The 11 Best Brain Food To Boost Your Memory And Brainpower

Brain Food

Brain Food

Updated on 3/7/2025
Natalia MarinBy Natalia Marin
Natalia Marin
Learn More about Natalia Marin

Your brain food is the most important of various highly crucial components housed within your head.

As the command and control center of your body, it ensures that your heart will continue to beat, that your lungs will continue to breathe, that you will be able to move, feel, and think, and that you will be able to do all of these things. Because it is the command and control center for your body, it behaves in this way. In addition, it guarantees that you will maintain your capacity to think, feel, and move.

Keeping your brain in the most effective state, which can be at all times, is a smart option, which is why you should try to keep it in that state.

Your eating habits have an immediate impact on the health of your brain and have the potential to improve a wide variety of mental processes, including your ability to concentrate and recall information. If you change your eating habits, you can see improvements in all of these cognitive abilities.

This article summarizes eleven meals that, when consumed consistently, have been shown to boost a person's mental function.

1. Fatty Fish

1. Fatty Fish

1. Fatty Fish

Many persons consider fatty fish at the top of the list of meals that are healthy for the brain due to the numerous health benefits of eating this type of fish.

Salmon, trout, albacore tuna, herring, and sardines are only some examples of fish included in this category. Other examples include sardines and herrings. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in excellent quantities in all three varieties of fish listed here.

Omega-3 fatty acids make up approximately forty to fifty percent of the fat in your brain, meaning that omega-3 fatty acids make up about fifty to sixty percent of the total fat in your brain.

Learning and memory are significantly aided by omega-3 fatty acids, an essential constituent of your brain and the nerve cells that make up your brain. In addition, with the assistance of omega-3 fatty acids, the production of new brain cells is facilitated.

In addition to the benefits already stated, omega-3 fatty acids also impart several additional benefits to your brain. These benefits are in addition to the benefits that have already been described.

They may help prevent Alzheimer's disease and decrease the usual loss of mental function that comes with getting older, which is one of the potential benefits. Another potential benefit is that they may help prevent dementia.

On the other hand, a shortfall in omega-3 fatty acids in one's diet has been related to mental health illnesses such as learning difficulties and depression. A lack of omega-3 fatty acids can cause these disorders.



Some evidence suggests that a person's general health may improve if they significantly increase the amount of fish they consume.

One of the conclusions obtained from many studies conducted on the issue was that people who eat fish daily tend to have a larger quantity of gray matter in their brains. That was one of the conclusions that you drew. The vast majority of the brain's nerve cells are located in gray matter, which you can find in the layer that is located in the middle of the brain. These cells are accountable for several mental activities, some of the most important of which include decision-making, memory, and emotion.

Consuming fish high in omega-3 fatty acids is, in general, a good idea for the health of your brain, and this is especially true if you consume wild-caught fish.


Fatty fish are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are a necessary component for the development and function of the brain. These acids can be found in high concentrations in fatty fish, and consuming fish with high-fat content is the only way to receive these acids. Your memory will improve, your mood will become more stable, and you will safeguard your brain against cognitive decline if you consume omega-3 fatty acids. That is because omega-3s have a role in each of these processes.

2. Coffee



If getting out of bed in the morning to have a cup of coffee is one of the things that excites you the most, you will be happy to learn that drinking coffee positively affects your health. Coffee consumption has been linked to several health benefits.

Caffeine and antioxidants are two of the most important components of coffee, and both of these components can assist in supporting healthy brain function. Caffeine is the most critical component of coffee and caffeine is one of the essential elements you can find in coffee, and Antioxidants are a separate category.

Caffeine, an element you can find in coffee, has been shown to have several beneficial effects on the brain, including the following, according to a number of studies.

Increased levels of one's consciousness as well as awareness. Caffeine, which is responsible for keeping your brain awake and attentive, prevents the entry of the chemical messenger adenosine, which is responsible for making you feel sleepy. Caffeine is, therefore, responsible for keeping your brain awake and attentive. Because of this, the effect that adenosine would typically have on you is prevented.

A shift for the better in a person's mental makeup or attitude. Within the brain, caffeine may also stimulate the release of "feel-good" neurotransmitters such as dopamine. A stimulant that acts on the central nervous system is caffeine.



