What Are The Side Effects Of Going Vegan?



Updated on 3/7/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

Simply put, what is veganism? Veganism's positive effects on one's health Other advantages of adopting a vegan lifestyle Consequences unfavorable to veganism Are you thinking of moving to a diet primarily of plants? Research the many advantages and disadvantages of adopting a vegan lifestyle. You may guarantee that your body receives all of the nutrients it requires by researching objectively vegan material and the benefits and Side Effects Of Going Vegan.

What Is Veganism?



Vegans consume only plant-based meals and steer clear of everything derived from an animal, including meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, dairy products, eggs, and honey. Many people also choose not to purchase items that are derived from animals (e.g., leather and reptile skin). In general, veganism rejects everything that involves the exploitation of animals, such as the use of animals in entertainment or for testing purposes of products.

Following a vegan diet has both benefits and drawbacks. Your health may suffer when you don't receive enough nutrients from veganism. A vegan lifestyle requires careful planning and awareness of what you put into and on your body.

Can discover Ingredients such as gelatin, albumin, casein, carmine, and pepsin originating from animals in marshmallows, gummy candies, chewing gum, and other similar products. When going grocery shopping, vegans need to pay careful attention to the labels on the products.



A vegan diet may appear restrictive, but far more plant-based alternatives are available now than in the past. Fruits and vegetables, legumes (including beans and lentils), grains and seeds, nuts and nut kinds of butter, plant-based milk, and soy products such as tofu are all acceptable options for vegans to consume.

The availability of plant-based meats and cheeses has also increased. However, it is still preferable to consume a diet mainly comprised of fresh vegetables and whole grains rather than mass-manufactured and processed products.

Veganism's Positive Effects On One's Health

The practice of veganism has many positive effects on one's health if it is well-organized and carried out. A veganism diet is often high in nutrients since it emphasizes consuming fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains.

Veganism's Positive Effects On One's Health

Veganism's Positive Effects On One's Health

Whole foods are particularly rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, while also being relatively low in cholesterol and saturated fat. In addition to vitamins B1, C, and E, a balanced vegan diet includes enough fiber, magnesium, folic acid, and iron. Just be sure to include some vital amino acids and proteins in your diet, often derived from animal-based sources.

It is essential to examine veganism's positive and negative aspects, just as with any other lifestyle choice. Nevertheless, the extensive list of health advantages includes the following:

Control of blood sugar has significantly improved in recent years, and In light of the alarming rise in type 2 diabetes in the United States, this is welcome news. The United States. On the other hand, vegetarian and vegan diets and lifestyles may offer some potential benefits for managing this chronic illness. In clinical trials, participants with type 2 diabetes who followed low-fat vegan diets raised their level of Greater control of glycemic control than those who followed standard diabetic diets. Studies using observational methods have shown that those who consume vegetarian diets had nearly half the risk of developing diabetes as people who do not follow vegetarian diets.

Veganism's Positive Effects On One's Health

Veganism's Positive Effects On One's Health

Eliminating meat, dairy, and other animal products from your diet will assist you in achieving your weight reduction goals and lowering your cholesterol levels. These items have a higher calorie and fat content than plant-based meals. An article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that vegans often have lower body weight and blood pressure than the general population.

Reduced risk of cardiovascular and heart disease Your daily diet determines whether or not you are at risk for specific variables contributing to heart disease. Maintaining healthy glucose levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol is essential to keeping a healthy heart. Generally, those who follow a vegan diet are more likely to consume items that are good for their souls, such as vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.

Reduced risk of acquiring some cancers: Consuming excessive meat, mainly processed meat, may increase your risk of colon and esophageal cancer. Alternatively, vegan diets, known for their high fiber content, can help you avoid such issues.

