How Does Endomorph Intermittent Fasting Work? Let's Take A Look

How Endomorph Intermittent Fasting Works? Let's Take A Look

How Endomorph Intermittent Fasting Works? Let's Take A Look

Updated on 3/7/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

According to William Sheldon, an American researcher and psychologist, individuals may be roughly classified into one of three distinct body types: ectomorphs, mesomorphs, or endomorphs. Although this method of categorization isn't employed in current science or medicine, it was initially developed by Sheldon as a rudimentary approach to classifying individuals according to their "body type." 

Endomorphs are generally more prominent than mesomorphs and ectomorphs and have a higher percentage of body fat. They also tend to have more difficulty losing weight and may have increased insulin resistance. A high waist circumference is one of the telltale signs that someone has what is called an endomorph body type. If you are an endomorph who wants to lose weight, you may wonder if intermittent Fasting (IF) is a good option. If this is the case, examine the following information. In this post, we'll look at how intermittent fasting (IF) operates for those classified as endomorphs and whether or not it may assist you in attaining your weight reduction and health objectives.

What Does It Mean To "Fast" Intermittently?



People often follow an eating pattern known as "intermittent fasting," in which they alternate between periods of fasting and periods of eating. There are a variety of approaches to intermittent fasting, but the 16:8 technique is by far the most frequent. Other courses include: This method requires you to abstain from food consumption for 16 consecutive hours each day (often overnight), after which you must consume all of your meals within an 8-hour timeframe.

You may, for instance, decide to forgo breakfast in favor of eating lunch and supper between midday and eight o'clock in the evening. It would entail abstaining from food for 16 hours and limiting eating to a window of 8 hours.

The 5:2 Diet is an example of another sort of Intermittent Fasting. On this diet, you eat for five days of the week and then reduce the number of calories you consume to between 500 and 600 on two days that are not consecutive.

In addition, there is the eat-stop-eat strategy, in which you abstain from food for twenty-four hours once or twice weekly. You might, for instance, have dinner on Monday night and then go the entire day without eating again until dinner time on Tuesday night.

How Does One Go For Performing An Intermittent Fast?



The key to the success of intermittent Fasting is a general reduction in calorie consumption. When you fast, your body forces you to consume fewer calories than average, which might result in a loss of weight over time.

It is also believed that Fasting might change your hormone levels in a way that promotes fat burning and results in weight reduction. When you go without food for an extended period, your body may produce more of the hormone norepinephrine. This hormone aids in the breakdown of stored body fat, making it more readily available for use as a source of energy.

Additionally, some evidence is that intermittent Fasting might raise human growth hormone levels (HGH). This hormone has been associated with both decreased body fat and increased muscle mass.

Last but not least, there is some evidence that Fasting can reduce insulin levels, which is especially beneficial for endomorphs who are more insulin resistant. When insulin levels are low, your body can access fat stored in your body and use it as an energy source.

How Does One Go For Performing An Intermittent Fast?

How Does One Go For Performing An Intermittent Fast?

In addition to promoting weight reduction, evidence suggests that IF may also offer the possible health advantages listed below:

  • Reduce your insulin levels while also working to enhance your insulin sensitivity.
  • Bring down the inflammation.
  • Bring down your blood pressure.
  • Improve the health of your heart
  • Enhance the state of your brain.
  • Fight against cancer.
  • Lengthen the average lifespan.

Is Endomorphism A Prerequisite For Success With Intermittent Fasting?



Endomorphs may find success in weight loss through the practice of Intermittent Fasting. Simply limiting the amount of time you spend eating each day will help you consume fewer calories daily and, as a result, shed excess weight.

In addition, the hormonal shifts that occur during Fasting may enhance fat burning and assist endomorphs in shedding body fat resistant to other weight loss methods.

However, one of the most significant advantages of intermittent Fasting for an endomorph is the possibility that it may enhance insulin sensitivity. It is one of the essential benefits of intermittent fasting.

