Carbs In Garlic: The Best Way To Lose Weight



Updated on 3/7/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

A lot of people have great feelings one way or the other towards garlic as a meal. Garlic is a common ingredient in traditional cuisines all over the world and lends itself to a wide variety of savory meals because of its robust and spicy flavor.

Since ancient times, people have utilized garlic as a medicine to treat a wide variety of conditions. There are allusions to the medical application of garlic throughout the Bible. Hippocrates is said to have prescribed garlic as a treatment for various ailments, and early Olympic competitors reportedly utilized garlic to increase their performance. Garlic's health advantages are primarily attributable to its plant chemicals, but it also has a number of vitamins and minerals.

The Nutritional Value of Garlic



The USDA has released the following data regarding the nutritional value of one clove (3 grams) of raw garlic.

  • Calories: 4.5
  • Fat: 0g
  • Sodium: 0.5mg
  • Carbohydrates: 1g
  • Fiber: 0.1g
  • Sugars: 0g
  • Protein: 0.2g
  • Vitamin C: 0.9mg
  • Zinc: 0.04mcg


Carbohydrates are the source of garlic's calorie content; however, given the small size of the servings and the low overall calorie count, garlic's carbohydrate content is also relatively low. A single clove of garlic contains exactly one gram of carbohydrates.


Garlic does not contain any fat at all.


Garlic offers no substantial protein.

Vitamins And Other Essential Minerals



Although a single clove of garlic includes a few vitamins and minerals, the serving size is so small that the amount provided is insignificant. According to the USDA, each clove has a trace amount of vitamin C, zinc, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, vitamin K, and manganese.


Garlic cloves are typically about 3 grams and have very few calories. If you eat the whole clove, the only additional calories it will add to your overall consumption will be four. 2 Garlic is likely to have a negligible effect on the number of calories you consume on a daily basis due to the fact that you are likely to consume such a small amount of the food.


Although garlic is low in calories, fat, sugar, and sodium, the average person only consumes a very small amount of it daily; thus, it does not significantly contribute to their entire dietary intake. A single dose of garlic includes trace levels of several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, zinc, and calcium.

Advantages To One's Health



Garlic's bioactive components, which include organic sulfides, saponins, phenolic compounds, and polysaccharides, are principally responsible for its possible medicinal advantages. Garlic also contains polysaccharides.

Garlic supplements have been used in many of the studies that have been done on the health benefits of garlic, not the fresh garlic that can be purchased at the grocery store. Suppose you simply use garlic in your cooking. In that case, you probably will not reap the health benefits of garlic unless you consume quantities comparable to the amounts found in garlic supplements.

Maintaining A Healthy Weight Easier

A healthy eating plan, as well as a plan to achieve and keep a healthy weight, can both benefit from the addition of garlic to the diet. Because it has such a strong flavor, even a very small amount can impart a deliciously savory taste to your food without adding any fat or significantly increasing the number of calories it contains. If you are attempting to reduce the amount of sodium in your diet but still want food that has a flavorful and satisfying bite, you can use garlic as a substitute for salt.

Possible Anti-inflammatory Effect



According to several studies, garlic can create powerful anti-inflammatory effects via lowering inflammatory biomarkers.

A dose of garlic extract containing 400 milligrams taken twice a day for a period of eight weeks was shown to significantly lower levels of inflammatory cytokines in a clinical trial that was conducted with a double-blind and randomized design. Remember that this research used an extract; thus, the results might not apply to actual garlic consumption.

May Cause A Decrease In Blood Lipids

It has been demonstrated that garlic can lower cholesterol levels in the serum. Patients suffering from diabetes who were given a mixture of olive oil and garlic could successfully control their levels of cholesterol and triglycerides when given the combination.

These effects were seen with garlic dosed over one to three months, whether in powdered or non-powdered form. After a period of four months, the consumption of garlic resulted in an increase in HDL, also known as "good cholesterol," and a decrease in LDL, often known as "bad cholesterol," as well as total cholesterol. 

Potentially Protective Against The Effects Of Oxidative Stress



It is believed that eating foods rich in antioxidants can reduce the oxidative stress that is caused by free radicals. Several types of phenolic chemicals found in garlic have powerful antioxidant effects. In particular, research has shown that eating garlic can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in obese patients by boosting the body's antioxidant levels and lowering inflammation.

According to a meta-analysis of clinical trials conducted, garlic supplements have been demonstrated to modify oxidative stress markers, such as total antioxidant capacity.

Potentially Lowers The Odds Of Developing Cardiovascular Disease

Due to its nutritional and phytochemical components, garlic extract has been shown in research that is currently available to dramatically lower a person's chance of developing atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, myocardial infarction, and ischemic stroke.




Garlic has the potential to bring on an allergic reaction in some individuals. Garlic consumption, skin contact with garlic, or breathing in garlic dust are all potential triggers for this reaction.

The symptoms can be quite modest, such as sneezing, or they can be quite severe, in which case they may include red or inflamed skin, a stuffy nose, difficulty breathing, and skin welts. It is highly unusual for garlic allergy to cause anaphylaxis. Researchers have not been able to determine whether or not heating garlic alters its ability to trigger allergic reactions.

Negative Repercussions

Because it includes an enzyme, garlic has the ability to make your eyes wet. When you cut or chop garlic, an enzyme is released into the garlic's flesh. If you get the substance on your hands and then touch your eyes with them, it may cause small discomfort and moisten your eyes. If you don't get the substance on your hands, it won't have any effect.

And last but not least, garlic is well-known for its effect on the breath. Garlic's pungent odor can be mitigated somewhat by eating it cooked rather than raw, but it still won't be completely eliminated.




In most supermarkets, you may buy garlic already minced and stored, pre-minced, or in powdered form. Garlic can also be purchased whole.

Garlic comes in literally hundreds of different types, and Artichoke and silverskin are the two most likely to be found in retail establishments. The cloves that makeup artichoke garlic are arranged in overlapping layers, giving the bulb the appearance of an artichoke.

When It Is Most Optimal

Garlic is grown in many parts of the world and can be purchased fresh throughout the year. Utilize it before it becomes brown, becomes mushy, or sprouting.

Keeping Food Safe While Storing It

When buying garlic from a  grocery store, you should steer clear of any bulbs that have already begun to become mushy. Garlic should be kept at room temperature and stored in a container made of wire or mesh. Garlic will hold its flavor for longer if it is not stored in plastic bags and the tops are kept on.

The Way To Get Ready



There are a variety of ways that garlic can be prepared. You should first peel off the papery, onion-like skin in most cases. To remove garlic skin, purchase a specialized tubular silicon gadget or give the garlic cloves in an enclosed basin or container a good shake. Alternately, you can mash the garlic with the broad (flat) side of a knife to make removing the skin of the cloves less difficult.

You can cook whole, chopped, or minced garlic, depending on your preference. Some recipes need it to be roasted, while others call for it to be sautéed in oil.

Garlic can be used to make a range of beverages, including tea, when combined with several other flavors and ingredients, such as honey and lemon. Garlic tea does not contain caffeine (unless you combine it with another type of tea made from the Camellia sinensis plant), and it is rumored to provide certain health benefits such as weight loss and reduced blood pressure. You will benefit from combining garlic tea with another type of tea made from the Camellia sinensis plant. However, there is a shortage of scientific information to substantiate most of the benefits.