Incredible Discovery By Cornell Student: Check It Out!

Incredible Discovery By Cornell Student

Incredible Discovery By Cornell Student

Updated on 3/7/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

You may have come across an article that has received a lot of attention and was supposedly published on the website of CNN. In the article, a student at Cornell University claims to have shed 37 pounds by following a diet plan that included apple cider vinegar and supplements of Garcinia cambogia, a type of tropical fruit.

You should be able to tell that you are not reading a CNN incredible discovery by a Cornell student article but rather an online advertisement for weight reduction products. There is no such person as the woman interviewed in the piece. Both apple cider vinegar and Garcinia cambogia do not do what the advertisement says they do, and, when taken in the recommended manner, they may cause harm.

The advertisement presented here is utterly false in every respect. Both significant and insignificant matters are lied about, such as celebrities' diets and little details regarding many health issues. Falsehoods have been coated in lies and are being served face up on a bed of lies. Here's what we need to know.  

The Piece Was First Published On "CNN Nutrition."

Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Often deduced, A tale's origin may be examined by the context in which you initially told it. If I were to publish anything along the lines of "Read the following story on represents official UK policy on false diet commercials," you would be able to see from the top of your browser that you are actually on and that I am making up the statement. The word has not been spelled correctly, "independent-research," which is incorrect, and the URL for CNN is, not

Claim: "By Suzanne Pischner"

The fact is that Suzanne Pischner does not have a presence on either LinkedIn or Twitter. Her byline can only be seen on suspicious-appearing advertisements for other weight reduction programs, such as the one that seems to be from TMZ and is hosted on the website with the URL trompe l'oeil Please email a notarized copy of your birth certificate to if you claim to be Suzanne and are reading this message.

Amanda Harman, A Student At Cornell University, Is Said To Have Lost 37 pounds and one inch off her waist in one month without having to spend a single cent of her own money.

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Weight Loss

CNN incredible discovery by Cornell student there is no record of Amanda Haughman in either Cornell's directory of currently enrolled students or graduates. In December, a virtually identical advertisement for a product named "Premiere Garcinia Cambogia" misidentified the photograph of a different lady as "Cornell student Amanda Baughman." A lifestyle blogger pointed out that the image in question was of a Scottish lady called Seana Forbes, which took it from an advertisement for a fitness app you posted on YouTube.

According to a report published on on March 13, Amanda was a Cornell student, according to reports. According to advertisements of a similar nature dated March 14, she attended either Harvard or Stanford. A search on Google image yields results that describe the same blond woman with the oversized jean shorts as a student at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The State University of Michigan (MSU), the University of South Wales (Univ. of South Wales), and the National University of Singapore (NUS). Either Amanda Haughman is a privacy-conscious worldwide scholar or—and keep in mind that this is merely a theory—she does not exist as a genuine person.

A Claim Is Made That After The Trial, Amanda Told Her Close Friend Mark. He Had Also Been Suffering With His Weight, About The Combination Of TrimGenesis Garcinia And Apple Cider Vinegar.

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There is no similarity between this Mark and the other Mark.

The picture of the man who has only been identified as Mark was taken from a CNN incredible discovery by Cornell student article that appeared in a tabloid newspaper in the United Kingdom in 2015 and was about a man named Mark Smithers. Mark did reduce his body fat, but the rest of what you've been told about him is a lie. Although he has never used this substance and does not know Amanda, a fictional character, he is a close friend of hers.  

Claim"We Sat Down With Amanda."

The fact is that Amanda is unable to sit, she does not have any lower extremities, and there is no such person as her.

I Was Able To Uncover A Radio Interview In Which Melissa McCarthy Claimed That The Combination Of TrimGenesis Garcinia And Apple Cider Vinegar Was Entirely Responsible For Her Weight Reduction.

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The right person was there, but the wrong dates were set.

The photo dated "2016" was taken in 2015, while the one dated "2015" was born in 2014. There is no such interview with McCarthy anywhere on the internet. Because it's nobody's business, and it's a weird thing to ask about in the first place, McCarthy has politely rebuffed repeated requests to talk about if or how she may have lost weight during actual interviews. US Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has never released his colonoscopy reports for the same reason.

