Top 15 Foods With Calcium

Top 15 Foods With Calcium

Top 15 Foods With Calcium

Updated on 3/7/2025
Natalia MarinBy Natalia Marin
Natalia Marin
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Calcium is the most mineral found in the human body in the most significant number. Foods with calcium is also one of the minerals most vital for maintaining optimum health and wellness. Both of these facts make calcium a considerable mineral.

Calcium is a significant component of both your bones and teeth. It also contributes to the proper operation of your muscles, the well-being of your heart, and the transmission of nerve impulses throughout your body.

While it is advised that most people take at least one thousand milligrams (mg) of calcium daily, particular populations require a substantially more significant amount. These demographics include adolescents, women who have gone through menopause, and older people in general.



Although dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt have an exceptionally high calcium content, there are various other sources of calcium that do not require dairy products that you may acquire. Some of these different sources include vegetables, nuts, and seeds, and you can also obtain calcium through the aforementioned other sources.

Most of the calcium that can be found in the following list of 15 meals that are high in calcium does not originate from dairy products, which may catch some individuals off guard.

1. Seeds



There are many different kinds of seeds, but chia, poppy, and sesame seeds are among those that have an exceptionally high calcium content relative to their overall weight. Sources are analogous to little powerhouses in terms of the various nutrients contained within them.

For example, nine grams of poppy seeds provide 127 milligrams of calcium, the same as ten percent of the dietary calcium consumption that is considered the recommended daily value (DV).

In addition to these benefits, seeds are a significant source of protein and beneficial fats, making them an excellent complement to any diet. Chia seeds, for instance, contain a considerable amount of omega-3 fatty acids derived from plants. The human body cannot function properly without these acids.

One tablespoon of sesame seeds (nine grams) supplies not only 7% of the daily calcium requirement but also other minerals such as copper, iron, and manganese. Additionally, sesame seeds provide 7% of the daily calcium requirement. Calcium can be found in abundance in sesame seeds.


There are many various types of seeds, and a decent number of these are powerhouses packed full of calcium. In addition, they are an excellent source of other essential nutrients, including protein and healthy fats, which the body requires. In comparison, the calcium content of one serving of poppy seeds is 10% of the daily intake, whereas the calcium content of one serving of sesame seeds is just 7% of the daily value. Nine grams is considered to be one serving size of sesame seeds.

2. Cheese



Because the vast majority of cheeses are such good providers of calcium, it is in your best interest to consume them regularly. The amount of calcium found in one ounce of parmesan cheese, 242 milligrams, is equivalent to 19% of the recommended daily requirement for calcium. Because of the high calcium level, parmesan cheese is the food with the most excellent calcium content (28 grams).

Cheeses with a softer texture will often have a lower concentration than more complex cheeses. For instance, a single ounce of Brie (equivalent to 28 grams) only provides 52 milligrams, which is only 4% of the daily intake for that particular vitamin.

Dairy products are a good option for people who want to keep their bones in good health since the calcium in dairy products is absorbed by the body more efficiently than calcium from plant sources.

Cheese is another item that includes protein in its composition. A single serving of cottage cheese, equal to one cup, has 23 grams of protein, which is the amount advised.

People who are lactose intolerant will have an easier time digesting old, hard cheeses than they would have with younger, softer cheeses since aged, hard cheeses naturally have a lower level of lactose than younger cheeses do.

Milk, cheese, and other dairy products might have some additional health benefits to provide, and these benefits would likely be beneficial. For instance, the findings of a meta-analysis that incorporated the results of 31 separate studies point to the possibility of a correlation between consuming a greater quantity of dairy and a lower risk of developing coronary heart disease. You discovered this association by incorporating the findings of 31 separate studies.



As the findings of yet another study have shown, people who drink dairy products daily, such as milk and yogurt, have a reduced risk of getting metabolic syndrome. If left untreated, the condition known as a metabolic syndrome can dramatically increase a person's risk of developing cardiovascular disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. The term "metabolic syndrome" was used in the 1980s to describe this cluster of risk factors.

On the other hand, you need to be aware that cheese made with the total quantity of milk can have a high-calorie count and a high proportion of saturated fat. That is because the total amount of cheese contains whole milk. Because of the potentially harmful effects that salt can have on one's health, specific individuals should try to cut back on the amount of salt they regularly consume as part of their diets. Certain cheeses contain a significant lot of salt.


