Are Beets Good For You? 9 Impressive Health Benefits of Beets

Are Beets good For You

Are Beets good For You

Updated on 3/7/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

Are beets good for you? Beetroots are an intriguing variety of vegetables that are both colorful and adaptable, whether they are known as beetroots or simply as beets. As a result of the earthy flavor and scent they exude, they are highly regarded worldwide.

Apart from adding a splash of color to your plate and being an excellent source of nutrients, beets are also an excellent source of nutrients. Vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds are abundant in them, and many of these compounds have therapeutic properties, making them a great source of vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds.

Additionally, they have a variety of savory and delicious dishes that can be easily incorporated into your diets, such as balsamic roasted beets, hummus, fries, and salads, to name just a few of the many options you have available to you.

There are nine benefits of beets that have been proven in scientific research and some tasty ways to incorporate them into your diet.

1. Numerous Nutrients With Relatively Few Calories

Numerous Nutrients With Relatively Few Calorie

Numerous Nutrients With Relatively Few Calorie


It is particularly noteworthy that beets have an impressive nutritional profile.

There are few calories in these vegetables, but they contain a significant amount of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that benefit the body as a whole, as well as a considerable amount of fiber. Undoubtedly, they provide a trace amount of virtually every vitamin and mineral the body requires.

In 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of boiled beetroot, a serving size of 3.5 ounces (100 grams) consists of the following nutrients in the proportions given above:

  • Calories: 44
  • Protein: 1.7 grammes
  • Fat: 0.2 grammes
  • Carbs: 10 grammes
  • Fiber: 2 grammes
  • This amount of folate corresponds to 20 percent of the daily recommended intake of folate (DV)
  • 14% of the daily value for manganese
  • Copper accounts for 8% of the DV.
  • 7% of the daily value for potassium
  • 6% of the daily value for magnesium
  • 4% of the daily value for vitamin C
  • 4% of the daily value for vitamin B6
  • 4% of the daily value for iron
nitric oxide foods

nitric oxide foods


Compared to other fruits and vegetables, beets contain high folate levels, an essential vitamin for proper development and growth and for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.

It is also important to note that they contain a good amount of manganese, a mineral essential for the formation of bones, the metabolism of nutrients, and the function of the brain, among other things.

Additionally, they also contain a considerable amount of copper, which is an essential mineral that is necessary for the production of energy as well as the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters in our bodies.


Even though beets are a very high-nutrient food, they are relatively low in calories and fats. They also contain several essential nutrients, such as folate, manganese, copper, and other vitamins and minerals.

2. Could Assist in Maintaining A Healthy Blood Pressure Level

Could Assist in Maintaining A Healthy Blood Pressure Level

Could Assist in Maintaining A Healthy Blood Pressure Level


The ability of beets to lower elevated blood pressure levels, one of the main risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease, has been the subject of extensive research in recent decades.

The truth is that several studies have demonstrated that consuming beetroot juice can significantly decrease blood pressure levels on a systolic and diastolic basis.

Systolic blood pressure, which is the pressure present when your heart is actively contracting, seems to be more affected than diastolic blood pressure, which is the pressure present when your heart is at rest. Furthermore, eating raw beets rather than cooked ones may significantly affect your body more than eating cooked ones.

beets beetroot

beets beetroot

Since there is a high concentration of nitrates in this root vegetable, this vegetable is likely responsible for lowering blood pressure due to the nitrates in it. In your body, nitric oxide is a molecule produced when dietary nitrates are converted into its body. To lower blood pressure, nitric oxide causes blood vessels to relax, lowering the blood pressure.

Moreover, beets are an excellent source of folate as well. Despite conflicting findings emerging from research, there is reason to believe that increasing folate levels in the body as part of a healthy diet can significantly reduce an individual's blood pressure levels.

There is, however, a need to be aware that the beneficial effect that beets might have on blood pressure levels is only temporary. Because of this, you need to consume them frequently to experience the benefits they provide for your heart health in the long run.


