The 10 Best Foods With Zinc

Foods With Zinc

Foods With Zinc

Updated on 3/7/2025
Ami DawsonBy Ami Dawson
Ami Dawson
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The mineral zinc can play a role in ensuring that your immune system remains in good working order. It also contributes significantly to the upkeep of a wide variety of other aspects of your overall health. Get to know some excellent sources of foods with zinc, such as meat, dairy products, and dark chocolate, and incorporate these foods into your diet as much as possible.

It is necessary to consume the mineral zinc, an essential component.

It is required for the activity of over 300 different enzymes and is involved in many of the essential processes in your body. It also plays a role in a number of the other methods that take place in your body.

Its responsibilities include the metabolization of nutrients, the maintenance of your immune system, and the growth and repair of bodily tissues. Additionally, it is responsible for repairing and growing body tissues.

Foods With Zinc

Foods With Zinc

Because you cannot store zinc in the body, the only way to ensure that you get the appropriate quantity of zinc is to make sure that you consume an adequate amount of it daily.

For people aged 19 and older, the recommended daily intake of zinc is at least 11 milligrams (mg), while for women in this age range, the recommended daily intake of zinc is at least 8 mg. The daily dosage of 11 mg is recommended if you consider starting a family shortly. Women who are breastfeeding or chestfeeding their children are advised to take 12 milligrams of this medication each day as the recommended daily dose.

Specific segments of the population are more likely to experience zinc deficiency, and these segments of the population include the following:

  • children
  • Adults who are well into their senior years
  • pregnant individuals
  • Individuals who are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding their infants or young children

The consumption of zinc-rich foods as part of a diet that is both nutritionally dense and balanced is an excellent way to fulfill the needs of the vast majority of people, and it should be sufficient to meet their requirements.

You can find an overview of the leading ten zinc-containing foods and beverages in the following list.

1. Meat



Because zinc is so easily accessible in meat, it makes for an excellent food source for obtaining this mineral.

Although red meat is a rich source, significant amounts can also be found in all other types of meat, including beef, lamb, and pork. Although red meat is a rich source, significant amounts can also be found in all kinds of meat. Although red meat is the most abundant source, significant amounts are also present in all other types of meat. You can discover the most unadulterated form of iron in red meat.

4.79 milligrams (mg) of zinc can be found in a portion of raw ground beef that weighs 100 grams (about 3.5 ounces). This quantity meets the requirements for males at 43.5% of the Daily Value (DV) while meeting the needs of females at 59.9% of the DV.

Additionally, a total of 176 calories, 20 grams of protein, and 10 grams of fat are contained in a single serving. In addition to this, it is an excellent source of a wide variety of other essential nutrients, including creatine, iron, and the vitamin B complex, amongst others. In a nutshell, it qualifies as a superfood.

It is essential to keep in mind that there is a connection between consuming an excessive amount of red meat, mainly processed meat, and an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease in addition to certain types of cancer. That is something that you must keep in mind at all times. Always keep this in mind; it's essential, and this is something that you shouldn't forget.

On the other hand, if you limit the number of processed meats that you eat and instead focus on eating natural red meats as part of a diet that is high in fiber and contains a variety of fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods. You probably won't need to be concerned about this issue. Natural red meats are a part of a diet that is high in fiber and contains a variety of fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods. That is because consuming natural red meats as part of a diet high in the thread and including a variety of fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods is associated with a lower risk of developing certain diseases.


Because zinc is so easily accessible in meat, it makes for an excellent food source for obtaining this mineral. The percentage of the Daily Value that is contributed by raw ground beef can range anywhere from 43.5% to 59.9%, depending on the amount consumed (100 grams). (DV).

2. Shellfish



Shellfish are excellent choices for those looking to improve their diet because of their low number of calories and the high amount of zinc they have.

Exceptionally high levels are found in oysters; six medium-sized oysters provide 33 mg, equal to 300% of the daily value for men and 412.5% for women. Oysters are rich in zinc, and phosphorus is another mineral found in high concentrations in oysters.

Even though the zinc content of other types of shellfish, such as clams and mussels, is significantly lower than that of oysters, these foods are still considered valuable sources.

Each serving of Alaska king crab, equal to 100 grams (3.5 ounces), contains 7.62 milligrams of vitamin D, equivalent to 69.3% of the daily value for men and 95.3% of the daily value for women.

Shellfish that are smaller in sizes, such as shrimp and mussels, may still have a protein content that is high enough to be beneficial. For males, a serving size of 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of either contains close to 15% of the Daily Value (DV) for that particular nutrient, while servings of the same size for females contain close to 20% of the DV for that specific nutrient.

With the likelihood of contracting food poisoning while carrying a child, it is critical to ensure that shellfish are adequately prepared by cooking them for an adequate amount of time before eating them.


