Can keto pasta be baked in an air fryer?
You sure can! The times that ought to be adhered to are written down on the recipe card, which may be seen here.
Is it possible to substitute xanthan gum for psyllium husk powder?
No, you cannot. If you added the same quantity of psyllium husk powder as you did of xanthan gum, you would end up with something that you probably wouldn't enjoy very much. Xanthan gum and psyllium husk powder both come from the same plant. At this point, we have not conducted any trials with any other possible alternatives that could take their place.
Can I freeze the pasta?
After baking, the pasta can be frozen and kept for later use if stored in the freezer. It is sufficient to put something frozen in the refrigerator for the night to get the desired effect.
Are whole husks okay to use instead of powder?
As I said previously, the husks will need to be ground up before you can use them in any way, so plan accordingly if you want to use them. It is not something that I recommend doing to change the recipe by removing the powder and replacing it with another ingredient. It is also possible to use oat fiber as a replacement for the husk powder, although the latter contributes to creating a texture that is more pleasing to the palate.