Enhanced capacity to concentrate and channel one's attention in a specific direction. One study found that participants who took part in a cognition test and consumed caffeine exhibited short-term improvements in their attention and alertness due to caffeine ingestion. These results were based on the participant's responses to the cognitive test after consuming caffeine.

Consuming coffee is associated with a lower risk of developing neurological diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's when done so over a more extended period and consistently. Café consumption has been shown to have this protective effect. Café consumption has been shown to have this protective. That is especially true when looking at the bigger picture over a more extended period. You indicated that patients over 18 who consumed three to four cups of coffee daily had the lowest overall mortality risk.

Even if it is just on a partial basis, the high level of antioxidants found in coffee is at least a conceivable explanation for this phenomenon. Coffee has an increased number of antioxidants.


It has been demonstrated that ingesting coffee can improve one's level of alertness and mood in the consumer. Because it contains caffeine as well as antioxidants, there is a chance that it could offer some protection against Alzheimer's disease. This possibility exists due to both of these components in the substance.

3. Blueberries



As a result of the vast range of positive effects that blueberries have on your body, including several products that are particularly advantageous for your brain, their inclusion in your diet would be highly recommended.

Anthocyanins are a class of plant molecules that, in addition to their antioxidant capabilities, also can reduce inflammation. Anthocyanins are abundant in blueberries and other berries that have a dark coloration, such as blackberries and bilberries.

Antioxidants can counteract oxidative stress as well as inflammation, which are both situations that can play a part in the aging of the brain as well as the development of neurodegenerative illnesses. Antioxidants are also capable of reducing the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases. Antioxidants can do this because they are effective against both oxidative stress and inflammation, and Antioxidants can battle both oxidative stress and inflammation.

It has been shown that some antioxidants in blueberries can accumulate in the brain and improve communication between brain cells. Consuming blueberries has several positive health effects, including this one. Blueberries are an excellent source of these antioxidants because of their high content.

The findings of a single study that looked at the results of 11 separate trials indicate that blueberries have the potential to assist in improving the memories of both children and adults, in addition to some cognitive processes. The research was conducted by the University of California, Davis.



You might try sprinkling them over your breakfast cereal, adding them to a smoothie, or just eating them on their own as a straightforward replacement for a snack. All of these options are good.


Antioxidants, which may be found in plenty in blueberries, have been demonstrated to boost memory and even slow down the natural aging process in the brain. These benefits can be attributed to the presence of antioxidants in blueberries.

4. Turmeric



In recent years, there has been a considerable amount of interest in turmeric as a result of the potential health benefits it offers.

According to the research findings, this bright yellow spice offers several advantages to one's cognitive functioning, and it is one of the essential ingredients found in curry powder.

It has been demonstrated that the active ingredient in turmeric, which is known as curcumin, may have the ability to travel past the barrier that separates the blood and the brain. That indicates that it can penetrate the brain directly, where it can then provide a benefit to the cells already there.

It is a powerful chemical that possesses anti-inflammatory as well as antioxidant capabilities, and it has been connected to having the following advantageous effects on the brain:

It's possible that doing so will help you remember things more clearly in the future. It's possible that patients with Alzheimer's disease could benefit from taking curcumin, which has been found to boost memory in healthy people. It possesses the capacity to assist in the clearance of the amyloid plaques that are distinctive of this disorder. It has been established that Alzheimer's disease is linked to the presence of these plaques.

Eases depression. The capacity of curcumin to increase the creation of dopamine, which in turn magnifies the mood-boosting advantages of both serotonin and dopamine, is one of curcumin's most unique properties. Curcumin, when used in conjunction with conventional treatments for those diagnosed with depression, was found to improve a person's emotions of depression and anxiety, according to the findings of one review. The researchers that carried out the study realized this due to their results.



Fosters the development of a greater quantity of brand-new brain cells than usual. It has been established that the chemical compound known as curcumin can enhance the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factors, which can be thought of as a form of growth hormone that encourages the multiplication of brain cells. This finding was made possible by the use of animals. Even though preliminary research suggests that it may help prevent the mental deterioration linked with getting older, there is a need for more significant research on this subject.

