Apple Cider Vinegar On Feet For Weight Loss

Apple Cider Vinegar On Feet For Weight Loss

Apple Cider Vinegar On Feet For Weight Loss

Updated on 3/7/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

Did you know that the Babylonians used vinegar for the first time around 5,000 years before the standard period to preserve food? About two thousand years after you first put it to use, the Egyptians also used its benefits. Even Hippocrates, who was active in medicine in Greece around 400 BCE, was known to incorporate it into the care he provided for his patients. It should not come as a surprise to hear any of this, considering that apple cider vinegar has over one hundred different uses, including soaking apple cider vinegar on feet for weight loss.

Apple cider vinegar, also known as ACV, offers several health advantages, some of which include the ability to calm an upset stomach, aid in decreasing blood sugar levels, and lower cholesterol levels. Apple cider vinegar is also known as ACV. Is there a connection between consuming apple cider vinegar regularly and having better circulation? Yes, it even improves circulation by lowering inflammation, regulating triglyceride levels in the bloodstream, and avoiding atherosclerosis; these pro-circulatory changes contribute to good skin circulation! This impact is especially noteworthy for people with diabetes because diabetic foot ulceration and neuropathic pain are both significant consequences of the condition (so for them, add the ACV benefit of controlling blood sugar). Several bacterial illnesses, such as those caused by E. coli and Staphylococcus, can be effectively treated with ACV thanks to its potent antibacterial properties (Staph). Apple cider vinegar, which has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, is a beneficial therapy for various ailments, including joint stiffness. Apple cider vinegar is typically prepared from fermented apple juice.

apple cider vinegar for weight loss

apple cider vinegar for weight loss

How does one go about really preparing this miraculous remedy for themselves? Apple juice that has not been sweetened undergoes fermentation as the first step in the manufacturing process of this product. The liquid is mixed with yeast and water to complete the procedure, and then the resulting mixture is left to sit at room temperature for thirty days. The yeast ferments the sugar into alcohol, further broken down into vinegar by bacteria. Vinegar is a byproduct of this process.

Since we now know that you may use apple cider vinegar for several purposes, the issue that arises is whether or not it can also aid you in dropping those extra pounds that you don't want. Do they say that bathing your feet in apple cider vinegar will help you lose weight, but is this possible? If so, how does it work?

Does Losing Weight By Soaking Your Feet In Apple Cider Vinegar Have Any Effect?

No evidence available at this time can be deemed conclusive to claim that soaking your feet in apple cider vinegar is a beneficial strategy for weight loss. That may change in the future. Research has shown that bathing one's feet in apple cider vinegar does not affect the skin barrier's integrity. That indicates that there are no absorbed systemic effects that are having any influence on any other parts of the body. When it comes to taking it by mouth, on the other hand, we are dealing with a completely different situation. It is feasible to help one achieve the weight loss objectives they have set for themselves. Consuming apple cider vinegar, even in small amounts, may help prevent or reduce occurrences of obesity, according to the findings of a study that was carried out in 2009. 

Does Losing Weight By Soaking Your Feet

Does Losing Weight By Soaking Your Feet

Therefore, soaking the feet won't address problems in the rest of the body. Still, it will have a local impact on the feet, such as being antibacterial and antifungal to control foot odor, soften calluses, and so on. In addition, soaking the feet won't address problems in the rest of the body. Continue reading for more clarification on this topic.

What You Do

  • You will want to ensure that you have a large bowl or basin available while you are getting ready to give yourself a foot bath. That is because you will need to soak your feet in warm water. In the case that this is unable to be accomplished, you may always make use of your bathtub.
  • The apple cider vinegar foot soaks you make at home may be done in various ways, depending on your preference. There is no one "correct" approach to taking care of it. On the other hand, it would appear that the typical guideline is to use two parts apple cider vinegar and one part warm water for each person.
  • Another choice is to place one-third of a cup of Epsom salts, two cups of water, and one-third apple cider vinegar in a mixing container and stir until the salts are dissolved. A basin or a giant bowl is the kind of container ideal for carrying out this task. (Epsom salts can help lessen edema and soothe the skin since they are a magnesium salt.)
    Experiment with both kinds of soaks to see which one is superior in meeting your requirements and satisfying your tastes.

