11 Healthy High Calorie Vegan Foods

11 Healthy High-Calorie Vegan Foods

11 Healthy High-Calorie Vegan Foods

Updated on 3/7/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

Putting on weight is not always an easy task, and High calorie vegan foods are sometimes necessary to make modifications not just to one's diet but also to one's general way of life to be successful in this attempt.

If you don't consume any goods derived from animals, putting on weight will be a lot harder for you to do, and you'll have to give a lot more thought to the meals you choose to consume to get the results you want.

A significant number of nutrient-dense vegan meals can contribute the required quantity of additional calories to your diet to assist weight gain.

There are 11 meals on the following list made from plants and are high in calories, which might help you gain weight if you are trying to do so.

1. Nuts And Nut Butters

1. Nuts And Nut Butters

1. Nuts And Nut Butters

Eating nuts is a good strategy for anyone who wants to put on more weight since nuts include large quantities of protein, healthy fats, and calories. Additionally, eating nuts is a wise decision for anyone who wants to improve their cardiovascular health.

Walnuts, for example, have 185 calories and more than 4 grams of total protein in a serving size of one ounce (28 grams).

Adding one or two handfuls of nuts, such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, or pecans, to your diet may supply your body with the necessary number of calories to sustain an average gain in weight.

Another convenient and speedy option is nut butter; however, you should select natural varieties that do not contain any added sugars or oils in their ingredients list. Compared to other kinds of spreads, the average amount of calories in nut butter is often higher. You might add nut butter to snacks, sides, or smoothies to enhance the total number of calories and the quantity of protein in those meals.


For instance, nuts and nut kinds of butter have a disproportionately high quantity of calories and protein in their composition. They provide a wide range of options that one may pick from to enjoy from them.

2. Avocado

2. Avocado

2. Avocado

Avocados are well-known not only for the velvety smoothness of the fruit's flesh but also for the delicious and delicately sweet flavor that the fruit possesses.

In addition, they have a great nutritional profile and help gain weight in a heart-healthy manner by offering a plethora of heart-healthy fats and fiber. This assists in the process of gaining weight in a way that is beneficial to the heart.

The avocado has around 13.5 grams of fiber, approximately 30 grams of fat, and about 322 calories on average.

A high concentration of a wide range of micronutrients, such as vitamin C, folate, pantothenic acid, and potassium may also be found in avocados.

You might try mashing up half an avocado and incorporating it into your morning smoothie, spreading it over a slice of sprouted bread, or slicing it up into cubes and using it as a topping for salads or omelets. All of these options are healthy and delicious.


Avocados have a higher-than-average calorie count, fiber and mineral content, and vitamin and mineral content. In addition, increasing your consumption of them is a straightforward way to raise the number of healthy fats in your diet.

3. Quinoa

3. Quinoa

3. Quinoa

Quinoa is a healthy pseudo-grain packed with protein, fiber, and a range of other components essential for the body to function correctly.

Quinoa has a high-calorie level, as one cup (185 grams) of cooked quinoa provides around 222 calories, in addition to 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber. Quinoa has a high protein content, as it has 8 grams of protein for every 5 grams of fiber. Quinoa is an outstanding grain for obtaining protein.

Quinoa is one of the few plant-based foods that may be called a complete source of protein, and this distinction is reserved for very few other plant-based meals. That indicates that it has all nine essential amino acids required for the body to carry out its functions correctly. Because your body cannot produce them on its own, you have to get them from the food you consume to maintain good health.

Quinoa is an outstanding resource for a wide variety of nutrients, including manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and folate.

It is possible to prepare it as a mouthwatering side dish and a fast way to boost the caloric content of other meals, such as soups, stews, and salads.


Quinoa is regarded as a "complete" source of protein due to the fact that it contains all of the essential amino acids that are required for the proper functioning of the human body. In addition to this, it has a satisfactory amount of calories, a respectable amount of fiber, and a considerable number of vitamins.

4. Tahini

4. Tahini

4. Tahini

Tahini is a common ingredient found in the cuisines of the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions, and it is also a common ingredient in the cooking of North Africa. In addition to having a high-calorie count, it is also rich in the concentration of protein, fiber, and unsaturated fats that are beneficial to one's health. Making tahini involves lightly toasting the sesame seeds and grinding them into a paste.

Tahini has around 89 calories, 2.5 grams of protein, 1.5 grams of fiber, and 8 grams of fat in only one tablespoon's worth (15 grams).

Consuming a few tablespoons of this food item can effectively enhance one's calorie consumption, which can nurture a healthy increase in one's weight. Both are potential benefits that might result from increasing the amount of food you consume.

Because of its thick, paste-like consistency and its resemblance to peanut butter, who can think of tahini as comparable to peanut butter in several ways?

It is to your advantage to include it among the ingredients of wraps, sandwiches, and salads because it improves the flavor of all three foods. Additionally, it is possible to prepare it as a savory dip, include it in soups, or to purée it into a dressing that one can pour on top of vegetables that have been steamed. All of these preparations are doable. These three approaches are all excellent choices that who may make.


