Mediterranean Diet App: The Best Guide for Beginners

mediterranean diet

mediterranean diet

Updated on 3/7/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

If you have been looking at different methods to eat more healthfully, the Mediterranean diet is a fantastic approach to begin your new journey toward those goals. This diet is an example of an eating plan that is not only delicious but also well-balanced, and it may assist you in improving your overall health. Keep reading if you want to find out which app for the iPhone supports the Mediterranean diet the best in 2022.

The most awesome app for the Mediterranean diet available for the iPhone was ranked and reviewed by 13 dietitians.

There is no doubt that anyone of the healthiest and most often followed diets in the world is the Mediterranean diet for weight reduction. According to the staff at Medical News Today, a Mediterranean diet is unquestionably advocated by a large number of physicians all over the world and nutritionists alike as a means to prevent disease and keep people healthy for the most extended period. It primarily emphasizes consuming a greater quantity of fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, and whole grains. With the assistance of these Mediterranean Diet apps for the iPhone, putting together your own personalized healthy meal plans will be much simpler.

The Following Are The Most Significant 13 Applications For The Mediterranean Diet Available For The Iphone.

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mediterranean diet

  • My Mediterranean Diet Tracker
  • Mediterranean Diet & Recipes
  • Dieta Melarossa
  • Diet and Meal Plan Based on the Mediterranean Diet
  • PEP: Mediterranean eating plan
  • The Diet and Meal Plan of the Mediterranean
  • Mediterranean Diet Plan: Low-carb diet
  • Menu Plan for the Mediterranean Diet
  • Recipe Calendar – Meal Planner
  • Mediterranean diet plan
  • The Lifesum Guide to Good Nutrition
  • Mediterraneo
  • YAZIO Tracker for Eating and Fasting

1. My Mediterranean Diet Tracker

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My Mediterranean Diet Tracker

The price is free (Offers in-app purchases). Compatible with iOS 10.0 and later versions

My Mediterranean Diet Tracker incorporates many of the features that should be present in an appropriate diet app. The software creates a personalized meal plan based on the Mediterranean diet to prepare clients for a good start. You will also have a food log in which you may keep track of the amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that you can consume. In addition to it, a fluid meter is provided. As a logical consequence of this, you will never experience any dehydration. This program stands out from the competition because of its intuitive and attractive user interface. It will be possible for anybody to switch the program to dark mode inside the options, making it possible for everyone to use it comfortably even when it is late in the day.

Principal Attributes:

Tracker and counter are used for calculating calories, carbohydrates, fat, fiber and protein; their main aim is to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Macro Calculator to determine your specific macros for a Mediterranean diet

There is a theme available in the Dark Mode.

2. Mediterranean Diet & Meal Plan

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Mediterranean Diet & Meal Plan

Free is the price (Offers in-app purchases). Compatible with iOS 11.0 and later versions

This software is designed for older people who wish to cut their chances of developing diabetes, heart disease, and cancer by following a Mediterranean diet. In addition to that, we will provide you with a personalized Mediterranean diet notebook when you purchase this item. You may even make nutritional modifications here. After all, it is possible to find recipes for a daily diet on the app. You will also have the ability to create your very own shopping list. Create a list of the items you'll need for the foods you'll be making, as well as the nutrients you'll require to restore the balance of fat, protein, and carbohydrates in your body.

Principal Attributes:

  • Menus with four courses suitable for supper in the Mediterranean
  • Intuitive UI
  • Monitor one's calorie consumption

3. Dieta Melarossa

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Dieta Melarossa

Free is the price (Offers in-app purchases). Compatibility requires iOS 13.1 or a later version.

Dieta Melarossa is an app that focuses on a Mediterranean diet and has a high number of features while being easy to use. In return for your effort, you may receive a list of wholesome foods, and the process is not overly complicated. Only English, Italian, and Spanish have supported languages for use with this software. In conclusion, you will get a standard weight loss recorder, daily calorie intakes from diets, and various weight loss plans.

Principal Attributes:

It offers a variety of meals from Mediterranean cuisine that are not only nutritious but also delectable.