It is crucial to remember that most research utilizes highly concentrated curcumin supplements in daily doses ranging from 500 to 2,000 mg. It is essential to keep this in mind because most studies employ these supplements. The vast majority of individuals do not generally take this level of curcumin when using turmeric as a spice, which indicates that this is a substantially higher concentration of the substance than is typically consumed. That is because the turmeric component, known as curcumin, responsible for the spice's therapeutic qualities, only accounts for about 3–6% of the sauce.

Therefore, while including turmeric in your diet may be beneficial, you may find that to attain the effects reported in these trials, you would need to consume a curcumin supplement under the advice of a medical professional to get the most out of it. That is especially true if you want to get the most of turmeric's benefits. Before you decide to alter anything about your diet, you need to consider the following point first.


The primary ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which possesses powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, both of which are beneficial to the brain. Curcumin also contains antimicrobial properties, which benefit the brain and its other uses. The research findings indicate that it has a favorable effect in decreasing symptoms of depression and those associated with Alzheimer's disease.

5. Broccoli



Broccoli is not only an excellent source of this cruciferous vegetable, but it is also jam-packed to the gills with potent plant chemicals, such as antioxidants.

More than one hundred percent of the Daily Recommended Intake (RDI) of vitamin K may be found in broccoli that has been cooked and portioned out to a serving size of one cup (or 160 grams). It appears that broccoli has an extraordinarily high concentration of vitamin K.

This vitamin is required to create sphingolipids, a specific sort of lipid found in high concentrations within brain cells. Sphingolipids are found in high concentrations within the cell membranes of neurons. Sphingolipids are the name given to the material that is created when this fat-soluble vitamin is combined with fatty acids.

Some preliminary research conducted on persons of advanced age has found that increased consumption of vitamin K is related to a stronger memory and an overall improvement in cognitive health. Participants in these trials were required to be sixty years old or older.

In addition to vitamin K, broccoli also includes a wide variety of other compounds, all of which contribute uniquely to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics associated with this vegetable. Participating in these activities will likely help protect the brain from getting damaged.


Broccoli includes various chemicals, one of which is vitamin K. These compounds all have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities, and broccoli is a good source of them. Glucoraphanin and Sulforaphane are two of the other compounds that can be found in broccoli, and Sulforaphane is another chemical that can be found in broccoli.

6. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

The pumpkin seeds have a high concentration of powerful antioxidants, which protect both the body and the brain from the potential damage that free radicals can create. Pumpkin seeds are a great source of antioxidants.

In addition, they are rich in the minerals magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper, making them a good source of all of these minerals. The following are some of the additional minerals that can be found in them:

Every one of these nutrients plays a crucial role in making sure that a healthy brain function is maintained:

Zinc. The communication that takes place between the nerves in the body requires this component to function correctly. Zinc insufficiency has been associated with various neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, depression, and Parkinson's disease, amongst other conditions. Zinc deficiency has also been connected to schizophrenia.

Magnesium. Memory and learning are two of the cognitive processes that cannot be carried out without the mineral magnesium. A magnesium deficiency has been related to various neurological diseases, such as migraine headaches, depression, and epilepsy.

Copper. Copper plays a significant role in regulating nerve signals within the brain, which is one of copper's most essential responsibilities. In addition, there is a correlation between an imbalance in the levels of copper and an increased risk of brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

Iron. The inability to think correctly and reduced brain function are typical indications of an iron deficiency.

The primary focus of this research is not the pumpkin seeds themselves; instead, the attention is centered on the micronutrients that can be found in them. On the other hand, given that pumpkin seeds contain several different micronutrients, including pumpkin seeds in your diet will likely enable you to take advantage of the benefits associated with the nutrients themselves. That is because pumpkin seeds contain a significant quantity of several different micronutrients.


Pumpkin seeds are a good source of a wide variety of essential micronutrients, including copper, iron, magnesium, and zinc, all of which are necessary for the healthy operation of the brain. Pumpkin seeds are also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain health.

7. Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate

Both dark chocolate and cocoa powder are excellent sources of a variety of substances that are known to have a positive effect on cognitive function. These compounds include flavonoids, caffeine, and antioxidants, and dark chocolate and cocoa powder are rich sources of flavonoids.