Other Advantages Of Adopting A Vegan Lifestyle

Other Advantages Of Adopting A Vegan Lifestyle

Other Advantages Of Adopting A Vegan Lifestyle

Although many people discuss the pros and downsides of a vegan diet from a health perspective, they must consider some environmental and ethical considerations. Vegan lifestyles have the potential to reduce the human imprint on the environment, protect natural resources, and shed attention on terrible agriculture and animal research methods.

The breeding, growing, and feeding animals specifically for human consumption uses natural resources. More than half of the world's crops are used for food production. At the same time, cattle ranching and other agricultural activities are responsible for sixty percent of the world's rainforests being cleared for development. They might put these rich resources to better use elsewhere, such as by cultivating plants to feed more people.

Consequences Unfavorable To Veganism



The switch to a plant-based lifestyle needs to be meticulously thought out. Awareness of the potential for severe nutrient deficits and the hazards associated with veganism is essential. Make an appointment with your primary care physician or a nutritionist to make sure you are getting enough of the vital proteins and other nutrients that can only be found in meat, dairy products, and eggs.

Some people experience adverse effects from adopting a vegan diet, such as anemia, abnormalities in hormone synthesis, deficits in vitamin B12, and depression due to a lack of omega-3 fatty acids since a diet rich in proteins, vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, calcium, iodine, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids in sufficient amounts.

Some people experience adverse effects from adopting a vegan diet, such as anemia, abnormalities in hormone synthesis, deficits in vitamin B12, and depression due to a lack of omega-3 fatty acids.

Tofu, nutritional yeast, and fortified cereals are just a few examples of foods that have had some of these nutrients added to them. Tofu is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and zinc, while legumes and dark, leafy vegetables are good sources of iron and calcium. Last but not least, you may get omega-3 fatty acids like DHA and ALA from walnuts, canola oil, crushed flaxseed, and items made from soy.

What Are Some Other Problems Associated With Veganism? 

What Are Some Other Problems Associated With Veganism?

What Are Some Other Problems Associated With Veganism?

Believe it or not, one of the reasons why some individuals should avoid veganism is because it might cause them to gain weight. It is frequently brought on by consuming excessive processed junk food, typically heavy in fat and calories. It's possible that switching to a plant-based diet can cause you to feel hungry and bring on the urge to binge eat. Choose foods like lean meats, whole grains, and other options that will help you feel filled for a more extended period.

A vegan way of life requires careful planning and organization, as was just described. It would help to think about putting up food lists in advance, shopping strategically, and preparing meals. Going out to eat at a restaurant for the first time without adequate research on the establishment might illustrate the benefits and drawbacks of veganism. These days, many restaurants provide a variety of vegan alternatives. On top of that, brand-new, creative vegan restaurants are constantly opening up in different parts of the nation.

Veganism's Positive Effects On One's Health

Veganism's Positive Effects On One's Health

Meat consumption by humans was formerly essential to their continued existence, but this is no longer the case. In terms of sustainability, a growing population and an increase in the consumption of animal goods have a substantial influence on the environment, as stated in a study published by the United Nations. Other research, on the other hand, suggests that veganism has a detrimental impact on the natural world and on nations that rely on the food and trade opportunities provided by animal products. If you are someone who has the time and resources to devote to a new lifestyle, the vegan diet is a fantastic option to consider. You run the risk of not getting enough of some essential vitamins and minerals if you follow this diet because it is a more stringent eating plan. You are more likely to put on weight if you give in to the temptation of eating processed, high-carb vegan goods rather than non-vegan sources of protein like fish and meat with lower fat content.

Suppose you know and have the financial resources necessary to follow the vegan diet correctly. Here are four potentially disastrous consequences you should keep an eye out for. Peach consumption is associated with some unexpected health risks.

An Increase In Vitamin B12 Deficiency.

An Increase In Vitamin B12 Deficiency.

An Increase In Vitamin B12 Deficiency.