One factor contributing to the ability of beets to lower blood pressure is their high concentration of nitrates, which is one factor that contributes to their ability to do so. This may result in a decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases as well as strokes as a result of this.

3. Can Lead To An Increase in Overall Athletic Performance

Can Lead To An Increase in Overall Athletic Performance

Can Lead To An Increase in Overall Athletic Performance


Several studies have shown that dietary nitrates, including those found in beets, can improve athletic performance, as demonstrated in previous studies.

There is some evidence that nitrates affect physical performance by improving the efficiency of mitochondria, which are responsible for generating energy inside your cells. Consequently, this appears to influence the ability of the individual to perform physically in the future.

Drinking beetroot juice may improve an athlete's endurance by increasing the time before they become exhausted, enhancing their cardiorespiratory performance, and improving their efficiency.

Beet juice has been shown to enhance cycling performance and increase oxygen consumption by up to 20%. In my opinion, this is a very encouraging finding.

The highest blood nitrate levels are reached within two to three hours after consuming beets or juice.
Therefore, you should consume them for a couple of hours before engaging in physical activity or a competition to make the most of their benefits.


By increasing oxygen utilization and endurance, beets can improve aerobic performance. To get the most out of their effects, consuming them two to three hours before your workout or competition is recommended.

4. May Aid in The Reduction of Inflammation

May Aid in The Reduction of Inflammation

May Aid in The Reduction of Inflammation


Several anti-inflammatory properties have been found in the pigments in beets, known as betaines. These properties indicate that the dyes in beets benefit human health because they have anti-inflammatory properties.

Chronic inflammation is linked to obesity, heart disease, liver disease, and cancer, which can benefit various health conditions.

For two weeks, participants who consumed 8.5 ounces (250 mL) of beet juice every day for high blood pressure significantly reduced their levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), both of which are inflammatory markers. There was a high level of blood pressure in all of the participants.

 beet juice

beet juice


Additionally, according to a study conducted in 2014 on osteoarthritis, which is a condition characterized by inflammation of the joints, betalain capsules made from beetroot extract were found to reduce pain and discomfort in patients with osteoarthritis.

There has been a discovery that injecting beetroot juice and extract into rats who had received harmful chemicals injected into their kidneys reduced the inflammation of the kidneys when they were administered beetroot juice and extract.

Researchers found that injecting beetroot juice and extract into rats who had been injected with harmful chemicals into their kidneys reduced inflammation of the kidneys, and pulling a healthy diet can have the same anti-inflammatory effect.


There is some evidence that beets have the potential to reduce inflammation in the body, although human studies are needed to confirm this.

5. It May Be Beneficial to The Digestive System

It May Be Beneficial to The Digestive System

It May Be Beneficial to The Digestive System


There is no doubt that beets are a great source of fiber because there are 3.4 grams of fiber in one cup of beetroot.

Fiber is not digested and instead makes its way to the colon, where it helps feed the bacteria that are beneficial to gut health and adds bulk to stools.

This can improve the health of your digestive tract, help you maintain regular bowel movements, and protect you from developing digestive conditions such as constipation, inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), and diverticulitis.

Consuming fiber is also associated with a lower risk of developing chronic diseases such as colon cancer, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes in people who consume fiber regularly.


The consumption of beets can improve digestive health and lower the risk of developing several persistent diseases because they are an excellent source of fiber.

6. Possible Benefit to The Health of The Brain

Possible Benefit to The Health of The Brain

Possible Benefit to The Health of The Brain


People experience a natural decline in their mental and cognitive functions with age, leading to neurodegenerative disorders like dementia.

There is a possibility that the nitrates found in beets may have the ability to improve brain function by helping blood vessels expand and, as a result, increasing the amount of blood that flows to the brain.

Beets, in particular, have increased the amount of blood that flows to the brain's frontal lobe. Working memory and decision-making are associated with this area of the brain.

In addition, participants in a study of people with type 2 diabetes given beetroot juice daily for two weeks had faster reaction times during a cognitive function test when compared with participants in a control group. This difference was statistically significant.

