What Are The Healthiest Fasting Foods To Consume While Following An Intermittent Fasting Diet?

fasting food

fasting food

Updated on 3/7/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

Please consult a medical expert before making any significant adjustments to your diet to be sure that this course of action will benefit your overall health. Intermittent fasting foods are creating quite a stir in the already oversaturated realm of dieting, even though the word "fasting" has a very gloomy tone. Several studies have shown that following the diet will result in lower body weight and blood sugar levels than following a conventional diet; however, the sample sizes used in the studies were not very large. It's no surprise that it seems like everyone and their aunt is getting on board the IF bandwagon.

There are constraints on when you may eat, but not necessarily on what you can eat, and this may be one factor contributing to this diet's popularity. However, the details of the what are equally essential. Should you break your fasts with quarts of ice cream, bags of crisps, or something else? Almost certainly not. To maximize the benefits of the IF diet, we have compiled a list of the best foods that can be included in your daily diet to maximize help.

The Foods That Are Best To Consume During Periods Of Intermittent Fasting

 intermittent fasting

intermittent fasting

When you engage in intermittent fasting, you should ensure that you adhere to the fasting and eating windows set for yourself each day. There is less emphasis placed on WHAT to eat, even though this is still an essential factor.

In general, the meals that are optimal for consumption during a period of intermittent fasting are the ones that are optimal for consumption at any time. Avocados, potatoes, cruciferous vegetables, fish, seafood, whole grains, nuts, and fermented foods fall into this category. Remembering to include water as a routine component is also very important.

What To Eat When Just Breaking Your Fast Every So Often

intermittent fasting food

intermittent fasting food

According to Lauren Harris-Pincus, RDN, author of The Protein-Packed Breakfast Club, "there are no stipulations or constraints regarding what sort of food to eat when practicing intermittent fasting," she explains. Also, a person does not have a limit on how much food they can consume in a day. However, Mary Purdy, RDN, chair of Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine, provides a rebuttal by stating that “the advantages [of IF] are not likely to follow frequent meals of Big Macs.” Pincus and Purdy agree that the key to successful weight loss, sustained energy levels, and adherence to a diet plan is eating a nutritionally sound and well-balanced diet.

Pincus recommends that people try to reduce their body fat by consuming nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans, and seeds, in addition to dairy products and proteins that are low in fat. In addition, Purdy says, “My suggestions wouldn't be any different from the items I may ordinarily propose for greater health, which are high-fiber, unprocessed, whole foods that bring variety and taste.” It can be observed that if one consumes a large quantity of the food listed below during a fasting period, one will not experience the adverse effects of hunger.

1. Water



Even though this is not strictly a meal, it is of the utmost importance for making it through the IF. The health of almost every major organ in your body depends heavily on how much water you drink. It would be unwise on your side to exclude this from your fast. Your organs play a significant role in keeping you alive, as you probably know.

The quantity of water that people of different heights, weights, levels of exercise, and locations in the world should be drinking varies greatly. However, the color of your urine is an excellent indicator of your health. At all times, you want it to have a light golden color.

Dehydration, which may lead to headaches, weariness, and lightheadedness, is indicated by urine that has a dark yellow color. When you combine that with the fact that food is scarce, you have a formula for catastrophe, or at the very least, incredibly black urine. In case plain water is not your cup of tea, try adding a few slices of cucumber, mint leaves, or some lemon juice to your water to make drink tea a little more appealing.

2. Avocado



If you attempt to lose weight, consuming the fruit with the most incredible calories would seem paradoxical. On the other hand, avocados have a high percentage of unsaturated fat and will keep you feeling full during even the most stringent of fasting times.

According to research conducted in 2017, unsaturated fats may help your body feel full even when you don't have the sensation of being full. Your body will send signals to let you know when it has had enough food and is not ready to go into an emergency mode when it starves itself. Even if you start to feel hungry during a fasting phase, eating unsaturated fats will continue these signals for longer.

Even better, if you add half an avocado to your lunch, you may feel full for many hours longer than if you hadn't eaten that green, mushy treasure in the first place, according to research published in 2013. Are you completely out of ideas? We have 36 incredible dishes with avocados that will blow your mind.

