What Is A Bland Diet For Humans

bland diet

bland diet

Updated on 3/7/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

Why Should You Eat A Bland Diet?

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bland diet

Heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea are all symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort that may be alleviated by consuming a diet low in fat and high in bland foods. Peptic ulcers can be effectively treated with a bland diet, especially when combined with certain modifications in lifestyle, such as reducing the amount of stress the patient is under.
Foods that are considered bland often have a smooth consistency, a low fiber content, a higher pH, and only a trace amount of seasoning. These elements contribute to the prevention of an increase in acid production, reflux, or other forms of irritation to the digestive system.

Despite it's name, eating a bland diet can be just as satisfying to the palate as it is to the digestive tract. Because the most effective dietary strategy for treating digestive issues is one that goes to the bottom of the problem and addresses it at its source, the following recommendations may differ from person to person. But in general, the following is a rundown of the foods you should eat and the foods you should avoid.

What Sorts Of Foods Are Acceptable?

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bland diet

Because the requirements of each individual are distinctive, you should probably talk about your dietary decisions with your physician or a nutritionist. They are able to offer further insight by tailoring it to your unique diagnosis and way of living.

The following items are often suggested for consumption on a bland diet if you do not suffer from a previous food allergy or intolerance:

Low-fat dairy

Milk that is low in fat or fat-free, yogurt, and cheeses with a flavor that is not overpowering, such as cottage cheese, are all fine choices. However, exercise caution. Lactose and milk protein intolerance are two of the most common reasons some people experience discomfort in their gastrointestinal tract. In addition, several medical professionals advise avoiding dairy products to aid in treating peptic ulcers.

Certain veggies

These are some of the vegetables you should be eating:

  • beets
  • carrots
  • green beans
  • peas
  • potatoes, either white or sweet
  • spinach
  • pumpkin
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bland diet

You can obtain fresh, frozen, or tinned vegetables, depending on what you like. However, you shouldn't eat them in their uncooked form. It is recommended to prepare them by boiling or steaming them, with very little to none of any form of fat, such as butter.

When consumed in moderation, lettuce and other salad greens are tolerable for some people; for your best interest, avoid eating vegetables that produce gas, such as those belonging to the cruciferous family. In this category are vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and Brussels sprouts, among others.

Fruits that are low in fiber

In general, fruits that have been cooked or canned and that do not have fibrous or seedy components can be included in a bland diet. These include melons and bananas, among other things. Despite having a higher fiber content than other fruits, Avocados might also be well tolerated.

Granulated grains

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bland diet

Products made with refined wheat, seedless rye, and white bread are examples of possible healthy alternatives. On the other hand, eating cereals containing gluten can worsen some people's digestive symptoms.

If you do not suffer from gluten sensitivity, then you can also take pleasure in the following foods and drinks:

  • Simple crackers made with soda
  • a kind of silky white pasta
  • Cereals are prepared before consumption, such as cream of wheat, processed oatmeal (not high-fiber or steel-cut), and flour.
  • Cereals served cold that are low in sugar content.

Eggs, fish, and poultry 

As long as they are prepared with mild seasonings and very little to no fat, lean protein sources can be consumed without fear of illness. These are the following:

  • skinless chicken
  • species of fish, including salmon and trout
  • seafood from the mollusk family, including shrimp, lobster, and crab
  • eggs
  • silken tofu

Other kinds of edibles

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bland diet

If the contents of the soup or broth you choose are on the approved list of meals, a good choice would have a creamy base or a clear broth.

A relaxing beverage option is chamomile tea, which can be enjoyed with or without honey.

Because the added sugar might worsen symptoms, dessert foods like vanilla pudding, marshmallows, and simple cookies should only be taken in moderation if possible.

Spreading alternatives for bread include peanut butter that is smooth and creamy, jelly, and jam that does not contain seeds.

You may find certain seasonings unpleasant to your stomach. Still, by experimenting with basil, parsley, salt, and other mild flavorings, you can narrow down the kind of seasonings to which you are sensitive.