Other Health Advantages

Health Benefits

Health Benefits

Acetic acid, the primary component of apple cider vinegar, is responsible for several of the beverage's beneficial effects on one's health. It is known to suppress the areas of the brain responsible for regulating hunger, and when this happens, you will have less desire to consume food. Acetic acid has been demonstrated to be effective in both reducing the amount of fat stored in various regions of the body and increasing the rate at which fat is burned for fuel, notably in the stomach and the liver. The likelihood of developing coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis is reduced, which is an even more severe consequence of obesity. As a consequence of this, it has a variety of advantages against obesity, some of which include lowering blood sugar, reducing the buildup of fat, and burning fat.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is an anti-oxidant, which is likely one factor contributing to its ability to fight cancer and slow down the aging process.

If you are one of the many who believe that full-strength apple cider vinegar is too potent for them to drink, you may want to consider adding a few tablespoons of it to a salad rather than drinking it. That may be a better option for you. You could add a tablespoon to your tea or make your tonic by adding it to a cup of warm water, ginger, and honey and then swirling the concoction thoroughly. Another option is to produce your tea by adding a teaspoon of it to your tea.

Health Benefits

Health Benefits

Diluting apple cider vinegar with water is a good idea if you want to protect the enamel on your teeth from the acidic properties of apple cider vinegar, which may otherwise erode the enamel over time if used undiluted.

An apple cider vinegar foot  is an excellent treatment for a wide range of ailments, including the following, which may include:

1. Assists In The Elimination Of Foot Odor

Bacteria are to blame for the foul odors that emanate from our bodies and feet and may be found in sweat and dead skin. These stealthy animals like to develop in dark regions that get hot and humid, and the feet are the perfect combination of all three of those circumstances. Footwear also tends to trap warm air, which is ideal for their development. The acetic acid that is included inside apple cider vinegar is what destroys the bacteria that can grow in such a fantastic habitat.

According to the findings of one study, apple cider vinegar could even reduce bacterial infections on the skin produced by E. coli and MRSA-resistant strains. These infections were brought on by Staph. Visit a specialist if you have any reason to believe that you could be suffering from one of these infections before attempting to cure the condition on your own. If you follow these steps, your treatment will provide you with the most beneficial outcomes imaginable.

2. Eliminates The Symptoms Of Athlete's Foot

2. Eliminates The Symptoms Of Athlete's Foot

2. Eliminates The Symptoms Of Athlete's Foot

Infections caused by a fungus, such as an athlete's foot and jock itch, are reasonably common. That is especially true for runners and others who participate in sports that cause their feet to sweat, such as basketball or volleyball. Both fungi and bacteria are examples of different kinds of microorganisms that can live on normal, healthy skin. These two kinds of creatures combine to generate an ecosystem on the skin's surface. 

On the other hand, they can create havoc when they are allowed to run rampant within an ecosystem or when a single species comes to predominate within an ecosystem. Both of these scenarios are very unstable for the environment. The presence of shoes in a warm, wet atmosphere makes conditions even more conducive for the growth of bacteria and fungi, which both flourish in these kinds of situations. In most cases, the athlete's foot will start in the area between the toes, an ideal breeding ground for the fungus that causes the condition. 

It is essential that, following a shower, a bath, or even a soak in apple cider vinegar for your foot, you ensure that every one of your toes is well dried out before proceeding to the next step. You will prevent the development of the fungus due to this measure.

Apple cider vinegar effectively eliminates Candida albicans, the yeast responsible for athlete's foot. You may destroy this yeast by using apple cider vinegar. That is especially helpful in circumstances where the infection has built up a resistance to the antifungal medicine you initially used to treat it. Once daily, over the next few days, soak your feet in warm water for approximately twenty minutes until they fully recover.