Compared to the calcium content of other varieties of cheese, such as Brie, which contributes approximately 4% of the daily value for this mineral, one portion of Parmesan cheese contributes about 19% of the daily value for calcium. Some evidence suggests that consuming dairy products can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and this is the case despite dairy products being high in calories and saturated fat.

3. Yogurt



Yogurt is a prized food product because it includes considerable amounts of calcium, making it a good mineral supply. As a result, yogurt is an excellent source of calcium.

It has been demonstrated that probiotics, one particular kind of helpful bacteria, are beneficial to the function of the immune system, the health of the cardiovascular system, and the absorption of minerals. A wide variety of yogurt is available, and most of these yogurts contain a significant amount of beneficial probiotic bacteria. A good number of these yogurts have live cultures known as probiotics.

Plain yogurt provides a considerable quantity of phosphorus, potassium, and vitamins B2 and B12, in addition to providing 23% of the calcium required for the day in a single serving (one cup or 245 grams).

Because one serving of low-fat yogurt includes 34% of the recommended daily requirement for calcium, one serving of low-fat yogurt probably provides the highest quantity of calcium among all dairy products (245 grams).

Greek yogurt, on the other hand, has a calcium level lower than that of ordinary yogurt; hence, if you want to cut down on the quantity of calcium you take, Greek yogurt is a better option than regular yogurt. Even though ingesting Greek yogurt is an excellent way to increase the amount of protein you take in through your diet, doing so comes with a few drawbacks that you should be aware of. Specifically, the following:



The inclusion of yogurt in a person's daily diet may, according to the findings of specific research, be associated with a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Yogurt provides this advantage in addition to the ability to deliver various nutrients in their natural forms.


Because a single serving of yogurt can provide up to 34 percent of the recommended daily intake for calcium, it is one of the most beneficial sources of this mineral (245 grams). In addition to this, not only is it an abundant source of protein, but it is also chock full of a wide range of other essential nutrients.

4. Sardines And Canned Salmon



Because the bones can be consumed, sardines and canned salmon are excellent choices for anyone looking to get more calcium in their diet. This mineral can be found in exceptionally high concentrations in sardines.

Cans of sardines weighing 3.75 ounces (92 grams) have a nutritional value equivalent to 27% of the daily value. In contrast, cans of salmon with bones weighing 3 ounces (85 grams) have a nutritional value that is equivalent to 19% of the daily intake.

These oily fish are also an excellent source of high-quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to be beneficial for the health of the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, and the skin. In addition, these fish are rich in omega-6 fatty acids.

Even though seafood has the potential to contain mercury, smaller fish such as sardines have substantially lower concentrations of the toxin than larger fish do. Larger fish still have the potential to carry mercury. When allowed to do so, the mineral selenium found in salmon and sardines is capable of preventing and even reversing the consequences of mercury poisoning. That is because selenium can bind to mercury, which prevents it from exerting its toxic effects.


Two of the healthiest ways to consume readily available fish are by eating sardines and salmon that have been canned. If you consume 3 ounces (85 grams) of canned salmon, you will only acquire 19% of the calcium recommended for a day's worth of eating. On the other hand, consuming one can of sardines will supply you with 27% of the daily value for calcium. Sardines are packed with this mineral.

5. Beans And Lentils

Beans And Lentils

Beans And Lentils

There is a considerable quantity of all of the essential elements in legumes such as beans, lentils, and other forms of legumes. These nutrients include fiber, protein, and minerals such as iron, zinc, folate, magnesium, and potassium.

One cup of cooked winged beans, for instance, has 244 milligrams of calcium, which is equal to 19 percent of the daily calcium consumption that is advised. Other kinds of beans also contain calcium in amounts that are not negligible, making them a source of this mineral (172 grams).

White beans are another excellent source, with one cup (179 grams) of cooked white beans providing 12% of the daily recommended intake for this nutrient. You can find white beans in a variety of different colors. White beans are an excellent food choice for their high fiber content. In addition, white beans are a significant contributor of fiber to a healthy diet. Other kinds of beans and lentils include a lower amount, with one cup giving anywhere from 3% to 4% of the daily value for these nutrients. The daily value is based on the recommended intake (175 grams).

It is interesting to notice that beans are gaining credit for many of the health benefits connected with having a diet predominantly constituted of plant foods. That is because beans are high in fiber, which has been linked to various health benefits. Several studies have shown that eating beans can assist in lowering levels of LDL, commonly referred to as "bad cholesterol," and can also reduce the likelihood that a person will develop type 2 diabetes.