3. Fish And Other Types Of Seafood

Fish and seafood

Fish and seafood

There is a rationale behind why the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that most adult consumers consume 8 to 10 ounces of fish every week. In addition to having a high quantity of nutritious fats and protein, it also has a significant amount of vitamin D. And if eating at certain times is your thing, ask yourself this: When you get to eat, don't you want to get the most nutritious bang for your buck? Because there are so many different preparation methods for fish, you will never run out of ideas.

4. Vegetables With Cruciform Shapes

Cruciferous veggies

Cruciferous veggies

"fiber" describes a nutrient abundant in foods such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. (We are aware of what you are thinking, and no, "farts" is not the correct translation of the f-word.) It is essential to consume meals high in fiber if you are eating at certain intervals since these foods will keep you regular and assist in the smooth operation of your poop factory.

According to research, fiber can help you feel fuller for longer, which might be beneficial if you go 16 hours without eating again. Oof. Cruciferous vegetables are another food group that may help lower cancer risk. Find out more about foods that fight cancer right here.

5. Potatoes



Repeat after us: not all meals that are white are always unhealthy. As an example, studies conducted in the 1990s discovered that potatoes are among the foods that provide the most incredible sense of fullness. In addition, research conducted in 2012 revealed that using potatoes as part of a balanced diet may assist with weight reduction. (I'm sorry, but potato chips and french fries do not count.) We examined the connection between potatoes and blood sugar in further detail.

6. Pulses And Other Legumes

Beans and legumes

Beans and legumes

Your go-to garnish for chili could be your biggest ally if you start following the IF way of life. Consumption of food, more especially carbohydrates, is a source of energy for physical activity. Our intention is not to encourage you to consume excessive amounts of carbohydrates, but incorporating certain low-calorie carbohydrates into your diet plans, such as beans and legumes, may not be counterproductive to your weight loss efforts. During your fasting hours, this may help keep you alert and energized. In addition, there is evidence from specific studies to indicate that eating foods such as chickpeas, black beans, peas, and lentils may help reduce body weight even in the absence of a calorie deficit.

7. Probiotics



Do you know what microorganisms in your gut like eating the most? Both uniformity and variety are required. That indicates that individuals do not experience happiness when they are hungry. And study reveals that when your stomach isn't pleased, you may suffer uncomfortable side effects, such as constipation. Include in your diet more foods that are high in probiotics, such as kefir, kombucha, and sauerkraut, to alleviate the discomfort caused by this condition. Regarding the function of probiotics inside the body, we spoke with several authorities.

8. Berries



These foundational ingredients of your go-to smoothie are loaded to the brim with essential nutrients. And even that isn't the most exciting part. Persons who ingested a lot of flavonoids, such as those found in blueberries and strawberries, had lesser increases in their body mass index (BMI) over 14 years compared to people who didn't eat berries, according to considerable research that was conducted in 2016 and published in the year.

9. Eggs



The cooking time for a giant egg is just a few minutes, containing 6.24 grams of protein. Obtaining as much protein as possible is imperative when trying to cut down on your food intake since it helps you feel full longer and builds muscle. According to research published in 2010, males who had eggs for breakfast rather than a bagel reported feeling less hungry throughout the day and consumed fewer calories overall. The other way to look at it is that if you want to do something while you are fasting, you might want to try hard-boiling some eggs while you are doing so. After that, you can consume them at the appropriate moment.

10. Nuts



Nuts may have more calories than many other snacks, but they provide something else that most other snack foods do not: healthy fats. Also, if you're concerned about the number of calories, you shouldn't be! According to research conducted in 2012, an ounce portion of almonds (equivalent to roughly 23 nuts) contains about 20 percent fewer calories than shown on the packaging. According to the research findings, chewing does not entirely dissolve the cell walls of almonds, and this preserves a part of the nut, which the body cannot absorb as it goes through the digestive process. If you consume almonds, remember that they may not cut into your total daily calorie consumption as much as you believed. Look at the comprehensive resource we have to provide on nuts.

11. Whole Grains And Cereals

Whole grains

Whole grains

Consuming carbohydrates while also being on a diet seems to belong to two separate categories. This is not always the case; every situation will significantly relieve you. Since whole grains are packed with fiber and protein, even a small portion may keep you satisfied much longer.