A significant amount of calories, fiber, protein, and good fats may be found in tahini, a paste from crushed sesame seeds. Tahini is made by pulverizing sesame seeds into a paste in a food processor. Because it has a creamy consistency, it may be successfully utilized as a spread, a dip, or a dressing. These are all of the several applications that someone might use.

5. Olive Oil

5. Olive Oil

5. Olive Oil

Olive oil is renowned for improving one's health due to its abundance of monounsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats benefit one's diet, which is the critical factor contributing to olive oil's rise to such a favorable reputation.

It has been demonstrated that consumption of monounsaturated fats leads to an increase in levels of "good" HDL cholesterol, a decrease in levels of blood triglycerides, and a contribution to an improvement in blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetic patients. [Citation needed] [Citation required] [Citation needed] [Citation needed] [Citation needed] [Citation needed] [Citation needed] [C The ingestion of monounsaturated fats is responsible for these positive effects on one's health.

Antioxidants are advantageous substances that protect your cells from being damaged by oxidative stress and lower the likelihood that you will develop a chronic illness. Fruits, vegetables, and grains are all excellent places to look for antioxidants. Olive oil is a fantastic alternative for lowering one's risk of getting any of these ailments since it has a high concentration of antioxidants and is, therefore, a healthy choice.

In addition, olive oil has 119 calories and 13.5 grams of fat in only one tablespoon (14 grams), which makes it a potentially good choice when looking for methods to add more calories to a meal. Because it contains a high percentage of olives, olive oil is an excellent source of monounsaturated fat.

Pouring it over cooked vegetables, using it as a salad dressing, or incorporating it into marinades are all great ways to provide a burst of flavor to your meals while also bringing the total number of calories in those meals up a little bit. You will be able to utilize it with any one of these three available choices.


Not only is olive oil high in calories and monounsaturated fats, but it also contains a significant amount of antioxidants. When it comes to cooking oils, olive oil is one of the healthiest options. Dishes created with cooked vegetables, salad dressings, and marinades are also suitable candidates for its integration and should be considered.

6. Dried Fruit

7. Legumes

7. Legumes

In addition to increasing one's consumption of various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, one can also consume dried fruit to help boost one's calorie consumption.

Compared to raisins, one-half cup (87 grams) of prunes has a calorie content of 209, while one-half cup (87 grams) of dried cranberries has a calorie content of 247. The type of fruit eaten significantly impacts the specific nutrients that a given fruit may or may not be able to deliver, and this variation is likely to occur (83 grams).

Studies have shown that dried fruit is not only high in fiber and antioxidants but that it also provides supplies of micronutrients that are anywhere from three to five times more concentrated than fresh fruit.

It is advised that dried fruit be combined with a nutritious source of protein to decrease the possible harmful effects of eating dried fruit on one's blood sugar levels. That is because eating dried fruit alone may have the potential to raise one's blood sugar levels. That is because dried fruit is similarly abundant in natural sugars, which is why it has this effect.

You may make a breakfast that is heavy in calories by combining the dried fruit of your choice with coconut yogurt or oatmeal. That will allow you to produce a meal that will set you up for the day. This combo may be consumed on its own or as a component of a more substantial meal. You may also make a tasty trail mix by mixing a variety of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit in a single container. In addition to that, you may use it as a component in protein shakes by combining it with the ingredient mentioned above.


The number of calories, fiber, and other nutrients in dried fruit is considerable. Dried fruit also contains a good deal of sugar. Because it has a significant amount of sugar, you may want to take it with a source of high-quality protein to lessen its adverse effects on your body. That will help you avoid or at least mitigate the negative consequences.

7. Legumes

7. Legumes

7. Legumes

In addition to the energy they contribute and the fiber they offer, legumes often have a considerable quantity of protein in their composition. Chickpeas, lentils, and beans are all types of legumes that are examples of foods that contain this particular form of protein.

One cup of cooked black beans, for instance, has a total of 227 calories, 15 grams of protein, and 15 grams of fiber apiece (172 grams).

Because of their relatively high nutrient content, legumes typically include considerable quantities of essential vitamins and minerals, such as folate, magnesium, iron, zinc, and potassium. These vitamins and minerals are often found in higher amounts in beans than in other foods.

You may try making vegan versions of meatballs or burgers using beans. You could also use beans in salads, soups, casseroles, spreads, and dipping sauces.


Legumes, which can include items like lentils and black beans, are rich in several helpful elements, including calories, protein, and fiber, in addition to a variety of essential vitamins and minerals. You can find legumes in many different forms, and many nations worldwide have legumes in their natural environments.

8. Sweet Potatoes

8. Sweet Potatoes

8. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a well-liked type of starchy vegetable prized for their eye-catching color, delicious flavor, and high nutritional profile. Sweet potatoes are also known as yams, and Yams, sweet potatoes, and sweet potatoes are different names for the same vegetable.

