Best Low Carb Diet

Best Low Carb Diet

Best Low Carb Diet

Updated on 3/7/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

Best low carb diet have gained popularity over the past several decades and are followed by many people.

They used to be quite controversial, but in recent years they have gained acceptance in most communities.

Those individuals who adhere to diets that are low in fat are more likely to be successful with their attempts to reduce their body fat percentage than those who adhere to diets that are low in carbs, at least in the short term.



They also improve a wide range of health markers, such as triglyceride and HDL (the good) cholesterol levels in the blood, blood sugar, and blood pressure.

On the other hand, there are many distinct permutations of this consumption mode regarding food.

The eight most prevalent strategies for adhering to a low-carb diet are outlined in the following paragraphs.

1. A Typical Low-Carb Diet

The expression "low-carb diet" does not relate to a particular eating plan and does not have a clear definition of what it means.

Low-carb diets are the most popular name for dietary plans that restrict the carbs a person takes daily.

This eating pattern often includes a lower overall carbohydrate intake and a greater emphasis on consuming protein-rich foods when contrasted with the Western diet. In many cases, consuming foods such as meats, seafood, eggs, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats is an essential component of the Mediterranean diet.

Consuming a minimal number of foods high in carbohydrates, such as grains, potatoes, sugary beverages, and high-sugar junk meals, is highly advised.

1. A Typical Low-Carb Diet

1. A Typical Low-Carb Diet

According to the recommendations, the number of carbohydrates you should consume in a day is mostly determined by the objectives you have established for yourself as well as your own preferences. A typical grading system may look something like this example:

  • 100–150 grams. This range is suitable for those who routinely participate in activities of high intensity or for individuals who prefer to maintain their current weight. It leaves room for a substantial amount of fruit and certain starchy foods like potatoes.
  • 50–100 grams. People who wish to lose weight in a controlled and steady way as well as those who want to maintain their present weight permanently should aim for a weight that falls within this range. There is sufficient area for a significant number of different fruits and vegetables to be offered.
  • Under 50 grams is intended to speed up getting rid of extra weight more quickly. Eat a lot of vegetables, but keep your fruit consumption to berries with a low glycemic index, which will help you maintain a healthy weight (GI).


Compared with a typical diet, a low-carb diet often contains significantly reduced carbs and increased protein. The perfect amount of carbs a person should take daily is highly subjective, depending on various factors, including personal priorities and dietary constraints.

2. Ketogenic Diet

2. Ketogenic Diet

2. Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet is a manner of feeding that places a greater emphasis on the consumption of fat than it does on the consumption of carbs. Additionally, the ketogenic diet is an extremely low-carbohydrate diet.

A metabolic condition known as ketosis is the desired outcome of following a ketogenic diet in which carbohydrates are restricted to such an extreme degree that they are effectively eliminated. A ketogenic diet reduces carbohydrate consumption to such an extreme degree that it stops them.

In this state, your insulin levels drop; consequently, your body releases a considerable quantity of fatty acids from its stores of fat. This condition is referred to as ketoacidosis.

Your liver is the organ responsible for converting most of these fatty acids into ketones, and it is also the organ responsible for receiving the bulk of these fatty acids. Ketones are water-soluble molecules that can travel over the barrier that divides the blood and the brain to supply the brain with energy. That is necessary since the blood and the brain are not in direct contact with one another.

Consequently, rather than using carbs as its primary fuel source, your brain will rely primarily on ketones as its primary fuel source. Your body can produce the little amount of glucose essential for your brain to continue operating normally. This process is referred to as gluconeogenesis and takes place in the liver.

Because eating an excessive amount of protein can cause a decrease in the number of ketones your body naturally creates, some variations of this diet even restrict the amount of protein, you are permitted to consume. That is because protein consumption can cause a decrease in the number of ketones your body naturally creates.



Recent studies have suggested that the ketogenic diet may also be effective in the treatment of various neurological disorders and metabolic conditions, such as type 2 diabetes. Although the ketogenic diet has most commonly been used to treat epilepsy in children resistant to medication, this treatment may also be beneficial for treating other neurological illnesses and metabolic issues.

It is a very successful method for shedding fat and has the tendency to dramatically lower hunger, therefore it has also become popular for fat reduction, even among certain bodybuilders. That is because it tends to induce a significant reduction in hunger. That is because it is a very effective technique to shed fat and generates a substantial decrease in need, both of which contribute to the phenomenon.