You must comprise at least seventy percent of the chocolate's weight of cocoa solids for it to be categorized as dark chocolate. Consuming dark chocolate is the only way to receive these health benefits because regular milk chocolate only contains 10–50% cocoa. As a result, there is no other option available because there is no other choice.

Antioxidant flavonoids are members of the flavonoids class, composed of substances found in plants.

Flavonoids are found in chocolate and have a propensity to congregate in regions of the brain that are associated with learning and memory. Chocolate includes flavonoids. The findings of the experts who researched these drugs indicate that there is a possibility that both memory and the rate of mental decline that comes with getting older can be improved by using them. That is because aging brings about a natural reduction in one's mental capacity.

This theory is supported by several other investigations, which is a factual statement.

According to a study that involved more than 900 participants, those who consumed chocolate on a more regular basis performed noticeably better in a variety of mental tasks, including some that involved memory, compared to those who consumed it only on an infrequent basis. That was the case regardless of the type of task being performed.

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate

Eating chocolate may legitimately improve one's mood, as suggested by several scientific studies that have been carried out in recent years.

According to the findings of one study, participants who ate chocolate reported significantly higher levels of pleasant experiences compared to those who ate crackers. This difference was significant across all participants, and those who consumed crackers reported experiencing much lower levels of happiness overall.

On the other hand, it is not clear whether this is the effect of components in the chocolate or simply the fact that individuals feel happier as a direct result of the exquisite flavor of the chocolate.


Flavonoids are a type of antioxidant that you can find in chocolate. Flavonoids have been shown to help protect the brain and can be found in chocolate. Eating chocolate, incredibly dark chocolate, has been shown in various studies to improve one's memory and mood. This effect is thought to be due to the antioxidant properties of the chocolate.

8. Nuts



According to a study, consuming nuts can enhance heart-health markers, which is essential because having a healthy heart is connected to having a healthy brain. You can find nuts in a wide variety of nuts, and there are wide distinct varieties of nuts that you may purchase.

According to the findings of one study, senior citizens who consumed nuts regularly had a lower risk of cognitive deterioration than those who did not consume nuts. You can find nuts in a wide variety of different kinds of dishes.

In addition, a different study conducted in 2014 found that women who consumed nuts consistently throughout a number of years had a better memory than those who did not consume nuts. The study concluded that women who did not consume nuts had a worse memory. This discovery was made available to the general audience through Nutrition Research. To arrive at this conclusion, you compared women who did not consume nuts throughout the study.

Nuts provide a wide variety of vital elements, such as unsaturated fats, antioxidants, and vitamin E. Nuts also have a delicious flavor. The benefits of nuts on brain function are likely related to the fact that nuts contain all of these nutrients, which needs further investigation.

One of the reasons vitamin E may be able to slow down the process of mental decline is because of its ability to shield cells from damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E can protect cells from damage.



Like all other types of nuts, walnuts provide your body with omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to lower inflammation. In addition to this advantage, like all other nuts, walnuts also provide additional benefits to your brain. On the other hand, walnuts may have a competitive advantage over the many different kinds of nuts.


Nuts include various beneficial nutrients for the brain, such as vitamin E, healthy fats, and plant chemicals. Nuts are a good source of these nutrients, and nuts are an excellent source of these micronutrients due to their high content.

9. Oranges



If you consume an orange around the size of a medium orange, you will get close to all of the vitamin C you need for the day from just one orange.

Getting enough vitamin C is necessary to maintain your brain healthy and ensure that the rest of your body is running correctly. Vitamin C is one of the most significant components in preventing mental decline.

According to the findings of one piece of research, having higher amounts of vitamin C in the blood was connected with gains in performance on tasks involving focus, memory, attention, and the speed at which decisions are made.

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that helps protect brain cells from free radicals, which may be detrimental to brain tissue if they are not neutralized. Vitamin C helps protect brain cells from free radicals by helping to balance them. Free radicals have the potential to cause damage to brain cells if vitamin C is not present. In addition, vitamin C helps maintain healthy brain function as we get older, which may offer some protection against conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, anxiety, schizophrenia, and major depressive disorder. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits and vegetables, and citrus fruits and vegetables are both excellent sources of vitamin C.