They are a superb source of a wide range of vital vitamins, minerals, and chemicals that fight free radicals. In addition to having a high caloric and fiber content, they also have a high concentration of both.

One cup of cooked sweet potato contains 180 calories and 6.5 grams of fiber, equaling one serving size (or 200 grams).

In addition, you may get all of the vitamin A, vitamin C, manganese, potassium, and vitamin B6 that you require for the whole day with just one meal. Consuming something similar like this may allow you to satiate your requirements for this vitamin completely.

While it is being cooked, you can prepare this orange root vegetable in various ways, including roasting, baking, mashing, or grilling.


You may prepare sweet potatoes in various ways, including a significant quantity of calories, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, you can eat sweet potatoes in a variety of different ways.

9. Smoothies

9. Smoothies

9. Smoothies

A concentrated amount of calories you can consume in a single, easy serving that does not need a lot of work can be obtained quickly and simply by drinking vegan smoothies. You can do that in a way that is quick and does not require much effort.

Consuming a source of protein that is rich in nutrients, such as vegan protein powder or soy yogurt, will assist you in maximizing the possible positive effects on your health that this may have.

You can significantly improve a smoothie's nutritional value and calorie count by adding a variety of delicious add-ins, such as nut butter, fresh or dried fruits, avocados, almond milk, coconut oil, and seeds, among many others.

If you want to increase the number of calories you take in and assist your body in putting on weight, it is best not to utilize your smoothie as a meal replacement but rather to consume it between meals or after meals. That will allow you to take in a more significant number of calories overall. Because of this, you will be able to make the most of the calories that you take in.


You may easily enhance the overall calories and nutrients you take daily by adding vegan smoothies to your diet, which is a straightforward approach. You may get the best results if you combine a few foods high in calories with an excellent source of protein.

10. Rice

10. Rice

10. Rice

Rice is an excellent alternative for people who want to gradually put on more weight since it is a source of carbohydrates that you can use in a variety of ways, it is not costly, and contains a lot of calories.

In addition to the many minerals and vitamins essential for human health, it also offers its clients a small quantity of protein and fiber as a bonus benefit. That is in addition to the many minerals and vitamins essential for human health.

Brown rice that has been cooked and measured out to be one cup (195 grams) has 216 calories, 5 grams of protein, and 3.5 grams of fiber. A cup of cooked brown rice is equivalent to a cup of raw form.

In addition, it is an abundant source of the essential minerals manganese, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin niacin.

A piece of the protein of your choice, mixed with rice, may make for a supper that is not only basic but also quick and easy, and you may readily carry it. Continue reading if you think that you would be interested in trying something like this for a meal.

Rice can be used again after being removed from the refrigerator after having been there for a period equal to the days you stored it in the fridge. Rice is one of those foods that may be prepared ahead of time, kept in the refrigerator, and then used. Even though different individuals have various thoughts about how to store long rice safely, the suggestions on how to appropriately keep long rice vary from a few days up to a week. That is, even though different people have different beliefs about how to store long rice securely, the amount of time that you may safely store rice varies depending on the person doing the storing.


Rice is an excellent source of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, despite its high-calorie count. Despite this, rice is a staple food. On the other side, rice contains plenty of carbohydrates. By mixing it with a source of high-quality protein and ingesting the combination as a single entity, you will be able to enjoy it as part of a well-balanced meal or snack. That will make it possible for you to take pleasure in having it.

11. Coconut Oil

11. Coconut Oil

11. Coconut Oil

In recent years, coconut oil has garnered a lot of interest in the medical community owing to the fact that it has a good impact on a wide variety of elements associated to health, such as cholesterol levels and brain function. This has caused a lot of research to be conducted on coconut oil. That is because coconut oil has a positive impact on a wide range of factors that are related to health.

Due to the high quantity of calories, it contains, consuming it may cause you to put on more weight and make you feel hungry. That is because it has a lot of calories.

There are 116 calories and 13.5 grams of fat in a serving size of coconut oil, equal to one tablespoon (15 ml).

Coconut oil is a versatile ingredient that you can easily swap for a wide range of other fats and oils in a dish with the minimal additional effort required on the cook's part. That makes coconut oil an excellent option for those who want to experiment in the kitchen. In addition to that, you may include it in smoothies, salad dressings, sauces, and other condiments. You can even use it in cooking.


Even though it is high in fat and calories, research has shown that using coconut oil can positively affect a person's overall health. In addition, it is adaptable and may be used in an extensive range of applications in place of a wide variety of other oils and fats.




It is feasible to put on weight swiftly and with little to no effort at all since there is a wide selection of plant-based meals that are readily available. These meals are heavy in calories and include a large number of nutrients.

It's possible that the overall amount of calories you eat will go up if you eat more of these foods throughout the day, regardless of whether you consume them for meals or as snacks; as a result, the amount of weight that you put on will also likely increase as a direct result of this behavior.

Be sure to incorporate High calorie vegan foods into a diet that includes other nutrient-dense components, such as fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains, to maintain a nutrient-dense and well-balanced diet. That will ensure that you are getting the most out of your meals.