Determine your body mass index (BMI), and keep a daily log of the calories you consume.

You can follow either an omnivorous or a completely vegan diet.

4. Mediterranean Diet + Meal Plan

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Mediterranean Diet + Meal Plan

Free is the price (Offers in-app purchases). Compatibility requires iOS 13.1 or a later version.

This fascinating software on the Mediterranean diet performs precisely what it has to do in order to fulfill its role as a health and lifestyle tool. You will receive a study on the appropriate components as well as the preparation of dishes from southern Europe. Nonetheless, you are also provided with a rough estimate of the price of the plate. As a direct consequence, it is always possible to prepare something easy on the wallet. You are welcome to come here and plan your diet for the day. Prepare mouthwatering meals for yourself to eat for lunch, dinner, and supper.

Principal Attributes:

Make your shopping lists.

Mediterranean diet recipes

Monitor one's calorie consumption

5. PEP: Mediterranean Diet Plan

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PEP: Mediterranean diet plan

Free is the price (Offers in-app purchases). Compatible with iOS versions 9.0 and later.

This software focuses on a sensible Mediterranean diet with easy-to-follow programs that lead you through a meal plan depending on your weight and height, as well as the type of activity you do and the goals you want to achieve. The software creates a unique food plan for each individual user every day. You will never have to look for your daily shopping list or specific recipes since they will always be at your fingertips.

Principal Attributes:

Calculations of calories and menu planning tailored to your needs, interests, and goals.

A guideline that walks you through the process of making each meal in easy-to-understand terms.

The shopping list for each day, in order for you to adhere to your diet plan.

6. Mediterranean Diet & Recipes

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Mediterranean Diet & Recipes

Free is the price (Offers in-app purchases). Compatible with iOS 10.0 and later versions.

This Mediterranean diet program is fantastic for providing you with delicious foods that adhere to the Mediterranean diet. The delectability of a healthy Mediterranean diet approach, as well as the health advantages it offers, has repeatedly been acknowledged by health professionals. The free app for the Mediterranean diet gives a wealth of information that will aid you in maintaining your health while enjoying tasty chicken and vegetarian recipes that are traditional to the Mediterranean diet.

Principal Attributes:

Menus with four courses suitable for supper in the Mediterranean

Easy to Use Interface

Monitor one's calorie consumption

Instructions on how to cook

7. Mediterranean Diet Plan: Low-carb Diet

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Mediterranean Diet Plan: Low-carb diet

Free is the price (Offers in-app purchases). Compatible with iOS versions 6.0 and later.

People who want to drop weight quickly but not at the expense of their bodies will find that their company's diet program software for the iPhone is appropriate for them. This software provides access to various weight loss programs for users to choose between them. It includes audio recordings explaining the benefits of the Mediterranean diet to customers and the diet itself. In addition, you are free to peruse the various recipes provided and prepare whatever takes your fancy.

Principal Attributes:

Recipes for soups include a chunky soup with fish from the Mediterranean, as well as many more.

A Supplemental Meal Plan for the Mediterranean Diet and an Introduction to the Diet

Keep a journal of your diet.

8. Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

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Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

Free is the price (Offers in-app purchases). Compatible with iOS versions 8.0 and later.

This program is vital for those who want to eat a more balanced diet, consume more proteins derived from plants, and reduce their exposure to harmful contaminants. In addition, this diet and recipe software for the iPhone will provide you with various food selections to choose from. In addition, they come with detailed explanations of the needed quantity of materials and the weight of those items.

Principal Attributes:

Create a list of the recipes you use most frequently to make meal planning a snap.

Create a shopping list to be with you on your next excursion to the supermarket.

Recipes may be shared on several social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

The user interface is intuitive, and the overall design is aesthetically pleasing.

9. Recipe Calendar – Meal Planner

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Recipe Calendar - Meal Planner

Free is the price (Offers in-app purchases). Compatible with iOS 10.0 and later versions.