In addition to bell peppers, guava, kiwi, tomatoes, and strawberries, a variety of other foods contain significant levels of vitamin C. Some examples of these foods include: Some dishes that fall into this category include, but are not limited to, the following:


Oranges and other foods high in vitamin C can help your body's immune system combat free radicals, which can harm your brain. Other foods high in vitamin C include berries, tomatoes, and peppers. Berries, tomatoes, and peppers are some more examples of foods that contain a significant amount of vitamin C.

10. Eggs



Eggs are an excellent source of a number of nutrients, including vitamins B6 and B12, folate, and choline, all of which are necessary for the maintenance of normal brain function. Eggs are a wonderful source of protein, which is not only important for maintaining a healthy brain but also a fantastic source of this nutrient. In addition, eggs are a fantastic source of protein, which is essential for the proper functioning of the brain and is found in adequate amounts in eggs.

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood and aids in the retention of memories. Your body needs the element choline in order to produce acetylcholine, which is why your body needs choline. Without choline, your body will be unable to manufacture the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

Previous research came to the conclusion that higher choline intakes were associated with improved memory and mental performance. Choline is a type of amino acid, and you carried out these investigations previously.

Despite this, a substantial portion of the world's population does not consume an adequate amount of foods that are high in choline, especially in developing countries.

Because egg yolks are one of the sources of choline that contain the highest concentrations of this nutrient, eating eggs is a simple and uncomplicated way to get this essential component into your diet. That is because egg yolks are among the sources of choline that contain the highest concentrations of this nutrient. On the other hand, egg whites do not have any appreciable levels of choline in their composition.

Regarding choline, the average suggested daily amount for women is 425 milligrams, while the typical recommended daily intake for males is 550 milligrams. The amount of choline found in an egg yolk is 112 milligrams for each yolk.



In addition, the B vitamins found in eggs play a range of essential roles in ensuring that a healthy brain function is maintained. You may accomplish this by providing that eggs are consumed regularly, which is an excellent food choice for obtaining these B vitamins.

To begin, by lowering levels of homocysteine, they may assist in the prevention of the development of mental deterioration in older people. There is some evidence that the amino acid homocysteine is linked to Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. You could accomplish this objective by bringing the level of homocysteine found in the body down to a lower level.

There is an association between low levels of two B vitamins, most notably folate and B12, and an increased risk of developing depression. Folate and B12 are the specific B vitamins in question.

Dementia is associated with folic acid insufficiency in older persons, particularly those over 65. Numerous studies have shown that taking folic acid supplements can help slow down the mental loss typically associated with aging, which can benefit older people.

A suitable amount of vitamin B12 is required to produce chemicals in the brain and manage sugar levels in the brain. That is a prerequisite for both of these processes, and these two processes are necessary for the functioning of a normal brain.

It is vital to keep in mind that there has not been a lot of in-depth research done, particularly on the relationship between eating eggs and maintaining healthy brain function. That is something that needs to be kept in mind at all times, and this is something that you must always keep in mind and should not be forgotten. Despite this, there is evidence to support the claims that some nutrients in eggs have a good effect on cognitive function. These nutrients include choline, which has been shown to improve memory and attention. Eggs are an excellent food choice for obtaining these essential vitamins and minerals.


Eggs include a significant amount of choline and several B vitamins, essential for maintaining a cheerful disposition and ensuring that the brain continues to develop and function normally. Choline is found in the highest concentration in egg yolks, and egg yolks are a good source of choline. Eggs are a nutritious food that is rich in B vitamins.

11. Green Tea

Green Tea

Green Tea

It has been established that the caffeine in green tea, which is comparable to the caffeine found in coffee, boosts cognitive function. Green tea is an analog of coffee.

Studies have shown that it raises levels of alertness and improves performance, memory, and concentration.

However, green tea also contains a range of other components, such as catechins and polyphenols, which contribute to the beverage's reputation as healthy for the brain. These components are responsible for the beverage's health benefits.

One of the amino acids that is able to cross the barrier that separates the blood and the brain is called L-theanine. Other amino acids cannot do this, and it is another one of the amino acids in the chain. Because of this, it can boost the action of the neurotransmitter GABA, which, in turn, aids in the reduction of sensations of anxiety and ushers in a state of mind that is more relaxed.

Because it increases the frequency of alpha waves in the brain, L-theanine can make you feel more relaxed without also making you feel sleepy at the same time. That is the mechanism by which it produces the desired result.