Additional research is needed to determine whether or not it would be feasible to use beets in a way that could improve brain function and reduce the risk of dementia among the general population.


The consumption of beets, which are rich in nitrates, has improved cognitive function and circulation to the brain. Further research is needed in this area, however.

7. Potentially Possesses Some Anti-Cancer Effects

Potentially Possesses Some Anti-Cancer Effects

Potentially Possesses Some Anti-Cancer Effects


Several cancer-fighting compounds are found in beetroot, including betaine, ferulic acid, rutin, kaempferol, and caffeic acid, which can reduce the risk of cancer in the body. There is also rutin present in beetroot.

The extract of beetroot has been demonstrated to have the ability to slow down the division and growth of cancer cells when it has been tested in test tubes. There is still a need for further research in this area.

According to the findings of several other studies, having higher levels of betaine in the blood reduces cancer risk in the long run.

Most research on this subject has been conducted with isolated compounds rather than beetroot. Therefore, additional research is needed on the risk of cancer from consuming beetroot as part of a balanced diet. Further research is required to determine the risk of cancer from consuming beetroot as part of a balanced diet.


According to the findings of some studies, specific compounds that can be found in beets may have the ability to fight cancer. However, additional study is required to understand this possible connection better.

8. Helps to Balance the Intake of Energy

beet  May Be Beneficial to The Digestive System

beet May Be Beneficial to The Digestive System


The high fiber content of beets makes them a popular addition to diets aimed at achieving nutritional harmony because of their high fiber content.

To begin with, they are low in fat and calories but high in water, which can help you maintain a healthy energy balance because of the water content. It has been found that increasing one's consumption of foods low in calories, such as this root vegetable, is also associated with weight loss.

Even though these foods are low in calories, they still contain a considerable amount of protein and fiber in their composition, regardless of their low-calorie count. Once you have achieved a healthy weight, both of these nutrients may make it easier for you to stay there once you have reached it.

In addition, the fiber found in beets has been shown to improve digestive health, suppress appetite, and increase feelings of fullness, all of which contribute to a lower overall caloric intake because they reduce the need.

In addition, you can quickly increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables to improve the overall quality of your diet by including them in recipes for smoothies and other foods, such as soups and casseroles.


Beets have a high water content, moderate fiber and protein, and shallow calorie content. All of these characteristics can help you maintain a healthy balance in your energy intake and improve the quality of your diet.

9. Incorporating These Into Your Diet is Easy And Delicious

Incorporating these into your diet is easy and delicious

Incorporating these into your diet is easy and delicious


Besides being beneficial to your health, beets are also delicious and can be easily included in your diet in various ways.

You can also roast, steam, or pickle them in addition to juicing them. You can purchase them in a precooked and canned state for added convenience. You can even consume them in raw form by slicing them very thinly or grating them.

Select beets with a significant weight that is disproportionately large to their size and those that still have their fresh, unwilted green leafy tops attached, if possible.

You should try to avoid boiling the beets if you want to get the most out of them when it comes to their nitrate content. It is known that nitrates found in food are soluble in water.

The Following is A List of Tasty and Intriguing Ways in Which You Can Increase The Number of Beets in Your Diet:




  • The salad. Coleslaw or any other salad is more flavorful and visually appealing when added grated beets.

The dip. You can blend beets, Greek yogurt, and fresh garlic to produce a delicious dip that is vibrant and good for you.
The juice. Beetroot juice that is fresh is generally superior to that bought from a store since store-bought versions may contain a considerable amount of added sugar and only a trace amount of actual beets in the juice.

  • The leaves. Beet leaves can be prepared and consumed similarly to spinach.
  • They served roasted. Make sure to cut the beets into wedges and toss them in olive oil, salt, pepper, and any other herbs or spices you want to add to the dish. Afterward, put them in an oven preheated to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (205 degrees Celsius) for 15–20 minutes, or until they are tender.