The Recipe Calendar is straightforward to utilize. In order to start, you will need to choose or construct a meal plan, compile a grocery list, and adhere to the detailed instructions provided in order to successfully cook meals for the entire family. You are going to enjoy the delicious meals that they create with such care. This app includes everything you need, whether you're looking for a unique dish to prepare for dinner or you want to improve the overall nutritional value of your diet.

Principal Attributes:

Create a grocery list and a plan for your meals in advance

There are approximately 5000 different foods available, in addition to a wide range of dietary requirements and tastes.

Dinners for the week that have been carefully thought out, including those that are easy, difficult, dietetic, vegetarian, and more.

10. Mediterranean Diet Plan

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Mediterranean diet plan

Free is the price (Offers in-app purchases). Compatible with iOS 11.0 and later versions.

This app for the iPhone that follows a Mediterranean diet will help you find more people who follow a Mediterranean diet in the same way that you do. In addition to that, you will publish mouthwatering recipes that you have concocted on your own. You may also read and try recipes that people from all around the world have contributed. This application offers Compatibility with more than fifty different languages. In addition, look over all of the recipes and make notes of your favorites.

Principal Attributes:

Recipes from the Mediterranean diet that are good for weight reduction

You may make millions of people happy by sharing your recipes on the internet.

Please list the recipes you enjoy the most so that you may refer back to them whenever you like.

11. Lifesum: Healthy Eating

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Lifesum: Healthy Eating

Free is the price (Offers in-app purchases). Compatibility requires iOS 13.1 or a later version.

This application provides a centralized location for individualized diets, meal planning, calorie counters, tracking of both food and exercise, as well as healthy recipe collections. You may improve your health and experience incredible feelings by using Lifesum. Diets that focus on clean eating, Paleo, Scandinavian, high protein, and meal plans are also available, in addition to diets that follow the Mediterranean and ketogenic models. In addition, a weekly health score is calculated using 16 different nutritional and activity factors so that you know where you are in your journey toward a healthy life and the steps you need to take after.

Principal Attributes:

Create a list of the dishes, meals, and activities associated with the Mediterranean that are your favorites.

Trackers for your consumption of water, fruits, vegetables, and seafood might assist you in keeping tabs on your day-to-day activities.

You may also import and export your eating habits, exercise routines, weight, and body measurements from the Apple Health app.

12. Menuterraneo

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Free is the price (Offers in-app purchases). Compatible with iOS versions 9.0 and later.

This application will assist you in improving both your physical appearance and your general health and wellbeing. Keep a record of how much you've improved each week. In addition, Menuterraneo will generate a personalized diet and activity plan for you by analyzing the actions that took place over the previous week. Meal plans are well-balanced nutritionally and may be customized to include recipes that are low in sugar, salt, and cholesterol. As a result, it is the best way to maintain a diet on an iPhone.

Principal Attributes:

Mediterranean diet menu

Videos featuring meals for breakfast, lunch, and supper that are all part of a healthy Mediterranean diet

Create a list of your go-to dishes so that creating a meal plan for the Mediterranean is simple.

13. YAZIO Fasting & Food Tracker

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YAZIO Fasting & Food Tracker

Free is the price (Offers in-app purchases)

Compatible with iOS versions 14.0 and later.

This software for healthy living may successfully help you lose weight by keeping tabs on your daily food intake, tracking the activities you participate in, and more. Keeping track of calories and losing weight has been more straightforward. For example, you may make your own plan and recipes for the Mediterranean diet by filling in the gaps with information on meals and meal plans for a practical and enjoyable experience while following the Mediterranean diet.

Principal Attributes:

Plans for one's own weight loss or improved eating habits.

The calorie table contains information on over 2 million different foods.

Maintaining a food journal and a nutrition tracker for every meal is highly recommended.

To Summarize:

Applavia wishes that a Mediterranean diet app would help you get into the most excellent form of your life and cultivate a healthy eating pattern so that you may reap the benefits of following such a diet. Each application mentioned above has something unique to offer and can serve as your new personal trainer. Check out this list of the 11 best free weight loss tracker apps for the iPhone while you're at it.