How To Cook Mushrooms The Right Way



Updated on 3/7/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

Thinking about how to cook mushrooms without any fat? Struggling to dry sautéing them !This method is an easy and fast way to cook mushrooms perfectly, but without extra butter or oil.
What is the easiest way to saute mushrooms? There's a way I've been using for years, and it's called "dry sautéing." It's the technique I employ with our wonderful Marsala Mushrooms.

Ideally Cooked Mushrooms, With Less Fat

Cooking sliced or chopped mushrooms in a hot pan without topping any fat, liquid, or sauce. Since the mushrooms heat up in the pan and get rid of their juices, then cook in their own liquid, condensing the taste of the mushrooms.

By the end of cooking (after about 5 to 10 minutes), once the mushrooms have released much moisture, swirl it in some butter for added flavor if you want. The process of cooking the mushrooms themselves doesn't require anything but heat.



Even if you decide to add butter at the very end, you will still need less than you would have if you had begun the cooking process for the mushrooms in butter from the very beginning.

Mushrooms Varieties For This Method

This approach can prepare several mushroom kinds, from white button mushrooms to wild mushrooms. Fleshed mushrooms that naturally have a high moisture content – cremini, button, portobello, chanterelles, porcini, and oyster mushrooms — work well.

Use the freshest mushrooms. Dried-out mushrooms won't have enough moisture for this method.

The Absolute Pan For This Method



Finding a relatively stick-free pan like cast iron or hard anodized aluminum works well. If you are using a pan that does not have a non-stick coating, you will need to stir the mushrooms more frequently in the beginning, to prevent them from sticking to the pan.

Ways To Use Dry Sautéed Mushrooms

It is an excellent way to prepare mushrooms for use in a recipe with sufficient fat but needs cooked mushrooms, like for a stew or casserole. Try them in these recipes:

  • A casserole made with chicken and rice.
  • Grilled Beef and Mushroom Burger.
  • Brisk Beef Stew with Mushrooms and White Beans.
  • Mushroom Risotto.
  • Creamy Green Beans with Mushrooms.

A Healthier Method for Cooking Mushrooms



PREP TIME: 5 mins
COOK TIME: 10 mins
TOTAL TIME: 15 mins
SERVINGS: 3 to 6 servings
Work with fresh mushrooms. Aged mushrooms that are a bit dried out won't have enough moisture for this procedure.
Cast iron or hard anodized aluminum are two examples of good options for a pan that is relatively resistant to sticking. If you are using a skillet that does not have a non-stick coating, you may need to stir the mushrooms more frequently in the beginning, to prevent them from adhering to the pan.


  • Half to One pound of fresh cremini, button, or porcini mushrooms, cleaned and sliced 1/4-inch thick.
  • A pinch of salt is optional.




Add Mushrooms To A Hot Pan:

Warm a large, relatively stick-free skillet on high heat. After stirring, add the sliced mushrooms to the dish, and turn the temperature down to medium-high. Sprinkling the mushrooms with salt at any point during the cooking method.

Mixing It Up Regularly:

By the time the mushrooms heat up to a certain point, they will start releasing their moisture. Moderate the heat so the mushrooms are hot enough to remove moisture but not so hot as to get too browned or dry up.

When The Mushrooms Gives Up Moisture, Remove Them From Heat (about 5 to 10 minutes)

Finished Mushrooms Removed from the Stove Top for an Improved Method of Cooking Mushrooms.

Finish The Mushrooms (optional).



Swirl in a bit of butter for flavor, sprinkle with salt, pepper, or parsley, deglaze the pan with some marsala, or use the cooked mushrooms as part of another recipe.

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An improved method for how to cook mushrooms involves using butter and various herbs added to the skillet of mushrooms to give the flavor an extra creamy taste.

FAT: 0g

Nutrition information is computed using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate. When there are several different options for an ingredient, the nutritional value of the first one listed is used for the calculation. Garnishes and optional components are not included.