Eating More To Lose Weight

Eating More To Lose Weight

Eating More To Lose Weight

Updated on 3/7/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

Both are reducing the number of calories one consumes and working toward the objective of eating more to lose weight are, logically speaking, somewhat similar pursuits. What if, on the other hand, we told you that another strategy for losing weight entails eating more than you would in the ordinary course of your day? What response would you have to that piece of information?

It is easy to undermine your efforts to lose weight by reducing an excessive number of calories from your diet. That can happen when you consume fewer calories than your body needs. That may have a detrimental effect on your efforts to reduce your body fat. That is a severe possibility that has the potential to become a reality. There are certain circumstances in which you will require an increase in the quantity of food that you consume to accomplish your goal of losing weight. That is essential to ensure that your body can continue functioning correctly, despite slimming down.

If you choose foods that are low in calories but high in volume, and if you increase the amount of physical activity that you participate in, you will be able to accomplish this goal. Remain tuned for further information about this method, which you will provide in the following paragraphs; in the meantime, stay tuned!

Can Eat More Calories Aid In Weight Loss?

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It is not difficult to increase the number of calories you consume while at the same time working on your weight loss, even though doing so may not make a lot of sense.

It is possible that, in certain circumstances, it can assist you in achieving your weight loss goal rather than excessively restricting the number of calories you consume. That is because it can help you feel fuller for longer while still allowing you to finish the same amount of food. That is because there is a possibility that it can assist you in maintaining the weight loss that you have already accomplished.

Eating an amount of food that is too far below the caloric maintenance limit of your body may slow down your metabolism, which means that you will burn fewer calories overall. That can happen if you eat an amount of food that is too far below the caloric maintenance limit of your body. That may occur if the amount of food consumed is significantly less than the recommended maximum. If this describes your situation, incorporating a few more calories into your diet could be just what the doctor ordered for your efforts to lose weight. If this describes your situation, including a few more calories into your diet could be just what the doctor ordered for your efforts to lose weight.

Why Eating More Will Help You Lose More

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If you want to reduce your weight even further, you should consider increasing the amount of food you consume for the following three reasons:

  • Prevent muscle catabolism
  • More enjoyment/freedom
  • Minimize Or Prevent Binge Eating Episodes

Prevent Muscle Catabolism

When you drastically reduce the calories you consume and consume significantly lower than your body requires to maintain weight, your body will begin to burn through the muscle. You can prevent that by maintaining a healthy balance between the calories you consume and the calories your body needs to maintain weight. One way to avoid this problem is to drink an adequate quantity of calories that are much more than the number of calories your body needs to keep its weight stable.

Even though this will happen regardless of how many calories you cut out of your diet, cutting calories at a higher rate may hasten the process known as muscle catabolism. That may happen if the pace at which calories are burned off increases.

The eventual result of this condition will affect your size, which will be direct and immediate.

Despite this, isn't it something you hope will end up happening?



Catabolism of muscle, on the other hand, will lead to a definite reduction in the size of the power, which is not an outcome that is desired, given that muscle gives us the illusion of being toned. Catabolism of muscle will also lead to a reduction in the amount of protein that is stored in power.

Since this is the goal you want to achieve, you will need to increase the amount of food you consume to reduce the weight you are presently carrying. You can accomplish that by increasing the calories, you take each day (but still within your calorie deficit).

Check out our post on calories for weight loss if you are interested in learning how to calculate the optimal quantity of calories to consume to achieve the level of weight reduction that you desire. To achieve the level of weight reduction that you want, you will need to finish the optimal quantity of calories.

More Enjoyment/Freedom

If you can increase the amount of food you consume daily while still maintaining the weight loss goals you have established for yourself, you will have more leeway and freedom to choose the foods you eat regularly, which will allow you to have more variety in your diet.

It indicates that in the future, you will have more leeway in terms of the meals you consume and the amounts you are permitted to ingest of the foods you choose to consume.

It will make losing weight less monotonous, which is terrific for your mental health and wonders for your physical health. Additionally, dropping some pounds will do wonders for your overall physical wellbeing.

Minimize Or Prevent Binge Eating Episodes

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The amount of self-control a single individual can muster is limited since willpower is a limited resource. If you cut the number of calories you consume by a significant amount, eliminating foods with a higher calorie count will only be helpful for a short period before you reach a certain threshold and begin binge eating.