So go ahead and push yourself out of your comfort zone and try something new like farro, bulgur, spelled, Kamut, amaranth, millet, or sorghum on your journey toward a whole-grain nirvana.

We compared pasta made with whole-wheat flour to spaghetti made with white flour to discover which one was superior.

Methods, Select Your Preferred Wait Class

The rundown on IF has already been provided to you, but for the benefit of any newcomers to the course, here is a brief review. (Would you two in the back please refrain from texting!) Although the items listed above will offer you the most evident advantages of the diet, the "fasting" component of intermittent fasting is what packs a punch. There are a lot of different intermittent fasting regimens, but most of them include abstaining from food for a certain amount of time throughout the day or on particular days of the week.

The following is a rundown of some of the most common IF models:

  • The approach is known as 12:12. You should fast for 12 hours each day and only consume food within a 12-hour window. Congratulations, you are already an experienced intermittent faster if you ate your last meal at seven o'clock at night and had breakfast at seven the following morning. (If you're starting, you should read this.)
  • The technique of 20:4 ratios. You will be allowed one meal break of four hours after you have fasted for the whole twenty hours.
  • The technique is known as 16:8. Consume all your meals for the day within eight hours, and then refrain from eating for the remaining sixteen hours.
  • In the approach known as 5:2. In five days out of the week, you are free to consume whatever you want to drink. On the other two days, males can have up to 600 calories, while women are only allowed to invest up to 500 calories.


In some people, intermittent fasting may cause adverse side effects such as fatigue, irritability, and headaches. During fasting, dehydration increases if you do not consume sufficient water. Based on research conducted on rodents, it seems that IF may have a role in causing infertility. According to a previous study, the timing of an athlete's workouts concerning the energy cycle may cause them to lose muscle rather than gain it. This may be the case because the timing of an athlete's activities may cause muscle breakdown rather than muscular growth.

The fasting foods and feasting schedule are also possibly unachievable in the long run. It may lead to binge eating during feasting, which is counterproductive to any aims related to weight control. It is possible that the meals listed above will not deliver the same nutritional value as they usually would if consumed when engaging in yo-yo dieting. If you consume too few calories, your body will experience stress, and as a result, it won't be able to use the nutrients to their maximum potential.

A slower, more manageable weight reduction over an extended period may be safer. However, since there aren't many studies on IF, its long-term implications remain somewhat of a mystery. Before beginning intermittent fasting (IF), it is highly recommended to consult with a trained dietitian IF is not appropriate for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions

When I Do Intermittent Fasting, How Can I Keep My Appetite In Check, So I Don't Overeat?

Hunger is unavoidable, but a moderate state of need is something you should be able to handle on your own. You may try distracting yourself with something more traditional like chewing sugar-free gum, drinking calorie-free liquids like green tea or coffee, or sucking on sugar-free gum. Your body should acclimate to your eating window after some time, at which point you should experience less hunger while in the fasting window. HOWEVER, start to experience additional symptoms in addition to gnawing at your stomach (such as dizziness, excessive exhaustion, disorientation, lightheadedness, etc.). You should NOT be an IF hero and eat!!

During The Interval Fast, Am I Allowed To Have Snacks?

Ummm, ABSOLUTELY. That matters as long as it fits within your allotted eating time. Snacks are often not allowed on specific variations of intermittent fastings, such as the Eat-Stop-Eat and time-restricted eating plans. These habits usually include eating two or three regular meals daily and nothing else during the day.

When Does It Make The Most Sense To Get Your Workout While Intermittent Fasting?

The most effective exercise is the one that gets done. You will benefit most from your workouts if you schedule them at times convenient for you. On the other hand, there are two distinct schools of thought about exercising during fasting. The first benefit is that you will be able to burn more of the fat accumulated in your body if you exercise while fasting (preferably near the end of your fasting window, just before you break the fast). Some evidence supports this notion, while other research has indicated no correlation between fasting and increased fat burning. If shedding some pounds is one of your primary objectives, you may want to give this strategy a go. Alternately, you can feel horrible if you attempt to exercise on a stomach entirely devoid of food. You may have more energy to assist you in pushing through your exercise if you schedule it within your eating window (after one or two meals). If you are engaging in an endurance activity, it is highly recommended that you take this strategy and have a well-balanced lunch before beginning your workout.