Mediterranean Diet Vs Keto

Mediterranean Diet Vs Keto

Mediterranean Diet Vs Keto

Updated on 3/7/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

Both the Mediterranean diet Vs. Keto are examples of well-known eating plans that garner a lot of interest from people attempting to reduce the amount of excess weight they carry. Compared to the speedy weight loss promised by the keto diet, the results of the Mediterranean diet are considered more gradual, which is in contrast to the promises made by the keto diet.

Mediterranean Diet Vs Keto

Mediterranean Diet Vs Keto

Although adhering to the Keto diet requires you to drastically reduce your consumption of some healthful foods and encourages you to consume a considerable quantity of fat, it also runs counter to the conventional wisdom commonly held regarding proper nutrition. Follow the Mediterranean diet, a healthier and more well-rounded eating plan that you can quickly implement into your everyday life. You may find it easier to achieve and maintain your ideal weight, and that is because the Mediterranean diet is designed to be as simple as possible.

When it comes to the ketogenic diet, dietitians and doctors alike tend to laud the virtues of the Mediterranean diet. However, this is not the case at all when it comes to the ketogenic diet.

Mediterranean Overview

The expression "Mediterranean diet" refers to a way of eating that has seen a surge in popularity in recent years, not just in the United States but also in the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe. This eating pattern was initially designed to characterize the typically nourishing diet of people in southern Italy and Greece surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Its name comes from those two countries.

Mediterranean Diet Basics

Mediterranean Diet Basics

Mediterranean Diet Basics

The term "Mediterranean diet" does not relate to a singularly defined eating plan; instead, it describes an approach to preparing and consuming balanced and comprehensive food. In summary, the following are the elements that, when combined, make up a dinner cooked in the style of a meal from the Mediterranean, and as such, we can consider it a Mediterranean dinner:

  • Foods that have been prepared contain many fruit and vegetable ingredients.
  • Among the essential nutrients in a diet are many nuts, beans, and other legumes, as well as several complete grains.
  • putting a focus on the utilization of aromatic plants and seasonings
  • Food preparations that are high in healthful fats, such as olive oil and other oils potent in monounsaturated fats
  • Consuming fish and other types of seafood at least once every other in 2 weeks is recommended.
  • Eggs, poultry, and dairy products in measured quantities, in addition to poultry and dairy goods, individually.
  • Consume sweets, red meat, and foods high in saturated fat on a very occasional basis.

According to Carrie Dennett, owner of Nutrition by Carrie and a registered dietitian nutritionist with her company's headquarters in the Pacific Northwest, many of her clients looking for a healthy approach to losing weight ask about the Mediterranean diet. Carrie Dennett is based in the Pacific Northwest. According to many scientific studies, the foods in the Mediterranean diet are among the healthiest possible for humans. Fruits and vegetables, as well as beans, lentils, and whole grains, are included in this category of foods. Seafood is widely utilized as one of the primary protein sources in various culinary preparations.

Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean Diet

Customers usually express concern over the number of carbs included in pasta, which is a significant component of the food prepared in Italy. Pasta is not required to be consumed to adhere to the dietary guidelines of the Mediterranean diet. "Pasta has a nasty rap," Dennett says. And it doesn't have to be that way: If you take care not to overcook the pasta, limit the amount you eat, and top it with a sauce that contains protein and healthy fat, you may be able to reduce the number of carbohydrates in your meal and prevent them from being absorbed too quickly. That will result in a reduction in the number of unexpected increases in blood sugar.

The Mediterranean diet is helpful to one's health, and it is simple to stick to since it is inclusive rather than "punitive," as stated by Sharon Palmer, a licensed dietitian and the creator of the site Plant-Powered Dietitian. She continues, "The Mediterranean diet has been there for thousands of years, and it's the diet that's been researched the most on the whole planet." "In addition, it does not negatively impact the environment."

A further benefit of the Mediterranean diet is that, in comparison to the ketogenic diet, in a recent article published in the Fielding School of Public Health Journal, Dana Ellis Hunnes, a registered dietitian, an assistant professor and the author of "Recipe for Survival: What You Can Do to Live a Healthier and More Environmentally Friendly Life", said that there are many health benefits to eating a healthy diet." which was published in January 2022, this is the case. Hannes's book was titled "What You Can Do to Live a Healthier and More Environmentally Friendly Life." According to Hunnes, this is because the Mediterranean diet focuses considerably more on meals from plants than the ketogenic diet.

Keto Overview

keto diet

keto diet

One may choose to follow other variants of the ketogenic diet, like the filthy keto diet. Several people prefer to stay in ketosis for the rest of their lives, while others cycle through the ketosis state and other diets throughout their lives. According to the rankings that U.S. News Best Diets supply, the ketogenic diet is deemed low in carbs.