The following statement may be false: "TrimGenesis Garcinia Contains The Naturally Occurring Ingredient, hydroxy citric acid. Which Boosts Weight Loss By Blocking The Production Of Excess Body Fat While Simultaneously Increasing Your Metabolism By More Than 130% While You Are At Rest."

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The statements made by TrimGenesis move from being laughable to having the potential to cause harm here. Garcinia cambogia is one of the numerous tropical plants with citric acid known as hydroxy citric acid (not "hydroxy citric," as in the previous sentence). The phrase "natural" is frequently misused in unregulated dietary supplements; a product's efficiency and reliability don't depend on that. Arsenic can be found in its natural state, and biological processes produce mercury. Nature creates many things that are not intended to be consumed by everyone.

There was no discernible difference in the amount of weight reduction experienced by those who took Garcinia cambogia compared to those who took a placebo in a research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998. According to a meta-analysis published in the Journal of Obesity in 2011, there was some indication of short-term weight reduction in individuals using the supplement. Those who took the supplement were also twice as likely to suffer adverse side effects related to their gastrointestinal system. Another review published in 2013 that looked at 17 separate studies concluded that weight loss was not determined by Garcinia Cambogia's impact on human consumption.

The effectiveness of this approach is not proven; despite the lack of evidence, various charlatans promote Garcinia Cambogia as a miracle treatment for weight reduction. In 2012, television personality Mehmet Oz referred to it as "a revolutionary fat buster" on one of his shows.

At a Senate hearing in 2014 on Oz's bogus claims, Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill from Missouri stated, "I don't see why you need to say this stuff since you know it's not real." You made McCaskill's comments about Oz's book, "The Wizard of Oz" (quoted in this actual CNN incredible discovery by Cornell student story).

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"The things that I discuss on my show are things that I believe in from a personal standpoint. Oz, trained as a surgeon, responded that he studies them passionately. Bigfoot hunters who are just starting can make this claim, but scientists cannot.  

The Use of TrimGenesis Garcinia Has Been Clinically Proven In Combination With Apple Cider Vinegar Can:

The subsequent allegations, which are all false, are presented below. Not a single clinical study has been conducted on the effects of taking Garcinia cambogia in conjunction with apple cider vinegar.

The purported advantages of consuming apple cider vinegar are never addressed in the advertisement; nonetheless, "Suzanne Pischner" may be counting on readers already knowing about the topic. Proponents of healthy eating have long favored apple cider vinegar as a home treatment for many ailments, including acne, sore throats, high cholesterol, and excessive blood sugar levels. Jellyfish stings are another potential use.

According to Carol Johnston, a professor and associate director at Arizona State University's School of Nutrition and Health Promotion, "there is ample scientific evidence" that vinegar does help control blood sugar when consumed with a cup of water at the beginning of a meal. You should dilute one tablespoon in the water. You conducted Johnston's research at Arizona State University. "There are clues of this—particularly in the rat model," she continued. "The evidence on weight reduction is weak, but there are hints of this." If vinegar does affect body weight, there is probably very little difference, and not what most people have in mind when they begin a weight loss experiment.

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Acetic acid, which is present in all kinds of vinegar, is the component in apple cider vinegar that is effective in lowering blood sugar levels (and possibly weight as well). Remember that vinegar is an acid and that drinking acid straight can be dangerous. Amanda Harman, a graduate of Cornell, Harvard, Michigan State University, and the National University of Singapore, recommends drinking one to two teaspoons of vinegar in water. Even though vinegar is an acid, this may not harm most people.

In the end, the advertisement presents apple cider vinegar as a homey accompaniment to a weight reduction product that has the potential to have undesirable side effects. According to the Food and Drug Administration of the United States, weight reduction pills, including those that claim to include Garcinia cambogia, frequently contain hidden chemicals, some of which are pharmaceutically active.

The problem with weight-loss-related fake news is that, much like their political counterparts, they make outrageous claims that can distract from the reality that they are still falsehoods masquerading as the truth, and they could end up injuring someone. Politicians are no different.  

In remembrance of Amanda Haughman (1995-2017), who passed away due to her involvement in the Bowling Green Massacre.

If you read an online advertisement for weight loss products, you will know that you are not reading a CNN incredible discovery by Cornell student article.