Those who adhere to a ketogenic diet are obliged to consume foods high in protein and fat. In most situations, you should limit an individual's daily consumption of carbohydrates to fewer than 50 grams; in some circumstances, you should keep this number to no more than 20–30 grams.

People who eat in a manner that is consistent with the ketogenic diet are said to be following the "standard ketogenic diet" (SKD).

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low carb

On the other hand, there are further variations that include the careful incorporation of carbohydrates:

  • The targeted ketogenic diet (TKD) In this kind, you augment your exercises by consuming moderate carbs at strategic intervals during the session.
  • The cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD) You will adhere to the recommendations of a ketogenic diet for the majority of the week, but once or twice each week, you will switch to a diet that is richer in carbs. That will make it possible for you to reduce your body fat while keeping your muscle mass intact.


The ketogenic diet, more commonly referred to as the keto diet, is an eating plan in which carbohydrates are severely limited to the point that the body is coerced into entering a metabolic state known as ketosis. That is a very efficient diet for lowering body fat, and it can protect against various diseases.

3. Low-Carb, High-Fat (LCHF)

In the realm of medicine, the abbreviation "LCHF" refers to a "low-carb, high-fat" diet. That is a fairly standard, extremely low-carb diet; however, it places an even greater emphasis on consuming foods that have not been refined or processed.

Consuming things like meats, fish and shellfish, eggs, vegetables, dairy products, nuts, and berries is where most attention should be placed. Nuts and berries are also critical.

3. Low-Carb, High-Fat (LCHF)

3. Low-Carb, High-Fat (LCHF)

The number of carbs allowed to be consumed when adhering to this specific eating plan might range from 20 to 100 grams.


Consuming foods in their natural, unprocessed states is a crucial focus of the low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diet, which is a highly low-carb eating pattern. This eating pattern places a primary emphasis on losing weight.

4. Low-Carb Paleo Diet

The paleo diet is one of the eating regimens that is now gaining popularity on a global scale all over the world. It encourages eating foods that were most likely available during the Paleolithic epoch, which occurred before the agricultural and industrial revolutions.

The paleo movement promotes the idea that adhering to a diet comparable to one's prehistoric ancestors is beneficial to one's health. That is because it is believed that humans evolved and adapted to consuming foods similar to those consumed by adherents of the paleo diet.

According to the findings of a number of early studies, following a paleo diet may result in a reduction of body fat, a drop in the quantity of sugar in one's blood, and an improvement in the risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

4. Low-Carb Paleo Diet

4. Low-Carb Paleo Diet

Even if adhering to a paleo diet does not always entail a low-carb diet, most individuals who adhere to a paleo diet do so.

Eggs; meats, fish, and other seafood; vegetables, fruits, tubers, nuts, and seeds; and When adhering to a strict paleo diet, you should avoid eating any items that have been processed and added sugar, grains, legumes, and dairy products. The diet also lays a significant focus on consuming foods that are high in healthy fats, such as olive oil and avocados, which are examples of such foods.

There are a few more well-known variants, such as the primal blueprint and the optimal health diets. Both of these diets are examples. All of these eating plans often include a great deal fewer carbs than the typical meal that is provided in nations that are considered to be Western.


As this is the foundation of the Paleo diet, you should only consume items in their natural, unprocessed state and those your Paleolithic ancestors would have been able to get their hands on. Even though it does not strictly adhere to a low-carb diet, modifying it to be compatible with such a way of life is still feasible.

5. The Atkins Eating Plan

5. The Atkins Eating Plan

5. The Atkins Eating Plan

The Atkins diet is widely considered to be the most successful low-carb eating plan that is currently accessible. It requires reducing one's consumption of foods high in carbs while simultaneously boosting one's consumption of protein and fat to an unrestricted degree.

Four separate phases make up the diet, and they are as follows:

  • The first phase focuses on induction as its primary activity. During the following two weeks, you should stick to a diet with less than 20 grams of carbs each day.
  • The second phase : Balancing. Adding extra nuts, low-carb vegetables, and fruit should be done in a gradual and steady stream into the mixture.
  • The third phase is known as "Fine-Tuning." When you are coming close to your target weight, begin slowly increasing the number of carbs you consume until you see that the rate you are shedding pounds has slowed down.
  • The maintenance phase will take place during the fourth stage. Consume as many nutritious carbohydrates as your body can handle without causing you to gain back the weight you have worked so hard to lose. This will help you maintain the healthy weight you have achieved.

When initially presented, you met the Atkins diet with much criticism; however, more recent research has demonstrated that the diet is not only risk-free but also practical. When carried out in the prescribed manner (as long as the recommended daily fiber intake is followed). This diet is now one of the ones that have the most significant number of adherents.