Suppose you permit yourself to consume more calories but do not permit yourself to have any foods on the list of foods that are entirely off-limits to you. In that case, you can reduce or even prevent episodes of binge eating, which can have detrimental effects on your physical and mental health. If you permit yourself to consume more calories but do not permit yourself to have any foods that are on the list of foods that are entirely off-limits to you, you can reduce binge eating episodes.

Is It Possible To Eat Insufficiently To Lose Weight?

I've been trying to get more exercise and watch what I eat, but now I'm worried I might not consume enough calories to support my body's needs.

There is such a thing as eating too little to lose weight, contrary to the prevalent perception, and it is conceivable to accomplish both of these things simultaneously, but eating too little is not the only way to lose weight.

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If you push yourself too far beyond your limits, you may have a terrible time, fail to make any progress, and get stuck in a vicious loop of starving yourself and then overeating when you finally give in. If you push yourself too far beyond your limits, you may have a terrible time, fail to make any progress, and get stuck in a vicious loop. You will likely have a miserable time, fail to make progress, and get caught in a vicious circle if you push yourself too far beyond your boundaries.

It is of the utmost importance to remember that determining what constitutes "too little" is open to arbitrary interpretation. As a consequence of this, if you are concerned that you may be consuming too few calories to reduce your weight, then you should take into consideration the following signals that you may need to increase the amount of food that you consume:

Always Tired

In terms of the consequences it has on a person, a lack of energy is comparable to being hungry. It is inappropriate to let oneself become fatigued for an extended time because this behavior is improper. That may be a sign that your energy levels are deficient due to a lack of food and nutrients and that you are not providing your body with the required fuel. That could be an indicator that you are suffering from malnutrition. It's possible that this is happening because you're not giving your body enough energy to function correctly.

Always Hungry

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It is impossible to avoid having emotions of hunger while one is attempting to reduce the amount of fat that is stored in the body. After all, to keep your current size, you intentionally deprive your body of nutrients that it needs to function correctly. Because of this, your body can end up experiencing some undesirable side effects. On the other hand, if you find that you are starving and constantly thinking about food, you may be restricting the calories you consume a little bit too much and choosing the wrong foods to eat. If this is the case, you may be limiting the number of calories that you consume a little bit too much or choosing the wrong foods to eat. If this is the case, you should reconsider the foods you consume daily.

There is a good chance that you may improve the meals in some way, most notably in terms of the variety of available foods.


The state of becoming enraged as a direct consequence of one's sensations of hunger is referred to as a "hanger," It is a disorder that can affect anyone.

Just for a second, try to picture how frustrated you would be if you were always starving. Just imagine what it would be like to be in that predicament. Due to this, you will find that you have more significant mood swings, less patience, and shorter fuse durations. If you want to get rid of extra fat, increasing the food you eat will be healthy for your body and the people in your immediate area. To get rid of excess fat, increase your food intake, and they will express gratitude for this alteration.

Poor Performance In Gym

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Performance in the weight room was not up to its standards.

Suppose your performance in the gym is consistently suffering. In that case, we're not talking about a once-off lousy day, which happens to everyone—and you're unable to lift as much as you previously, or your endurance has taken a big hit, then you may need to eat more to get more energy. If your performance in the gym is consistently suffering, we're not talking about a once-off lousy day, which happens to everyone. If your performance in the gym has been suffering for a significant amount of time, we are not talking about a single off day, which is something that happens to everyone. If your performance in the gym deteriorates over a long time, we are not talking about a single off day, which happens to everyone at some point.


If your body is functioning on a shallow fuel level, you should not be shocked if you find that you are having recurring spells of dizziness or shakiness. You should not be surprised if your body operates on a shallow fuel level. This soreness is one of the telltale signals that your body is running dangerously low on fuel and experiencing it is one of the best ways to spot it. That is your body's method of communicating with you to tell you that it needs more nourishment and that you should give it what it needs to keep functioning properly, which is why you are experiencing these symptoms.

Other Health Problems

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If you are not giving your body the fuel it needs, it will let you know in various ways, including providing you periods of dizziness. It will also tell you that you need to boost the food and nutrients you take in through your diet. The following are some of the possible manifestations of these warnings:

  • A shift that has taken place in the typical cycle of menstruation has occurred.
  • Delicate fingernails
  • Hair loss

What Should You Think About For Weight Loss?