Insulin resistance is when a person's cells do not respond as effectively to the hormone insulin. Insulin resistance is more common in people categorized as endomorphs, and insulin resistance can increase body fat and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Some studies have indicated that intermittent Fasting can enhance insulin sensitivity in healthy persons and those who already have insulin resistance problems. It is believed that this is one of the processes by which IF assists in reducing weight.

The Lemonade Diet: Does It Work?

The Lemonade Diet

The Lemonade Diet

Reduced inflammation is another method that intermittent Fasting may assist endomorphs in their weight loss efforts. The body's response to a harmful stimulus, such as an infection or an injury, is a process known as inflammation. Reduced inflammation is a natural and essential activity; nevertheless, chronic inflammation has increased the risk of obesity and other health issues.

Some endomorphs may tend to have higher levels of inflammation, which may contribute to the fact that they have a greater likelihood of becoming obese. It has been demonstrated that intermittent Fasting can lower inflammation, which may assist endomorphs in shedding extra pounds and improving their overall health.

Lastly, animal research has shown intermittent Fasting is associated with better brain function. Research indicates that inflammation and insulin resistance may be related to some neurodegenerative disorders; hence, this research might be significant for endomorphs.



According to one study, intermittent fasting is associated with higher brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels. A protein that aids in the defense and restoration of damaged brain cells.

Because BDNF has also been connected with better insulin sensitivity, endomorphs may benefit from taking it this way.

Therefore, if you are an endomorph and want to reduce weight, intermittent fasting may be an option that is beneficial for you to consider. Endomorphs may aid in enhancing brain function, as well as insulin sensitivity, and reduce inflammation. It's possible that doing any or all of these things can assist you in achieving your weight reduction objectives and leading an overall healthier life.

What Is The Best Way For Endomorphs To Use Intermittent Fasting?



If you are an endomorph and want to try intermittent fasting, you must consider a few essential considerations.

Different types Of Fasting For Endomorphs

The practice of intermittent Fasting can be out in various ways; however, certain variations may be more beneficial for endomorphs than others.

Here Is What the Scientific Community Has to Say About Combining Intermittent Fasting with Physical Activity

A Method Using 16/8 Time

A Method Using 16/8 Time

A Method Using 16/8 Time

A Method Using 16/8 Time entails abstaining from food for 16 hours and then eating all of your meals within an 8-hour window. It is also known as the Leangains technique. You may, for instance, stop eating at eight o'clock at night and not eat again until midnight the following day.

Endomorphs could succeed with this weight loss technique, as it is considered one of the most successful approaches to the problem.



This specific fasting technique may be beneficial for endomorphs since it enables them to consume more calories at individual meals while limiting the number of calories they consume daily.

In addition, it is in sync with the body's natural circadian cycle, which may assist in accelerating metabolism and burning fat.

The 5:2 Diet



You stick to your regular diet for five days of the week and then cut back to between 500 and 600 calories on two days that aren't consecutive. For instance, you may eat regularly on all other days of the week except for Monday and Thursday, when you would cut back on the number of calories you consume.

This Diet may also be a suitable choice for endomorphs since it allows them to continue eating normally for the majority of the time while still providing them with the health benefits of Fasting.

The Diet Of The warriors

The Diet of the warriors

The Diet of the warriors

This strategy entails consuming only fresh fruits and vegetables in limited quantities throughout the day, followed by a single, substantial "feast" in the evening.

Because it helps endomorphs avoid feelings of hunger and cravings during the day, this Diet may also be an intelligent choice for endomorphs as an option.

It also allows them to consume their largest meal at the time of day when they are most likely to be active and have a heightened metabolic rate.

Alternate-Day Fasting

Alternate-Day Fasting

Alternate-Day Fasting

Alternate-Day Fasting requires abstaining from food every other day. For instance, on Monday you could eat normally, then on Tuesday you could fast, then on Wednesday, you could eat normally, and so on.

Because it might be challenging to maintain, this Diet might not be the ideal choice for endomorphs as a weight loss strategy.