Beetroot is a delicious vegetable that you can easily incorporate into various diets due to its adaptability. Pick beets with a weight that seems appropriate for their size and still have their green tops attached.

There are 11 Different Benefits to Drinking Beet Juice

There are 11 Different Benefits to Drinking Beet Juice

There are 11 Different Benefits to Drinking Beet Juice


The majority of people have strong opinions about this bulbous, sweet root vegetable, either in favor or against it. It has only been recognized as a superfood recently, even though it has been around for quite some time.

According to some studies, consuming beet juice or beetroot juice could benefit your health. Here are the steps:

1. Contributes To The Lowering Of Blood Pressure

Contributes To The Lowering Of Blood Pressure

Contributes To The Lowering Of Blood Pressure


It has been shown that drinking beet juice can reduce blood pressure to a certain extent. During the study, researchers discovered that individuals who consumed 250 milliliters (or about 8.4 ounces) of beet juice daily experienced a significant reduction in both their systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels.

There is a theory that nitrates, which are compounds found in the juice of beets, are the cause of the problem. The nitrates in the blood are converted into nitric oxide, responsible for widening and relaxing the blood vessels.

2. Improves Exercise Stamina

Improves Exercise Stamina

Improves Exercise Stamina


It has been reported that consuming beet juice increases plasma nitrate levels and improves physical performance, according to a brief study done by a reliable source in 2012.
The research found that trained cyclists who consumed two cups of beet juice daily could improve their performance in a time trial of 10 kilometers by approximately 12 seconds. In addition, they also decreased the maximum amount of oxygen they produced during the same period.

3. Improves Muscle Power in People With Heart Failure

Improves Muscle Power in People With Heart Failure

Improves Muscle Power in People With Heart Failure


A study conducted in 2015 suggests that the nitrates found in beet juice may provide additional health benefits due to their antioxidant properties. The study showed that people who suffer from heart failure experienced an increase of 13% in their muscle power 2 hours after drinking beet juice, based on the study's results.

4. Possible Retardation of The Progression of Dementia

Possible Retardation of The Progression of Dementia

Possible Retardation of The Progression of Dementia


As suggested by a study published in 2011, it has been recommended that Nitrates may help increase the blood flow to the brain of older people, thereby slowing the progression of cognitive decline.

As part of the study, the frontal lobes of the participants' brains showed evidence of an increase in blood flow due to consuming a high-nitrate diet containing beet juice as part of the diet consumed by the participants. There is a strong association between cognitive processes and behavior in the brain's frontal lobes.

There is still a need for further research, but there is hope that a diet high in nitrates may be able to prevent or slow the progression of dementia in some people.

5. Maintains A Healthy Weight

Maintains A Healthy Weight

Maintains A Healthy Weight


If beet juice is consumed in its purest form, it is relatively low in calories and contains almost no fat. Suppose you want to make a smoothie in the morning. As you begin your day, you will receive an increase in nutrients and energy.

6. It Might Protect Against Cancer

It Might Protect Against Cancer

It Might Protect Against Cancer


There are powerful antioxidants called betalains, which are water-soluble and are responsible for the deep color of beets. A study published in 2016 showed that betalains could inhibit the growth of certain cancer cell lines, according to a reliable source.

In many ways, betalains are believed to act as free radical scavengers. By doing so, they assist the body in locating and destroying any unstable cells in the body.

7. Potassium-Rich Food is A Good Source

Potassium-Rich Food is A Good Source

Potassium-Rich Food is A Good Source


It is important to recognize that potassium is a mineral and electrolyte essential for nerve and muscle function. There is no doubt that beets are an excellent source of potassium. Consumption of beet juice in moderation can contribute to maintaining a healthy level of potassium in the body through moderate consumption.

You may experience fatigue, weakness, and muscle cramps if your potassium levels fall too low. There has been a link between deficient potassium levels and potentially fatal irregular heart rhythms.