Vitamin B12 is necessary for providing you with energy, and it even plays a part in the production of DNA and red blood cells in the body. Because the human body cannot produce this vitamin on its own, the only way to obtain it is through the food you consume. Vitamin B12 is high in quantities in various animal products, including dairy, fish, and meat; vegans avoid these products. Most foods derived from plants do not, with a few notable exceptions. According to Dr. Niket Sonpal, a board-certified gastroenterologist and professor at the Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, vegans are at a significant risk of vitamin B12 deficiency, which can cause nerve damage because a vegan diet does not contain any animal products.

In addition, a vitamin B12 deficiency increases the risk of neuritis, an inflammation of nerves outside the spinal column and brain. "Neuritis may be painful and can lead to permanent nerve damage." Muscle weakness, stabbing pain, and in severe cases, paralysis of the afflicted region are all potential symptoms of neuritis. However, these symptoms are not exclusive to the condition.

Vegans must take a vitamin B12 supplement to guarantee the best possible health. According to Sonpal, before indications of nerve damage appear in our bodies, such as disorientation, trouble walking, muscular weakness, and tingling in the hands, our bodies may go between two and four years without receiving any external vitamin B12 supplementation.



Consuming tofu is a fantastic way to get protein from plants, and it works particularly well in place of other types of meat. Because of the low level of processing that goes into soy-based foods, such as edamame, tempeh, tofu, and unsweetened soy milk or yogurt, they are packed with an abundance of essential vitamins and minerals.

Sonpal cautions against processed soy-based meals, such as energy bars, protein powders, and sweetened soy milk and yogurt, due to the high concentration of isoflavones in most foods. According to him, "phytoestrogens can connect with hormone receptors in a manner that is analogous to the way that human estrogen does." "High doses of soy can cause infertility difficulties due to its powerful anti-estrogen effects; however, you need to eat a lot of it for this to happen." "high dosages of soy can cause infertility problems."

To summarize, you do not need to be concerned about anything as long as you do not routinely consume more than the amount of soy protein powder advised to be used in your smoothie.

Greater Possibility Of Swallowing Poisonous Metals.

Greater Possibility Of Swallowing Poisonous Metals.

Greater Possibility Of Swallowing Poisonous Metals.

According to Sonpal's findings, those who follow a vegan diet ingest a more considerable amount of soy protein than vegetarians or omnivores do on average. Meals based on soy are frequently excellent for the health of the digestive tract and offer sufficient quantities of protein; nevertheless, there is a possibility that these foods include cadmium, a highly poisonous heavy metal.

A study conducted in 2011 discovered that those who consumed tofu products had the most "strong connection" with cadmium content in urine samples in contrast to individuals who did not eat any tofu products.

According to Sonpal, "cadmium is extremely toxic to the kidney and has the potential to either induce renal illness or cause the bones to grow weaker."

Consuming a diet that contains both foods derived from soy and other plant-based sources of protein, such as lentils and quinoa, will help to keep exposure levels to a minimum.

The Possibility Of An Iron Deficit.

The Possibility Of An Iron Deficit.

The Possibility Of An Iron Deficit.

Despite contradictory information regarding vegans and iron deficit, many foods commonly avoided by vegans, such as eggs, fatty fish, and red meat, are high in iron. In addition, foods such as spinach, pumpkin seeds, lentils, and broccoli all contain a good amount of this mineral. The most important thing you can do to maintain healthy levels of iron in your body is to ensure that you include a sufficient amount of the foods listed above in your diet regularly.


Cutting out animal products is only one aspect of veganism, but if you put in the effort to research and prepare ahead, you could find that adopting a vegan diet improves your overall health. A vegan diet, giving it a go, is the best way to determine whether or not the lifestyle change is worthwhile for you.

In the end, discussing the benefits and drawbacks of veganism with your primary care provider is a good idea. Find out whether you require daily supplements or if you suffer from ailments that might cause you difficulties adhering to a vegan diet. After that, you should follow up with regular checkups and blood testing.