Tomato Protein: Nutrient Details And Health Effects

Tomato Protein

Tomato Protein

Updated on 3/7/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

The tomato, also known as Solanum Lycopersicum, is a fruit native to South America and belongs to the nightshade family. Even though it is classified as a fruit based on its botanical origins, it is often consumed and served as a vegetable. Tomato Protein is the most critical food source of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been associated with several positive health effects, including a lower chance of developing cardiovascular disease and cancer. They are also an perfect source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, and vitamin K. Other nutrients that may be found in them include:

Tomatoes are often red when fully grown but may come in other hues, such as yellow, orange, green, and even purple. In addition, there are several subspecies of tomatoes, each with its unique flavor and appearance.

This article will give you all the information you want on tomatoes.

The Facts About Tomato Nutrition

Tomato Protein

Tomato Protein

Tomatoes have around 95% water in their composition, and the remaining 5% is made up almost entirely of carbs and fiber.

The following is a list of the nutrients that may be found in a raw tomato that is 100 grams in size:

  • Calories: 18
  • Water: 95%
  • Protein: 0.9 grammes
  • Carbs: 3.9 grams
  • Sugar: 2.6 grams
  • Fiber: 1.2 grams
  • Fat: 0.2 grammes


Carbohydrates make up 4% of raw tomatoes, which works out to fewer than 5 grams for a medium example (123 grams). Nearly 70 percent of the carbohydrate load comprises simple sugars like glucose and fructose.




Tomatoes are an excellent source of fiber; one tomato of the typical size contains around 1.5 grams of this nutrient. Most of the threads in tomatoes, which account for 87% of the total, are insoluble. These fibers take the form of hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin.

The carb content of fresh tomatoes is relatively low, and the carbohydrate composition is mainly made up of straightforward sugars and insoluble fibers. The majority of these fruits are comprised of water.

Vitamins And Minerals

Tomatoes are an excellent food choice for obtaining many different vitamins and minerals, including:

Vitamin C

This vitamin functions as an antioxidant and is a vital nutrient. May meet About 28% of the Reference Daily Intake by eating one medium-size (RDI) tomato.


Potassium, a vital element, helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels and reduces the risk of developing heart disease.

Vitamin K1

Vitamin K1

Vitamin K1

Vitamin K, also known by its chemical name phylloquinone, is essential for bone health and blood coagulation.

Folate (Vitamin B9)

Folate, a kind of vitamin B, is essential for maintaining appropriate tissue development and the function of cells, and it is of utmost significance for women expecting children.

Tomatoes are an excellent food choice for anyone looking to get a variety of vitamins and minerals into their diet, including vitamin C, potassium, vitamin K, and folate.

Other Chemical Components Of Plants

The number of vitamins and other plant components included in tomatoes might vary substantially depending on the variety and the sampling time.

The following are the primary plant chemicals that are found in tomatoes:


Lycopene, an antioxidant that gives tomatoes their red color, has been the subject of much research because of its positive benefits on human health.

Beta Carotene 

Beta Carotene

Beta Carotene

In your body, beta carotene is transformed into vitamin A, an antioxidant responsible for many foods' yellow or orange coloration.


This flavonoid, which may be found in tomato skin, has been demonstrated in studies with mice to reduce inflammation and protect against various illnesses.

Chlorogenic Acid

Chlorogenic acid, a potent antioxidant molecule, can lower blood pressure in those with higher than average amounts. The deep red color of tomatoes comes from a combination of pigments called chlorophylls and carotenoid compounds like lycopene.

Carotenoids, red in color, are produced as the ripening process gets underway, while chlorophyll, green in color, is broken down.




When it comes to the plant chemicals that may be found in tomatoes that have reached maturity, the carotenoid known as lycopene stands out as particularly important. The skin contains the most considerable quantities of this substance by far.

In general, the deeper the red color of the tomato, the higher the lycopene content.

In the Western diet, tomato products, such as ketchup, tomato juice, tomato paste, and tomato sauces, are the highest dietary sources of lycopene. In the United States, tomato products provide over 80% of dietary lycopene. Compared to the quantity found in fresh tomatoes, the amount of lycopene found in processed tomato products is frequently significantly higher. For instance, one 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of ketchup has 10–14 mg of lycopene, but the same amount of a tiny, fresh tomato contains just 1–8 mg (24). However, remember that most people only use a modest quantity of ketchup in their meals. Eating raw tomatoes, which also have a far lower amount of sugar than ketchup, is therefore likely to be the easiest way to increase your lycopene consumption.