8. Excellent Source of Various Other Minerals

beet Excellent Source of Various Other Minerals

beet Excellent Source of Various Other Minerals


You will need a certain amount of essential minerals for your body to function correctly. Several minerals can improve your immune system's function, while others can assist in maintaining the strength of your bones and teeth.

Besides Potassium, beet juice Provides:

  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Sodium
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Selenium

9. Excellent Folate-Containing Resource

Excellent Folate FOR BEETS

Excellent Folate FOR BEETS


This type of vitamin B, called folate, is essential in preventing congenital neural tube disabilities such as spinal Bifida and anencephaly during pregnancy. Aside from that, it may also reduce the likelihood that you will have a child who is born prematurely if you do so.

It is possible to obtain a healthy amount of folate from beet juice. Adding folate to your diet can help you stay within the recommended amount of 600 micrograms of folate Trusted Source if you are of childbearing age. There is a vitamin B called folate that plays a crucial role in the prevention of congenital disabilities in young children.

10. Supports Your Liver

Supports Your Liver

Supports Your Liver


With any combination of the factors listed below, you may be at risk of developing a condition known as a nonalcoholic fatty liver disease if your liver is overworked due to the combination of the factors listed below. As a result of any factors listed below, you may be at risk of developing a condition known as a nonalcoholic fatty liver disease if your liver is overworked due to the combination of the factors listed below.

  • A poor diet
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Exposure to toxic substances
  • A life of leisurely inactivity

A small amount of evidence suggests that the antioxidant betaine may help prevent or reduce fatty deposits in the liver in some cases. There is evidence that betaine can help protect the liver from the harmful effects of toxins.

11. Could Lower Levels of Cholesterol

Could Lower Levels of Cholesterol

Could Lower Levels of Cholesterol


If you suffer from high cholesterol, you might consider including beet juice as part of your diet if you suffer from this condition.

According to a study conducted in 2011, beetroot extract reduces total cholesterol and triglycerides while simultaneously enhancing HDL, also known as "good" cholesterol, in a study published in 2011. Moreover, it also reduced the amount of oxidative stress that the liver was experiencing at the time.

The flavonoids and other phytonutrients found in beetroot are thought to be responsible for the root vegetable's ability to reduce cholesterol levels in humans significantly.





The color of your urine and stools may become red or pinkish due to eating beets. No health risks are associated with this condition, also known as beeturia. However, if you are not expecting it, it could catch you off guard if you are not prepared for it.

It is thought that regular consumption of beet juice may increase the risk of your blood pressure falling to dangerously low levels in people who already have low blood pressure levels. Make sure you keep a close eye on your blood pressure at all times.

There is no need to consume beet juice if you have a history of developing calcium oxalate kidney stones. Oxalates are naturally occurring substances that can cause crystals to form in your urine due to their presence. Oxalates are abundant in beets due to their high sugar content and may lead you to stones.

What Next Steps

What Next Steps

What Next Steps



There is no doubt that beets are nutritious vegetables no matter how they are cooked. Because cooking beets reduces the nutritional value of the vegetable, one of the best ways to enjoy beets is by juicing them, as this method increases their nutritional value.
It is possible to reduce the earthy taste of beet juice by adding apple slices, mint, citrus, or even a carrot to cut through its earthy flavor. It is possible to add some apple slices to the beet juice if you don't like drinking it straight up.

If you decide to incorporate beet juice into your diet for the first time, be sure to take it easy on yourself at first. It is a good idea to begin by extracting the juice from half of a small beet and observe how your body reacts to it. Once your body has adjusted to the changes, you can handle more liquids.

The Bottom Line

The Bottom Line

The Bottom Line


So are beets good for you? Undoubtedly yes, beets are highly nutritious and full of health-promoting properties.

As well as supporting the health of your brain, heart, and digestive system, eating these foods also enhances your athletic performance and reduces inflammation and the risk of cancer cells in your body. They are also a great addition to a healthy diet.

You can also incorporate beets into your diet because they are delicious and easy to prepare. For example, they're a great addition to salads, side dishes, smoothies, dips, juices, and salad dressings.