The ketogenic diet emphasizes the breakdown of fat into ketones as a technique for achieving weight loss. You make significant reductions in the number of carbs you consume and switch to eating a diet higher in fats in its place. Diet proponents say that if you adhere to these guidelines, you will be able to enter the ketosis state in a healthy manner.

A state of ketosis is one in which your body is burning fat for energy, it will make substances known as ketones by breaking down fat from both the food you eat and the fat stored in your body. This breakdown of fat will occur when you are in a state of ketosis. You might want to think that the method you use to lower your body's overall fat consumption now draws most of its power from fat rather than sugar; this can result in a significant weight loss in a relatively short time.

The presence of fruity breath, decreased appetite, alterations in exercise performance, and weight loss can all be used to diagnose ketosis. Examinations of the urine and the blood can also reveal this information.

During a ketogenic diet, you should generally restrict an individual's daily consumption of carbs to between 15 and 20 grams of net carbohydrates. About seventy percent of the calories we take daily originate from the fat we ingest. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015–2020 indicate an intake of carbohydrates equal to 130 grams per day and consumption of fat ranging from 25 percent to 35 percent of daily calories. In addition, you should limit fat consumption to 25 percent to 35 percent of daily calories.

keto diet

keto diet

According to the findings of Dennett and Hunnes's research, the vast majority of the time, individuals do not even come close to achieving the state of ketosis. According to Hunnes, "many individuals" are not genuinely following the ketogenic diet in the "full-on definition of the word." They are not following the diet if they are not being overseen by a ketogenic dietician who specializes in it and has experience in the field. They are just sticking to a diet high in protein but low in carbs, which may not be the ideal option for their overall health, but they are sticking to it anyway.

Keto Diet Basics

The ketogenic diet overturns the way that people often think about diets and dietary practices. Here's how a keto diet may look:

  • Ribeye steak, chicken thighs with the skin on, pig roast, and savory delicacies like bacon are alternatives to skinless poultry and lean cuts of meat with high protein. These alternatives include skinless poultry and lean cuts of meat.
  • It is recommended that you have meals that contain whole milk and foods produced with dairy products.
  • You may reduce your desire for sweet foods if you indulge in desserts permitted on the ketogenic diet. Some examples of these desserts are dark chocolate and nut butter.
  • Ingredients that are appropriate for use in a salad include Dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, and lettuce. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower.Cucumbers.
  • On the other hand, starchy vegetables like corn and sweet potatoes have an unacceptable carbohydrate content and should not be consumed.
  • You might make a salad's dressing with oils such as avocado, olive, canola, flaxseed, or palm, or it could be made of mayonnaise. Either way, it could be delicious.

Similarities Between Mediterranean And Keto

Similarities Between Mediterranean And Keto

Similarities Between Mediterranean And Keto

Mediterranean diets as well as ketogenic diets are both very healthy have a characteristic in which they cannot be summed up in a single, all-encompassing plan: neither one of them does not allow for exceptions. Consequently, you are free to select components from several iterations of the diet and mix them to develop a personalized eating strategy that caters to your tastes in terms of the foods you consume, your way of life, and the amount of money you have available.

In addition, in comparison to many other diets, both permit eating a significantly more considerable amount of fat. There is frequently some overlap between distinct food sources, even though some of those food sources could be different from one another. "A keto diet is a very low-carb diet that relies primarily on fats such as avocados, avocado oil, nuts, and seeds," explains Hunnes about the keto diet. "Keto diets are very low in carbs." "You can also employ nuts." Avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil are all beautiful complements to a Mediterranean diet, which makes it possible to eat more of these items overall.


There can be some financial consequences resulting from following one or both of the diets, depending on the modifications you make to either of them based on the changes you make. When you adhere to a ketogenic diet, as Dennett points out, "you're losing crucial staple products like beans, lentils, and whole grains," all of which are available at affordable prices for the average person.



You can choose different things to eat, such as purchasing cheaper cuts of meat, to meet the requirements of the ketogenic diet in the most financially prudent manner. That may include reducing the amount of fat you consume overall.

Dennett continues by saying, "You don't find a lot of criticism of the Mediterranean diet," but "one objection I occasionally see is that it can be more expensive." [Further citation is required] You can make modifications, such as if you cannot procure fresh seafood or if it is prohibitively expensive for you to do so.

"People can do tuna or sardines, (which are) incredibly healthy, and (which are) rich in omega-3s," she says. "People can do tuna or sardines." Salmon is a good option for people since it is highly healthful and high in omega-3s. In a similar line, you might consider substituting frozen fruits and vegetables for certain fresh products in your recipe.

Health Benefits

When an individual loses weight, the risk of developing health conditions like high blood pressure, heart attacks, and cancer, which are associated with being overweight or obese, is reduced. That is true regardless of the individual's approach to achieving their goal of shedding excess pounds.