Consider the following three factors if you want to increase the amount of food you consume while maintaining your current weight or even shedding a few pounds:

Calorie Deficit

If you want to be successful in losing some weight, you will need to cut the number of calories you consume to a lower level than in the past, requiring you to make some lifestyle changes. This word relates to consuming several calories daily that are lower than the quantity your body needs to keep its current weight, and it is used to describe the process of losing weight.

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To keep a negative energy balance, you must reduce the calories you take each day below the number of calories you burn. Aim for a caloric deficit of between 200 and 500 calories daily while trying to lose weight. If the amount of calories you need to consume to maintain your current weight is 2000, then an acceptable amount for you to cut out of your diet would be between 1500 and 1800 calories.

Focus On Macronutrients

The most critical factor in weight loss is the number of calories you can burn daily; however, the meals you choose to consume also play a vital role in the process. To retain a healthy balance in your diet, you should ensure that each meal has a variety of macronutrients. These macronutrients include protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. You will benefit from this to the fullest extent possible from the food you consume.

As a result of the fact that one of them is in charge of an important job inside the body, it is essential to consume all of them. Even if you want to reduce the amount of fat in your body, you must consume an adequate quantity of protein to prevent muscle tissue breakdown to the greatest extent possible. That is true objective is to reduce the amount of fat in your body, even if your goal is to reduce your body fat percentage. If you want to maintain the muscle mass you already have, you must consume a diet with adequate protein, and this is because protein is the major structural component of muscle.

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In addition, the information provided in this article states that it contributes to a feeling of fullness while also helping to preserve the bone mineral content of the body. Consuming it affords one this significant advantage, which you should not overlook. In addition, if you combine this with weight lifting, your daily protein requirements will be higher than if you just sat around doing nothing the entire day. That is because weight lifting increases muscle mass, and sitting about doing nothing all day decreases muscle mass. That is because lifting weights requires significantly more protein than sitting around doing nothing.

Most of the fuel and energy required by your body comes from carbs. Additionally, if you select the appropriate sources of carbohydrates, you will be able to consume the recommended daily amount of dietary fiber. Consuming the recommended daily amount of dietary fiber is essential for controlling bowel movements and blood sugar levels. If you select the appropriate sources of carbohydrates, you will be able to consume the recommended daily amount. You can ingest the amount of dietary fiber recommended for you to down if you select suitable sources of carbohydrates. Not to mention that it increases satiety when paired with healthy fats, which means that you will feel full for longer because of this combination. When combined with protein, this impact becomes even more pronounced.

Focus On Micronutrients

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Your body will not be able to function if it does not receive adequate levels of the nutrients known as micronutrients. Regardless of whether or not lowering your body fat is your goal. It would be best if you made it a priority to ensure that you obtain all the vitamins, minerals, and other vital elements your body needs to carry out its duties. That is still the case even if you aim to lower your overall body fat percentage. They substantially contribute to your immune system's ability to work correctly, as well as to your growth and the maintenance of bone health, all of which are important for optimal functioning.

How To Eat More And Still Be In A Calorie Deficit To Lose Weight

What specific actions should you take to put this new knowledge into practice so that you may make the most of the changes provided because you are now aware that you can eat more without putting on weight? We are mindful of the fact that it may be nerve-wracking to consider the possibility that you could achieve this seriously; as a result, we have compiled a list of some suggestions for how to get things moving:

Low-Calorie, High-Volume

Consuming a significant quantity of food all at once will likely prove to be one of the most trustworthy allies you have moving forward in the battle against your condition.

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You are already aware that fruits and vegetables are beneficial to your health and contain all of the necessary micronutrients; however, if you attempt to eat more to lose weight, your fruits and vegetables will be your greatest friend. That is because fruits and vegetables are low in calories but high in fiber and water. That is because fruits and vegetables provide your body with the necessary micronutrients and are suitable for overall health.

These meals don't have an excessively high amount of calories, meaning you can eat many of them without feeling overly satiated. Since they don't have an abnormally high number of calories, you can eat many of them without feeling fulfilled. To put it more bluntly, even though you consume fewer calories overall, you will feel fuller.

Please take advantage of foods by making it a point to consume a sizable piece of each of them with your meals to get the most benefits. Because of this, you will be able to get the most out of them.