One study concluded that the L-theanine present in green tea could reduce the stimulating effects of caffeine, making it possible for the consumer to experience a greater sense of relaxation from drinking the tea. This conclusion was reached as a result of one of the studies.

In addition, it has a high concentration of polyphenols and antioxidants, both of which can lower the chance of acquiring Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, respectively, and prevent cognitive decline in the brain.

Drinking green tea, which has been the subject of several studies, has also been found to aid in improving one's memory.


Green tea is an excellent beverage choice that you should consider if you want to keep your brain in good shape. You will feel more alert due to the high amount of caffeine it includes. The antioxidants protect your brain, and the L-theanine it has will help you relax. You will feel more alert due to the high quantity of caffeine that it contains.

The Bottom Line

Bottom line

Bottom line

A wide variety of food can contribute to the maintenance of a healthy brain function, and you can consume these items at every meal.

Antioxidants can be found in various foods, including those listed on this list (fruits and vegetables), and beverages like tea and coffee. Antioxidants are known to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. It is common knowledge that antioxidants have the potential to assist in the protection of the brain from being damaged.

Nuts and eggs are two examples of foods high in the nutrients necessary for healthy brain growth and average memory performance. These nutrients are critical for maintaining normal brain function and healthy brain development. Avocados and spinach are two other examples of foods rich in these nutrients and good for you.

It's possible that gradually including specific foods into your diet could assist support and improving the health of your brain. As a further benefit, you may also notice an improvement in your level of alertness, memory, and mood as a direct result of these dietary adjustments.

I merely wanted to emphasize one particular issue very clearly. Today, put this to the test for yourself: It is just as essential to incorporate into one's diet those meals that have been shown to help one's cognitive function as it is to steer clear of those brain food that have the potential to hurt one's mental health. This website may supply you with a list of the seven most harmful foods to your brain, and you should make every attempt to reduce or eliminate the amount of these meals you consume. That is where you'll find the list.

Frequently Asked Questions

What foods help brain growth?

Foods such as baked potatoes, meats, beans and lentils, fortified cereals and bread, dark green vegetables, and cereals and bread with additional iron are the best sources. Other good sources include fortified cereals and bread. Choline is in relatively high amounts in meat, dairy products, and eggs; however, it is also found in a wide variety of vegetables and other foods. Choline is an essential nutrient.

Is banana good for brain?

Consuming a banana before an exam can provide your brain with the organic and wholesome sugar it needs while allowing you to keep your glycemic index to a manageable level. Additionally, eating bananas will help you feel happier. This is a fact. Serotonin is produced when the amino acid tryptophan is digested in the body, and Tryptophan is a precursor of serotonin. Because bananas contain a significant amount of tryptophan, they are an excellent supply of this molecule.

What causes memory loss?

Concern over one's tendency to forget things is shared by a sizeable portion of the general population, and they think memory problems are the most prominent sign of Alzheimer's disease. On the other hand, Alzheimer's disease is not present in every person who has problems with their memory. Age, the presence of a medical condition, the company of emotional concerns, the presence of mild cognitive impairment, or the presence of another type of dementia might contribute to memory loss.

What are the 3 foods that fight memory loss?

How can one identify foods that aid prevents memory loss, and what kinds of foods are those? Berries, salmon, and veggies with leafy greens are three of the healthiest meals you can consume to safeguard your memory. Vegetables with lush greens are another great option. A wealth of data points to the fact that they are good to and protect the brain's health.

What vitamin helps with the brain?

Your primary focus should be on ensuring you get enough of the three B vitamins (B6, B12, and B9) to keep your brain working correctly (folate). As stated by Dr. Agarwal, memory loss and other forms of cognitive decline may be more likely to occur if an individual does not get enough of these three types of B vitamins. "Any deficiency in them may increase the risk of memory loss and other cognitive declines."

Is orange good for brain?

An orange around the size of a medium orange has the amount of vitamin C recommended to be consumed daily. You can find this amount in just one orange. That is of the utmost significance since vitamin C helps to protect the brain from the deterioration that naturally occurs with advancing age. In addition, vitamin C is an antioxidant that prevents brain cell damage brought on by free radicals by trapping and neutralizing them. That keeps the brain healthy and functioning correctly.