Shellfish, including oysters, crab, shrimp, and mussels, are some foods that have the potential to contribute to the amount of zinc you consume daily, and other foods that have the potential to do the same include mussels and clams.

3. Legumes



Due to the substantial amounts of zinc found in legumes, such as chickpeas, lentils, and beans, these foods make for fantastic mineral sources.

A single serving of cooked lentils, equivalent to 100 grams (3.5 ounces), offers 11.5% of the daily intake for males, while a single meal provides 15.9% of the daily value for females.

On the other hand, the presence of phytates in legumes is a fact that has been thoroughly researched. As a result of the existence of these antinutrients, the body cannot absorb zinc or any of the other minerals that legumes possess. As a direct result, the nutritional value of the zinc found in legumes cannot be compared to the nutritional value of the zinc you can gain from animal sources.

Despite this, those who prefer to adopt vegan or vegetarian diets may find that beans are an essential source of zinc in their diet because legumes are a source of zinc. In addition, they are an excellent source of protein and fiber, and it is simple to incorporate them into a wide variety of recipes, such as salads, stews, and soups.

Increasing the bioavailability of zinc in plant meals such as legumes and other plant foods can be accomplished in several different ways, including soaking the food in water, fermenting the food, sprouting the food, or heating the food.


Compared to other food sources, legumes often contain exceptionally high levels of mineral zinc. These foods also contain phytates, an antinutrient that might hinder the body's capacity to absorb the mineral. Phytates can be found in legumes, grains, and nuts, and Phytates are present in practically all of the foods that come from plants. Zinc can be made more readily available to the body through various processes such as heating, sprouting, soaking, or fermentation. Increasing zinc's bioavailability is one method you can use to achieve this goal.

4. Seeds




It would be best if you gave some thought to including seeds in your diet because they are helpful to your health and can assist in raising the quantity of zinc you take in. It would be best to consider including nuts and seeds in your diet.

Regarding selection, certain seeds are more advantageous than others, and some sources are more beneficial than others.

For instance, a man can meet his recommended daily allowance (RDA) for hemp seeds by eating three tablespoons (30 grams), while a woman can fulfill her RDA by eating three tablespoons (30 grams).

Zinc can also be found in substantial quantities in a wide variety of different types of sources, including pumpkin, squash, and sesame seeds. Some instances include:

In addition to increasing the amount of zinc that you take in, seeds are an excellent food to include in your diet because they are a good source of fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, and other minerals in addition to being an excellent source of zinc. Because of this, they are an ideal supplement to any diet.

Consuming them as part of a varied and well-balanced diet has also been connected to various health benefits, including a reduction in both blood pressure and cholesterol levels. That is one of the many health benefits related to their consumption. This is one of the many positive health effects that have been associated with the consumption of foods in this category.

To get more seeds into your diet, consider sprinkling them on salads, stirring them into soups, putting them into yogurt, and adding them to other meals. These are all great ways to get more seeds into your diet.


The seeds of a wide variety of plants, including hemp, pumpkin, squash, and sesame, to name just a few of them, contain substantial quantities of the mineral zinc. Because of their high fiber content, in addition to the vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats that they include, including monounsaturated fats, you may feel better about having them in your diet because of all the nutrients that they contain. It would be best if you didn't forget to consider that they have a respectable level of protein.

5. Nuts (And Peanuts)

5. Nuts (and peanuts)

5. Nuts (and peanuts)

Increasing the amount of zinc you take in through your diet may be accomplished in several ways: by eating nuts such as pine nuts, cashews, and almonds. In addition, peanuts, which, according to the system used to classify plants, peanuts are considered legumes and a rich source of this vitamin.

Nuts are a fantastic source of a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and other vital components, including fiber, healthy fats, and many extra vitamins and minerals. Nuts are also a good provider of other essential elements. Also, nuts are an excellent resource for many vital vitamins and minerals.

When seeking a type of nut with a high zinc content relative to its overall weight, cashews are an excellent option to take into account as a potential pick. Men can obtain 14.9% of their Daily Value (DV) from a serving size of 1 ounce (or 28.35 grams), while the same serving size can provide women with 20.5% of their DV.

Nuts are an additional snack that you may take quickly and are pretty helpful to have on hand. There is a wide range of diversity in the forms and dimensions that nuts can take. They have been associated with reducing the risk factors for several diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular disease, which you can prevent.

A longer lifespan is associated with a diet that includes nuts and peanuts, in particular, as opposed to a diet that does not have these items; as a result, including nuts and peanuts in your diet is a sage decision to make from a nutritional point of view.


Nuts, such as peanuts, are an excellent choice for a snack because they are a good source of nutrition and very easy to transport and store. Because of this, they are an outstanding option, and they can make it easier for you to take in a greater quantity of zinc and a wide range of other minerals effectively.