To accomplish this objective, you may try serving a robust salad as a side dish with your great entrée. That will help you feel fuller for a more extended period without drastically increasing the number of calories that you consume. It could also mean eating a fruit snack in addition to your main dinner. For example, you could have a massive dish of mixed berries or a slice of watermelon.

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If you include these items in your diet, you will be able to eat more while maintaining the calorie deficit that will allow you to reach your target weight loss. That will make it easier for you to achieve your objective of reducing your body fat percentage. If you follow these instructions, you will be able to consume more food than you usually would if you did not follow them.

Move More 

If you want to be able to take in more calories from the food that you eat, you are going to have to move around more. That does not imply that you have to work out for twice as long each day or perform two workouts daily rather than just one. Also, it does not mean that you need to increase the duration of each activity by an amount that is twice as long as it is currently.

Increasing the amount of activity you do outside of your workouts Thermogenesis, which can also be referred to as NEAT, is a method that is simple to implement and very effective in accomplishing the goal mentioned above.

That entails making minuscule adjustments here and there all during your day, which, when totaled up, could result in significant improvements. You can motivate yourself to move more throughout the day by setting a daily step goal for yourself, walking or riding a bike instead of driving, taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator, and walking or riding a bike instead of driving. Your NEAT score might improve if you engage in activities like cooking, cleaning, or even something as simple as fidgeting. These are but a few instances of the different kinds of items that can contribute to increasing your score.

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Look at our app FitBod if you want a specialized workout routine designed specifically for you, considering your current health and fitness level and if you would like to do it at your own pace. That will allow you to get the most out of your time spent working out. Because of this, you will be able to accomplish what you set out to do in the most productive and time-saving way possible. FitBod will design a personalized exercise program for you, considering the kind of physical activity you enjoy, the results you want to achieve, and the equipment and space available to you in your home or other location.

Don't Drink Your Calories

If you want to be able to eat more while remaining on track with your goal of losing weight, then you need to be strategic about how you spend your calorie intake and put more of it toward food rather than liquids. That will allow you to eat more while remaining on track with your goal of losing weight. Because of this, you will be able to consume more food without sabotaging the steps you've taken to get closer to your ideal weight. As a result, you will be able to eat more without deviating from the plan you devised to cut down on the amount of fat in your body.

Because doing so will make you feel fuller for a more extended period, consuming the majority of your daily caloric intake in the form of food will reduce the number of times you feel the need to snack during the day. Aside from the fact that certain beverages may have very high-calorie content. You will be able to save quite a bit of money if you refrain from eating them; this also applies to the fact that you will probably feel better due to not consuming them.

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Think about whether or not it would be beneficial to give up certain beverages in favor of others that do not contain added sugar. Whether or not it would be preferable to replace the cream in your coffee with a lower-calorie option, or whether or not it would be preferable to drink water instead of anything else. If you decide that it would be preferable to replace the cream in your coffee with a lower-calorie option, then consider whether or not it would be preferable to drink water instead of anything else.

Final Thoughts

You will need to reduce the total number of calories you take daily to achieve the weight loss goals you have set for yourself. Nevertheless, it would be best to be extremely careful, so you don't cut off too many. If this is the case, you will learn that the only way to lose weight successfully is to increase the amount of food you consume daily drastically. If this is the case, you will find out that this is the only method for you to lose weight successfully. Because of this, your body will be able to continue performing the activities it was designed to do, and at the same time, you will be able to reach the goal that you have set for yourself of reducing the amount of weight that you are carrying. 

Your metabolism may slow down if you consume an amount of food that is too far below the number of calories required for maintenance, which implies that you will burn fewer calories. If this is your circumstance, increasing the calories you consume each day may make it simpler for you to lose some weight.



You will have to do more moving around if you want to be able to take in more calories from the food you eat. That does not indicate that you need to exercise for an additional four hours or complete two workouts daily instead of simply one. Also, it does not imply that you should make each session last twice as long.

Eating more to lose weight, you can lose weight without lowering a considerable number of calories from your diet if you consume meals that are low in calories but high in volume and if you increase the amount of NEAT you perform each day. That will allow you to lose weight more quickly. You can accomplish that by making more informed judgments regarding the meals you eat, such as choosing foods that are low in calories but high in volume rather than choosing foods that are high in calories but low in volume.