People have found that adhering to the Atkins diet, which has been around for more than forty years, is quite beneficial to their weight loss efforts. It is a low-carb, 4-phase eating plan that lets you consume a considerable quantity of fat and protein while still allowing you to eat plenty of food.

6. Eco-Atkins

6. Eco-Atkins

6. Eco-Atkins

A diet that is essentially a vegan modification of the original "Atkins" diet is what is meant when someone refers to that diet using the phrase "Eco-Atkins."

Some examples of foods and components from plants rich in protein and fat content correspondingly include gluten, soy, nuts, and plant oils. Other examples include plant-based oils.

Its protein content provides 30 percent to its total calorie count, while its fat content contributes 45 percent to its total calorie count. The carbohydrate component of this item accounts for around 25 percent of its total calorie count.

Because of this, it has a higher carbohydrate content than a typical Atkins diet but a significantly lower carbohydrate level than a standard vegan diet. That is because it includes more vegetables and fruits.

In a research study that lasted for six months, participants followed either an Eco-Atkins diet or a high-carb vegetarian version of the Atkins diet. You showed that following the Eco-Atkins diet significantly reduced risk factors connected with heart disease and more substantial weight loss.


A plant-based eating plan based on the Atkins diet has been developed and named the Eco-Atkins diet. Despite the fact that it contains more carbohydrates than the standard Atkins diet, it is still effective, it still has a comparatively low carbohydrate count compared to the majority of vegetarian and vegan diets.

7. Zero-Carb

7. Zero-Carb

7. Zero-Carb

Some individuals are under the misconception that the most beneficial thing they can do is fully eliminate their consumption of carbohydrates.

A "zero-carb diet" is an eating plan that comprises nearly entirely of meat and other items derived from animals. This type of eating plan has been given its name.

In a zero-carb diet, the sole sources of sustenance are meat, fish, eggs, and animal fats such as butter and lard. This type of diet is followed by those who have made the conscious decision to eliminate carbs. Some of them also put in some salt as well as a variety of different spices.

No studies have been conducted recently that suggests that a diet containing no carbohydrates is safe for human consumption. There is just one case study you did, which took place in 1930. The results of this study showed that despite the participants eating nothing but flesh and organs for a whole year, they were in seemingly good health at the conclusion of the trial. The diet of the males was entirely made up of meat and other carnivorous things.

A diet that does not include carbs may lack a variety of essential nutrients, such as vitamin C and fiber. As a result of this, doing so is not something that is recommended in the majority of different scenarios.


Specific individuals adhere to a diet known as a zero-carb diet, which is characterized by the exclusion of all plant-based foods from the diet. This method of consuming food has not been the focus of any high-quality study, and as a result, it is frequently cautioned against by nutritionists and other experts.

8. Low-Carb Mediterranean Diet

8. Low-Carb Mediterranean Diet

8. Low-Carb Mediterranean Diet

In recent years, the food indigenous to the Mediterranean area has seen a significant surge in appeal, particularly among professionals in the field of medicine.

Food in parts is designed after the type of food consumed during the early part of the 20th century in the countries of the Mediterranean that were customarily hungry.

According to several studies, following this diet may lower a person's likelihood of acquiring coronary heart disease, breast cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

The term "low-carb Mediterranean eating pattern" refers to a way of eating patterned after the Mediterranean diet but contains fewer carbs than traditional Mediterranean fare. This eating pattern discourages the consumption of foods that are rich in carbohydrates, such as whole grains.

Compared to a traditional low-carb diet, this one places a greater emphasis on eating fatty fish as opposed to red meat and on consuming extra virgin olive oil as opposed to saturated fats such as butter. Both of these changes are meant to lower calories consumed while maintaining a low-carb intake.

Even though additional research needs to be done, preliminary evidence suggests that a Mediterranean diet low in carbohydrates may be superior to other low-carb diets to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. That is the case, even though more research needs to be done.


Both the standard low-carb diet and the low-carb Mediterranean diet are pretty similar to one another. On the other hand, this version has more extra virgin olive oil and fish than the previous one.

The Bottom Line



If you are interested in giving a low-carb diet a go, you should select a plan tailored to your lifestyle, the kinds of foods you take pleasure in eating, and the specific types of health improvements you want to accomplish.

Because the diet that works for one person might not work for another, the best low carb diet for you is the one you can. That is the most critical factor in determining whether or not a diet is adequate.