6. Dairy



Zinc is one of those nutrients that can be increased by increasing food intake, which is associated with dairy product use which can boost nutritional information.

Cheese and milk are just two examples of supplies, but they are among the most well-known because of their widespread availability. They include high amounts of bioavailable zinc, indicating that your body can absorb most of the zinc that is found in these meals and beverages. The zinc's bioavailability makes these foods and drinks so beneficial. They are present in a wide variety of foods and beverages worldwide.

For instance, one ounce (28 grams) of solid cheddar cheese contains 9.5% of the daily intake for men, while the same quantity contains 13.1% of the daily value for women. One serving of whole milk, equal to 244 grams, contributes 9.1% of the daily deal to a man's diet while contributing 12.5% to a woman's diet.

In addition to providing protein, calcium, and vitamin D, dairy products are also rich sources of several other nutrients that are thought to be vital for maintaining healthy bones. These nutrients include phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and zinc; phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium are examples of these essential nutrients.


Zinc may often be found in relatively high amounts in foods like dairy products, which are examples of foods that humans consume. In addition, they contain a great deal of protein, calcium, and vitamin D, all of which are essential components for maintaining strong bones and teeth.

7. Eggs



Including eggs in your diet can help you get closer to the amount of zinc advised for your daily intake. Eggs contain a fair amount of zinc; therefore, including eggs in your diet can help you get closer to the amount of zinc that is recommended for your daily intake.

For instance, the daily value (DV) contributed to a man's diet by one large egg is 4.8%, whereas the daily value donated to a woman's diet by the same egg is 6.6%.

In addition, one big egg has a total of 77.5 calories, 6.3 grams of protein, 5.3 grams of good fats, and a wide range of other vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins and selenium.

Choline is an essential component that most people don't receive enough of in their diets, and whole eggs are an excellent source of the nutrient choline. Choline is a crucial component; you can find the most natural form of choline in egg yolks.


In addition to containing between 4.8% and 6.6% of the daily required amount of zinc, one large egg also includes a wide variety of other essential nutrients, such as protein, beneficial fats, B vitamins, selenium, and choline. The zinc content of one large egg ranges from 4.8% to 6.6% of the daily required amount. That is because zinc makes up between 4.8% and 6.6% of what is needed daily, and one large egg contains between these two percentages.

8. Whole Grains

8. Whole grains

8. Whole grains

All unprocessed grains, including wheat, quinoa, rice, and oatmeal, contain traces of the mineral zinc, although only at low concentrations.

Grain products, just like legumes, contain phytates, which bind to zinc and reduce the body's ability to absorb zinc through absorption. Phytates can also be found in legumes.

Whole grains have a higher phytate content when compared to processed grains; consequently, entire grains are likely to have a lower zinc content. That is because phytate inhibits the absorption of zinc. On the other hand, they provide you with a significantly greater number of benefits for your health.

In addition to this, they are an excellent source of a wide variety of essential nutrients, such as the ones listed below:

  • fiber
  • B vitamins
  • magnesium
  • iron
  • phosphorus
  • manganese
  • selenium

Whole grain eating has been connected to a lower chance of acquiring type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity and is associated with an overall better life expectancy. That is just one of the numerous positive impacts of exercise on one's health.


Whole grains can offer zinc in your diet. The zinc that they give cannot be absorbed as well as it could be from other sources because they include phytates, which prevent the zinc from being converted into a form that the body can use. That is because phytates prohibit the zinc from transforming into a form the body can utilize.

9. Some Vegetables

9. Some vegetables

9. Some vegetables

Even though zinc may be found in various meals, fruits and vegetables aren't often considered the best sources of this mineral. Many different kinds of food contain zinc in varying amounts.

It is beneficial if you don't eat meat because certain vegetables contain a decent quantity and can help you meet your daily requirements by consuming those vegetables. Additionally, it is beneficial if you don't eat meat because certain vegetables contain a decent quantity.

As an illustration, a large, regular potato has 1.08 milligrams (mg) of potassium, equivalent to 9.8% of the daily value for males and 13.5% for females, respectively. There are 0.576 milligrams of vitamin A in a large sweet potato, equivalent to 5.2% of the daily value for males and 7.2% of the daily dose for females.

Other vegetables, such as kale and green beans, have a lower concentration, with 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of these vegetables providing almost 2.5% of the DV for males and nearly 3.5% of the DV for females. Other vegetables, such as broccoli, have a higher concentration, with 100 grams (3.5 ounces) providing almost 5% of the DV.

While vegetables do not offer a considerable amount of zinc, they are an essential part of a diet that is rich in overall health and should be consumed regularly. Evidence shows that eating a diet high in vegetables is connected with a lower risk of developing chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. That is the case when compared to other diets.