Some of the items you eat may significantly impact how well your body absorbs lycopene. It is possible to get up to a fourfold increase in absorption by combining this plant ingredient's consumption with a fat source. On the other hand, not everyone has the same capacity for lycopene absorption. Although tomato products made from processed tomatoes have a more awesome lycopene content, it is still best to consume fresh tomatoes in their complete form whenever available. Lycopene is one of the plant chemicals that may be found in tomatoes in the most significant quantity. Tomato-based goods, including ketchup, tomato juice, tomato paste, and tomato sauce, contain the highest amounts of this compound.

The Tomatoes' Positive Effects On One's Health

The Tomatoes' Positive Effects On One's Health

The Tomatoes' Positive Effects On One's Health

There is a correlation between eating tomatoes and products made from tomatoes, having healthier skin, and having a reduced chance of developing heart disease and cancer.

Good For The Heart

The most prevalent cause of mortality in the world is cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes. In research conducted on males of middle age, low levels of lycopene and beta-carotene in the blood were shown to be associated with an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. A growing body of data derived from clinical trials shows that taking a lycopene supplement may help reduce levels of LDL, sometimes known as "bad" cholesterol.

Studies in clinical settings have shown that tomato products have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In addition, they have been shown to have a protective impact on the inner layer of blood arteries, which may lower one's chance of developing blood clots.

The Prevention Of Cancer

The Prevention Of Cancer

The Prevention Of Cancer

Cancer is the uncontrolled proliferation of aberrant cells that extend beyond their normal bounds, frequently infiltrating other body sections. This expansion of cancerous cells is known as uncontrolled growth. Studies that use observational methods have found associations between tomatoes and tomato products and lower rates of several types of cancer, including prostate, lung, and stomach cancers.

Although the high lycopene content is thought to be responsible, there is a need for a high-quality human study to prove that this is the cause of the benefits. According to a study conducted on female participants, consuming foods with high carotenoid content, such as tomatoes, may reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

Skin Well-Being

Skin Well-Being

Skin Well-Being

Tomatoes are regarded as having positive effects on the health of the skin. Consuming meals made from tomatoes high in lycopene and other plant chemicals might help prevent sunburn. One research found that those who consumed 1.3 ounces (40 grams) of tomato paste containing 16 mg of lycopene together with olive oil daily for ten weeks reported a 40% reduction in the number of sunburns received.

According to multiple studies, eating tomatoes and products made from tomatoes may lower your chance of developing heart disease and cancer. This fruit may help prevent sunburns, another reason eating it is suitable for your skin's health.

Commercial Ripening Procedure

Commercial Ripening Procedure

Commercial Ripening Procedure

When tomatoes begin the process of ripening, a hormone known as ethylene is produced by the tomatoes. When tomatoes are cultivated for commercial purposes, they are picked and sent when they are still immature and green. Before putting them on the market, food businesses spray them with artificial ethylene gas to turn them red.

This method prevents the development of the tomato's natural flavor, which might lead to bland products. Since tomatoes cultivated locally are typically allowed to develop at their own pace, they may have a superior taste.

If you purchase tomatoes that are not yet ripe, you may hasten the ripening process by placing them on the kitchen counter for a few days while wrapping each one in a sheet of newspaper and keeping them there. Be sure to check on their ripeness regularly.

Sometimes harvesting tomatoes when they are still green and immature and then forcing them to ripen using ethylene gas is standard practice. It might lead to reduced taste development, which would result in tomatoes that are lacking in flavor.

Concerning Risk And Averse Consequences

Concerning Risk And Averse Consequences.

Concerning Risk And Averse Consequences.

Tomato allergies are uncommon, and most people can eat tomatoes without problems.


People sensitive to grass pollen are also more likely to be allergic to tomatoes, even though tomato allergy is relatively uncommon.

This illness is sometimes called oral-allergy syndrome and pollen-food allergy syndrome. Oral allergy syndrome occurs when your immune system assaults proteins in fruit and vegetables similar to pollen. It causes allergic symptoms such as itching in the mouth and throat and swelling in the mouth and throat. Cross-reactivity to tomatoes has been observed in some individuals allergic to latex.

Tomatoes are typically well accepted, although people sensitive to grass pollen may experience adverse responses while eating tomatoes.

A Few Essentials



Tomatoes have a luscious and sweet flavor, are rich in antioxidants, and may be beneficial in the battle against several ailments.

They contain an exceptionally high amount of lycopene, a plant chemical associated with enhanced cardiovascular health, the prevention of cancer, and protection against sunburn. Tomatoes are a food that should include in a diet focused on health.