What Should I Keep Away From?

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bland diet

The effects of foods vary from person to person. Products made with tomato, garlic, and tea containing caffeine can cause various gastrointestinal symptoms in certain individuals, including heartburn. Some people can handle dishes with a lot of spice, but they have difficulty digesting foods high in fat.

Your specific requirements may be different, but in general, if you're trying to stick to a bland diet, you shouldn't eat any of these foods:

High-fat dairy

It's best to steer clear of cheeses with bold flavors and dairy products high in fat. These are the following:

  • complete milk
  • Cream whipped to a foam.
  • ice cream
  • Cheese made with Monterey Jack.
  • bleu cheese
  • cheese from Roquefort

Additionally, dairy is a known symptom-inducing food for certain people; if this describes you, you should avoid dairy products entirely.

Certain veggies

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bland diet

Some veggies have a well-deserved reputation for being gassy. These are the following:

  • Varieties that are classified as cruciferous, such as cabbage, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts
  • onion
  • garlic
  • peppers
  • cabbage
  • Tomatoes and goods made from tomatoes are both extraordinarily acidic and must be avoided.

Fruit with seeds and a tart flavor

In general, the presence of skin or seeds on a fruit indicates that it contains an excessive amount of fiber for a low-flavor diet. Additionally, the acidic nature of certain fruits may cause heartburn in certain individuals.

Fruits to avoid include:

  • All berrys
  • grapes
  • prunes
  • oranges
  • lemons
  • limes
  • grapefruits
  • Additionally, dried fruits and fruit liquids should be avoided to the greatest extent possible.

Whole grains

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bland diet

If you are proceeding with a low-fiber or low-residue diet that is occasionally recommended as part of a bland diet, you should avoid eating items high in fiber and whole grains. Additionally, gluten may be a catalyst for certain individuals, which is why avoiding all forms of wheat, rye, and barley may be advantageous.

Steer clear of these:

  • Bread made with sprouted wheat.
  • grain, bread, and pastries
  • Pasta made with whole wheat.
  • any product with additional fiber, like cereal, for example
  • Meats, poultry, legumes, and fish that are high in fat

Gas can be produced by eating beans of any kind, whether they are dried, tinned, or lentils. It's also possible that eating beef, poultry with the skin on, and fried fish will irritate your digestive tract.

Steer clear of any protein sources that are fried, fatty, or otherwise greasily prepared, as well as processed deli meats. You should also avoid prepared dishes like beef or chicken tacos, chili, and meat sauce, which are just some examples.

Other kinds of edibles

There is no one specific sort of alcoholic beverage that does not have the potential to irritate the stomach. The same is true for beverages containing caffeine, such as coffee, tea, and soda.

It is recommended that you do not use several of the dressings and sauces that are available, including horseradish, salad dressing, mustard, and ketchup.

The following are some more things that can make your symptoms worse:

Treats high in fat and calories:

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bland diet

  • cheesecake and dark chocolate
  • olives
  • popcorn
  • granola
  • nuts

General Diet Suggestions

It's possible that eating three smaller meals spaced throughout the day will be gentler on your stomach than eating three larger meals. Make an effort to relish each meal by eating gently and avoiding overindulging at any one sitting. Aloe vera and deglycyrrhized licorice root are two dietary supplements that have demonstrated significant potential in treating digestive issues.

Avoiding eating in the late hours of the night or within two hours of retiring to bed is another good strategy. If you have a full stomach when you go to bed, this could make your symptoms worse.

Look for supplements that contain licorice root.


bland diet

bland diet

Your body will not receive all the nutrients it needs to function correctly if you continue the bland diet. Discuss with your primary care provider how long you should continue following this eating plan. Your physician can also provide guidance regarding the appropriate timing for reintroducing certain foods or categories of foods.

Antacids and acid blockers are two types of drugs that could be added to your treatment plan in certain circumstances. Alterations to your lifestyle, such as learning how to better handle stress and losing weight, may also be recommended by your physician.