It is also possible to increase the likelihood of hunger and cravings, both of which can lead to excessive eating.

During Intermittent Fasting, What Should You Consume?

During Intermittent Fasting, What Should You Consume?

During Intermittent Fasting, What Should You Consume?

While you're doing intermittent Fasting, the foods you eat are just as crucial as the times you eat them. Endomorphs with insulin resistance should follow a diet that helps them maintain control of their blood sugar levels. They may also wish to prioritize consuming anti-inflammatory items in their Diet.

While engaging in intermittent Fasting, the following are some items that are recommended for endomorphs to consume:

Green Leafy Vegetables

Green Leafy Vegetables

Green Leafy Vegetables

These are an excellent source of a variety of essential nutrients as well as antioxidants. In addition, they contain few calories and carbohydrates, making them a perfect choice for endomorphs.

  • Spinach, kale, collard greens, and Swiss chard are all beautiful choices.


Fruit is an excellent choice for endomorphs to consume since it is loaded with various nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber.

  • Berries, citrus fruits, apples, and pears are some examples of excellent selections to consider.
  • They can curb cravings while also giving the body the nutrition it needs.

Lean Protein

Lean protein is a vital component of any diet, but it is crucial to get enough of it for endomorphs. Because it helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels and promotes a feeling of fullness.

  • Chicken, fish, tofu, and lentils are all excellent choices when looking for a source of lean protein.
  • Healthy Lipids
  • Another essential component of any diet is enough consumption of healthy fats. Still, endomorphs must emphasize this dietary component because they aid in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and induce feelings of fullness.
  • Avocados, almonds, and seeds are all wonderful foods that may be used as sources of healthy fats.

Complex Carbs

Complex Carbs

Complex Carbs

Complex carbohydrates, which are processed more slowly but help maintain normal blood sugar levels, should also be a primary priority for endomorphs.

  • Oats, quinoa, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and items made from whole wheat are also excellent choices. Other possibilities include brown rice.

Even though complex carbohydrates have been shown to have positive health effects, endomorphs should avoid eating too many of them since the body will store any extra energy as fat, which might cause an increase in weight.

Endomorphs should avoid highly processed meals, refined carbohydrates, and sugary beverages as much as possible. These meals can increase blood sugar levels, increasing hunger and weight gain.

Alterations To Your Diet And Lifestyle

Diet And Lifestyle

Diet And Lifestyle

Even while endomorphs may benefit from intermittent fasting, this is not the only adjustment in lifestyle that they need to undertake to see results. They should also prioritize engaging in regular physical activity and obtaining adequate sleep.




Exercise is necessary for any program to reduce body fat, but it is paramount for endomorphs. Since they have a slower metabolism, reducing their overall body mass is more complicated.

Endomorphs should prioritize making time for both aerobic exercise and weight training regularly. May burn calories and can improve their cardiovascular health via aerobic activity. Lifting weights will help someone grow muscle, which will help them burn more calories throughout the day.

Endomorphs may want to consider working out after they break their fast or on days when they are not fasting because it might be challenging to get the recommended amount of physical activity while fasting.




Sleep is an essential component of any healthy weight reduction diet, but for endomorphs, it's especially crucial to get plenty of it. Sleep may be since they have a more significant baseline amount of the stress hormone cortisol in their bodies. Endomorphs need to receive adequate rest to keep this hormone balanced and prevent weight gain, which can be caused by it.

Endomorphs should strive to get between seven and nine hours of decent sleep each night. Like everyone else, they should follow best sleep hygiene practices and refrain from using electronic devices in bed.

Lastly, A Few Words Of Wisdom

Endomorphs may derive some benefits from intermittent Fasting; nevertheless, they must exercise caution concerning the foods they consume and the times they consume them. Endomorphs should prioritize obtaining adequate sleep, as well as being active consistently, in addition to engaging in Intermittent Fasting. They may be able to reduce their weight and keep it off with the aid of modifications in their lifestyle. Always with your primary care physician before making any significant alterations to your Diet.