3. Calluses Are Softened

3. Calluses Are Softened

3. Calluses Are Softened

The formation of calluses is inevitable with prolonged exposure to the same level of friction in the same region. If, for instance, a specific section of your foot is rubbed against the interior of your shoe frequently, the skin on that portion of your foot will ultimately get thicker. That can happen because of calluses, which are small, rough bumps that form on the surface of the skin. The goal of this process is for the skin to be able to defend itself from further damage by increasing the thickness of the skin barrier, which is why it goes through this process. While you explore the underlying source of the issue (it might be that you are wearing the incorrect shoes! ), the topical use of apple cider vinegar could assist in eliminating unsightly calluses in a method that is both secure and effective.

Apple cider vinegar has natural exfoliating properties, which allow it to remove dead skin cells from the skin's surface when applied. You may attribute that to the fact that it has alpha-hydroxy acids in its composition! As a consequence of the formation of new skin cells, which can now occur, your skin will seem and feel as though it has become smoother. 

Try out this recipe for a foot soak that you can create in the comfort of your home as an alternative to spending money on a trip to the spa. You should apply a moisturizer to the skin on your feet following the treatment by soaking your feet in warm water for around twenty-five minutes weekly. After the treatment, you should repeat the process. And after that's done, the area between your toes won't be wet anymore!

4. Eliminates The Fungus That Causes Hangnails (But This Is A Myth)

4. Eliminates The Fungus That Causes Hangnails

4. Eliminates The Fungus That Causes Hangnails

Toenail fungus can arise from surface fungal infections on foot; this is especially true as one age and their nails grow more brittle. You can treat toenail fungus with antifungal medication. The fungus has the power to permeate the nail structure itself when it dries up and splits, creating the ideal habitat for its growth. That can happen when the nail is not well maintained. Athletes' feet, which may be recognized by the yellowing and thickness of the nail beyond its usual range, can occasionally develop toenail fungus, which the condition can detect.

Even though apple cider vinegar has antifungal properties, it is ineffective against the fungus that thrives under the toenails. In contrast to an athlete's foot infection, which often affects the skin's surface, a disease produced by fungus in the nails spreads far deeper into the body. Because of this fact, the condition is more challenging to treat. As a result, you will need a prescription from a skilled healthcare practitioner to obtain the necessary medication. You may treat fungus on the nail, but the most effective method is to stop it from developing in the first place. It is possible to do this by applying acetic acid, which can be found in apple cider vinegar, to the skin's surface to prevent the fungus from forming on the skin and spreading to the nail. Acetic acid may be found in apple cider vinegar. At least once per week for around one-quarter of an hour, give yourself a foot soak consisting of apple cider vinegar.

What Steps Can You Take To Maximize The Benefits You Receive?

What Steps Can You Take To Maximize The Benefits You Receive?

What Steps Can You Take To Maximize The Benefits You Receive?

If you want your foot soak to have additional odor-fighting and exfoliating properties, combining baking soda and apple cider vinegar may sound like a good idea at first. Still, this may be just a myth. If you want your foot soak to have additional odor-fighting and exfoliating properties, use baking soda alone. Use baking soda in your foot soak if you want it to have more odor-neutralizing and exfoliating effects than those it already possesses. 

Baking soda, which has a pH of 9, is an effective countermeasure because it neutralizes the positive benefits that the acidity of apple cider vinegar has. That is because baking soda has a pH of 9. The person whose money you stole may be the sole one you make restitution to with the money you stole from them! Baking soda can alter the pH range that the skin naturally dwells in, which is between 4.5 and 5.5. That can irritate the skin. Consequently, the skin may become hypersensitive to various substances, including apple cider vinegar.

