for enjoying food without overthinking it, and a Healthy at Every Size editorial perspective on mental health.

What Do We Stand For?

Mission und Vision Statement

Mission und Vision Statement

Our mission at Best Way To Lose Weight is to help others achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle while improving their overall well-being and quality of life. Our goal is to treat every individual as we would like to be treated.

Meet The Team

Seprating Fact or Fat from Fiction

Seprating Fact or Fat from Fiction

Each member of the Best Way To Lose Weight Squad is passionate about their work and telling stories. We are committed to providing answers whenever you come to us with questions. As far as health is concerned, there's always something more to learn, something new to know, so we always welcome you back. Wellness doesn't end when you cross one finish line - and we're right there with you every step. 

Martin Alvarez

In his role as Chief Nerd at Best Way To Lose Weight, Martin Alvarez uses innovative strategies to help customers. With delicious recipes and top nutrition tips, Martin Alvarez fuels your training, racing, and recovery with his love of food. 


55 E 72nd St Apt 1M, New York, NY 10021


+1 (571) 250-7318