In a preliminary study conducted as part of a research project, it was found that, adhering to a ketogenic diet may help lower blood sugar (blood glucose) levels and assist in preventing rises in blood sugar levels. That may help avoid type 2 diabetes or make it easier to manage. In those with diabetes or prediabetes who follow a ketogenic diet, hemoglobin A1C levels are reduced. This level measures how effectively a person regulates glucose levels throughout an extended period. These results originated from investigations that were relatively brief and were published in 2017 and 2018.

Health Benefits

Health Benefits

Numerous studies have demonstrated that adhering to a diet analogous to the Mediterranean area benefits one's health. Participants in a long-term study involving over 26,000 healthy Approximately 25% of American women who eat a Mediterranean diet have a reduced risk of heart disease compared to women who do not follow a Mediterranean diet, according to the findings published in December 2018. An American study was conducted as part of the study.

A study carried out in the United States and Europe on large populations of people who adhered to the diet found that it lowered the risk of experiencing a heart attack, stroke, or dying from any cause. A metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors related to diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity, when present in an individual, raise that person's probability of getting cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Some evidence suggests that following a diet similar to that of the Mediterranean can assist in reversing metabolic syndrome.

Weight-Loss Effects

The two diets that we have mentioned here have the potential to assist you in achieving your weight loss goal in the shortest possible time.

Differences Between Mediterranean And Keto

Differences Between Mediterranean And Keto

Differences Between Mediterranean And Keto


Meal delivery services currently in existence may accommodate either diet that a person might follow. The top meal delivery services for the Mediterranean diet provide meals that are either completely ready to eat or take just a few minutes of preparation. The pricing ranges from about $7 to $13 for each meal. It is reasonable to anticipate that the most dependable keto meal delivery services would charge somewhat higher fees, often falling somewhere between $11 to $15 for each meal.

Health Benefits

There is a substantial disparity in the diets regarding how well they are rated for their effects on one's health. On lists of the best diets for healthy eating, the Mediterranean diet is almost always placed first, either by itself or in a tie for first place with the DASH diet, which is also a balanced diet. Both of these diets aim to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. That is because it is common knowledge that the Mediterranean diet is both harmless and advantageous to one's health.

Health Benefits

Health Benefits

The panel of health and nutrition experts has given the keto diet a failing grade because it prohibits the intake of specific foods rich in vital nutrients and loaded with a lot of fat. As a result, the keto diet obtains a failing mark. The Ketogenic Diet is ranked dead last among all diets for health in the year 2022; however, the Modified Ketogenic Diet, which permits a bit less dietary fat and more protein and carbs, ranks considerably higher than the original Ketogenic Diet.

Weight-Loss Effects

Because sticking to a ketogenic diet is more likely to result in quick and considerable weight loss, we have placed this eating plan near the top of our list of the best diets for rapid weight loss. On the other hand, consistently keeping a healthy weight is a task. If you follow the Mediterranean diet, your body will shed more measured and steady pounds, making your road to a healthier weight more comparable to running a marathon than competing in a sprint. Regarding the most effective diets for weight reduction, the Mediterranean diet may be positioned somewhere in the center of the pack.


There is widespread consensus that the Mediterranean diet is a wise food option for people of all ages, from infants and toddlers to retirees and those in their senior years. However, persons with health difficulties should discuss the matter with their doctor before making substantial changes to their diet.

Diets such as the ketogenic diet, which are well-known for a large amount of fat they contain, have been associated with an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease. It is not suggested for those with certain medical conditions, and it is not considered safe for people with conditions that damage either the liver or the kidneys. Insulin and the hormones that govern reproduction can be significantly affected by changes in hormone levels, which can also affect insulin.

Keto remains a controversial treatment option for diabetic individuals, particularly among those already taking insulin for their condition. Before commencing a ketogenic diet or lifestyle, you must have a conversation with your primary care physician about your goals.

Which One Is Better?

Which One Is Better?

Which One Is Better?

People who are primarily interested in rapid weight reduction may find more success following the keto diet. In contrast, people searching for a balanced eating plan to help them maintain a healthy weight over time may find more success following the Mediterranean diet. Mediterranean diet Vs. Keto are intended to help people lose weight and maintain a healthy weight over time.

Weight LossGradual weight loss could approach 20 pounds over a year. Up to 10 pounds in first week (includes water weight). 
FoodBalanced plan high in produce, nuts, whole grains, olive oil. Moderate in seafood, poultry, dairy. Infrequent red meat or sweets.Extremely low-carb, high-fat plan with many versions.
Health BenefitsReduces risk factors for heart disease and diabetes. May reduce blood sugar levels and spikes. 
Health RisksNo risks reported. People with liver or kidney conditions should not take this product.