Because zinc is not particularly abundant in most plants, these foods do not provide any specific health benefits to consumers. Some offer low to moderate levels, which can assist you in achieving your daily requirements, mainly if you don't consume meat. That is especially helpful in cases where you don't get enough protein from other sources.

10. Dark Chocolate

10. Dark chocolate

10. Dark chocolate

It could come as a surprise to some people that dark chocolate contains zinc in proportions that are believed to be helpful; nonetheless, zinc is present in dark chocolate in these amounts.

There are 3.31 milligrams (mg) of zinc in a dark chocolate bar with a cocoa content ranging from 70% to 85% and a weight of 100 grams (3.5 ounces). That is equivalent to 30.1% of the daily value for males and 41.4% of the DV for females.

A square of dark chocolate that weighs one hundred grams has a total of 598 calories and contains twenty-four grams of sugar. Even at a serving size that is on the lower end of the spectrum, this food has a significant calorie count.

You shouldn't rely on this sweet as your primary source of zinc because it's not exactly the kind of food you should regularly consume. Even though it can supply you with some additional nutrients, you shouldn't rely on it to do so.


Even if eating dark chocolate can offer you a healthy dosage of zinc, you should be aware that it also contains a considerable number of calories and sugar. That is something that you should take into consideration before indulging in it. Dark chocolate is a good source of zinc, but you shouldn't rely on it as your primary source of zinc. Enjoy some dark chocolate now and then. There are a variety of foods that also contain zinc.

The Bottom Line

Foods With Zinc

Foods With Zinc

Zinc is a vital mineral, and ensuring that one gets a proper quantity of zinc through their food is one of the most important things they can do for their health.

Consuming a varied diet that includes foods that are excellent sources of zinc, such as meat, seafood, legumes, seeds, nuts, and dairy products, is the best method to ensure that you are receiving enough of it. Eating these foods will help ensure that your body absorbs zinc properly. That is because a diet rich in variety provides a greater variety of nutrients than a diet that only includes one type of food.

It won't be difficult for you to incorporate any of these delectable foods into your diet, and doing so won't compromise the quality of the food you eat.

Suppose you are concerned about not getting enough foods with zinc. In that case, you should talk to an experienced medical practitioner who is accessible to assist you with the potential of taking a supplement. This person will be able to guide you through the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Best Zinc-Rich Fruits?

A significant amount of zinc, approximately 0.6 milligrams per one hundred grams, may be found in avocados, making them a valuable fruit. Blackberries have a zinc content of 2.5 milligrams per serving, equivalent to 22% of the daily intake for this mineral, and Blackberries have a calorie count of 200 per serving. One of the most important fruits to consume that contains zinc is pomegranate. Pomegranate is one of the fruits with the highest zinc concentration because one hundred grams of pomegranate contains 0.4 milligrams of zinc.

Where can I find the best zinc sources?

Zinc is the most excellent quantity in oysters, but significant amounts of the mineral can also be found in red meat and chicken. Oysters are the most plentiful source of zinc. In addition to those items listed above, other foods such as beans, almonds, crab, lobster, whole grains, morning cereals, and dairy products are also rich sources of this vitamin.

What contains a large amount of zinc?

The abundant food and water sources of zinc. The largest zinc concentrations can be found in meat, fish, and shellfish, the three dietary categories that contain the most zinc overall. Even though oysters have the highest zinc content per serving of any other food, beef is responsible for 20 percent of the zinc people in the United States get from their diets because of how frequently they eat it. That is because oysters have the lowest zinc content per serving of any other food. Zinc can be found in various foods, including seafood, eggs, and dairy products.

How does zinc get absorbed into your body?

Consuming zinc in conjunction with a meal that also contains protein makes the process of absorbing the mineral much simpler and more effective. Some of the best foods to consume if you want to get your zinc fix include oysters, red meat, chicken, cheese (ricotta, Swiss, gouda), shrimp, crab, and other forms of shellfish. The food item that contains the most zinc is raw oysters.

How does zinc benefit women?

Overview. Zinc is an essential nutrient in almost every cell in your body. It is vital to the operation of both your immune system and metabolism and plays a significant part in these processes. Zinc is an essential mineral that plays an integral role in wound healing and the maturation of your senses of taste and smell. When you eat a diet that is full of different foods, your body will generally be able to get all of the zinc that it requires.

Is zinc effective in reducing belly fat?

When obese people followed the restricted calorie diet (RCD), the decreases observed for weight, BMI, waist circumference, and hip circumference were significantly more significant when they also ingested 30 mg of zinc per day, compared to when they drank a placebo. That was the case even though both groups consumed the same number of calories.