According to the Emory Undergraduate Medical Review, there is still a widespread misconception that it is beneficial to apply witch hazel, toothpaste, lemon juice, or baking soda on the skin to help it. That is a misconception, and these creams do nothing but make the skin much more inflamed than it was before you used them. On the other side, a few substances are beneficial to the skin and should be utilized, such as rose water, aspirin, coconut oil, and apple cider vinegar.

apple cider vinegar for weight loss

apple cider vinegar for weight loss

People who believe that a magnesium deficit is a fundamental reason for painful feet sometimes use Epsom salts as a treatment for the ailment because they think that magnesium insufficiency is the primary cause of the condition. As a consequence, these people utilize Epsom salts as a therapy. Because maintaining the integrity of your skin restricts the quantity of magnesium that can be absorbed by your skin, assuming that this is the case may be an overly hopeful way to look at the problem. It would be best if you kept this in mind at all times.

It is highly recommended that you incorporate oils into your foot soak produced with apple cider vinegar; however, not all oils respond in the same manner when soaked in warm water. Certain essential oils function significantly better than others in this particular setting and climate. Jojoba oil may be used both during and after a bath to help maintain the suppleness and moisture level of the skin. These advantages are in addition to the benefits that jojoba oil delivers while you are in the tub. The skin can take jojoba oil and apricot kernel oil quickly and efficiently. Oil extracted from apricot kernels The skin may be adequately nourished and moisturized with even a tiny amount of this oil, which is rich in emollients. All that is required is a small amount.

The practice of aromatherapy is becoming increasingly well-liked all over the world, and several essential oils, each with its own distinct set of medical uses, are currently in high demand. If you're having trouble winding down and relaxing, you might find that adding a few drops of essential oil that are derived from chamomile or lavender will help. Melaleuca oil, another name for tea tree oil, is an effective antifungal agent that you may use to treat fungal infections. Drink tea tree oil is also known by its alternative name, melaleuca oil. Therefore, if you have an athlete's foot, you could find that using it helps your condition, mainly if you use it regularly. You might also try the energizing peppermint oil, which is said to have anti-inflammatory properties, to help reduce the discomfort you are experiencing in your foot.

Apple Cider Vinegar On Feet For Weight Loss

Apple Cider Vinegar On Feet For Weight Loss

You can alleviate itching with the aid of virgin coconut oil due to its antibacterial and antioxidant characteristics. Another advantage is that this oil helps to enhance the skin's overall integrity, which is a huge plus.

Final Thought

However, even though apple cider vinegar has many therapeutic benefits on the body and the skin, it is vital to be aware of the potential unpleasant responses that it may create. That is because apple cider vinegar can induce a wide range of reactions. That is the case even though apple cider vinegar has a wide variety of positive benefits, not only on the body but also on the skin. 

No matter what kind of skin you have, it can cause your skin to burn or break out in rashes if it comes into contact with it and then touches your skin. That can be avoided by first conducting a patch test with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water that has been diluted in a spray bottle and then applying it to a small area of the skin to determine whether or not it causes any adverse reactions. If it does, then the procedure has been successful. Before continuing with the remainder of the program, the first thing you should do is wait a few minutes after the initial application to verify the results of that application. 

Only then should you move on to the next part of the program. If you take it by mouth, you should be aware that there is a potential risk to the enamel of your teeth and that it may irritate your stomach. If you take it by mouth, you should also be aware of the potential risk to your gums. If you want to consume it orally, you should be informed that there is a possible threat to the enamel of your teeth because of this.



If you want to get rid of foot odor or trim down your waistline, taking apple cider vinegar or using it in a foot bath, whichever way you choose, might be helpful. Apple cider vineg on feet for weight loss has antibacterial and antifungal properties and helps burn fat. Vinegar made from apple cider has been shown to have antibacterial and antifungal qualities, and it also has the potential to aid in fat burning. If you want to lower your chances of getting an athlete's foot, it is recommended that you bathe your feet in water for a few minutes after you finish running. 

If you have difficulties falling or staying asleep, consider taking an apple cider vinegar foot with a few drops of lavender essential oil added. That may help you get a better night's rest. That will assist you in relaxing, making it easier for you to fall asleep. Lavender, as most people are aware, has a soothing effect on humans. It is likely that ancient Egyptian pharaohs de-stressed from the pressures of their position by partaking in pursuits that were analogous to these.