It is impossible to overstate the positive effects of eating beans on one's health. Beans are a superfood. The calcium amount of one cup (172 grams) of cooked wing beans is equivalent to around 19% of the necessary requirement compared to the calcium content of other types of beans of the same serving size. Other beans have a calcium level that spans anywhere from 3–13% of the whole bean.

6. Almonds



When compared to the calcium levels found in the other varieties of nuts, the calcium levels found in almonds are among the highest seen in any nut. It just takes one ounce (28 grams) of almonds to provide 6% of the daily requirement, equivalent to 23 separate nuts. Almonds are a great source of vitamin E.

In addition to the beneficial fats and protein they give, almonds are also a fantastic source of fiber because they contain 3.5 grams for every 28 grams of their total weight. That makes almonds an excellent source of fiber. In addition, they are an excellent source of magnesium and manganese, in addition to the vitamin E present in them.

A diet that includes nuts regularly may help reduce the risk of metabolic disease by lowering blood pressure, body fat, and a variety of other risk factors. There is a wide range of diversity in the forms and dimensions that nuts can take.


In addition to the heart-healthy fats they contain, almonds are an excellent source of a wide variety of minerals, such as magnesium, magnesium, and magnesium. Consuming almonds in amounts equal to one ounce (28 grams), comparable to 23 nuts, will give 6% of the daily need for calcium. You may find almonds in grocery stores and health food stores.

7. Whey Protein



Whey is a protein that may be extracted from milk and used in various applications. It has been the topic of a significant amount of research that has been carried out to determine the potential advantages that it may have for the well-being of an individual.

In addition, it is an excellent source of protein and a rich source of amino acids that are simple to digest, both of which contribute to the expansion and repair of muscle tissue.

Notably, many studies have established a correlation between diets high in whey and higher control of blood sugar levels, as well as increased rates of weight reduction. That is something that should be taken into consideration when making dietary choices. When deciding what to eat, this is something that ought to be taken into mind.

One scoop, equivalent to 1.2 ounces (33 grams), of whey protein powder isolate, provides around 160 milligrams, equivalent to twelve percent of the daily intake. In addition to this, the amount of calcium found in whey is unusually high compared to other foods.

Which protein powder is best?

Whey protein, a protein powder with a high calcium concentration, was one of the protein powders that Healthline investigated. The following list includes our suggestions for the best examples of each protein powder currently available.


The calcium content of one scoop of whey protein, comparable to 1.2 ounces or 33 grams, is equivalent to approximately 12% of the daily requirement (DV). A kind of protein known as whey protein has a very high nutritional value for the human body.

8. Leafy Greens

Leafy Greens

Leafy Greens

Vegetables that are dark green and leafy, such as collard greens, spinach, and kale, are some examples of those that are among those that have a very high calcium content. Other examples include dairy products. Vegetables with a leafy green appearance are often very beneficial to one's health and should be consumed as often as is practical.

For example, one cup (190 grams) of cooked collard greens has 268 milligrams (mg) of calcium. That is equivalent to around 21% of the calcium you need daily to meet your needs.

It is of the utmost importance to be aware that certain varieties, such as spinach, contain a high content of oxalates. The example of spinach illustrates this. Oxalates are naturally occurring molecules that can bind to calcium and limit the body's capacity to absorb calcium. The oxidation of calcium in oxalates causes this effect. Oxalates are to blame for this situation because they prevent calcium from forming phosphate bonds.

Because oxalates inhibit calcium absorption, foods like kale and collard greens, which are high in calcium but low in oxalates, are preferable to spinach in this regard. Both of these greens also contain a lot of calcium. In contrast, spinach has a high calcium concentration but a reduced oxalate content compared to other leafy greens, making spinach a healthier choice.


When prepared and served in a single cup, collard greens have a quantity of calcium equivalent to 21% of the daily value. Because of the lush nature of other dark leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, these vegetables are also excellent suppliers of calcium (190 grams). On the other side, because certain leafy greens include oxalates, eating these foods will likely result in a decreased amount of calcium absorbed by the body. That is because oxalates compete with calcium for absorption in the body.

9. Rhubarb



Rhubarb is a good source of fiber, vitamin K, and calcium, in addition to possessing trace amounts of a wide variety of other vitamins and minerals. Rhubarb is a member of the rose family. In addition to these vitamins and minerals, rhubarb also contains a wide array of additional nutrients.

In addition, it has prebiotic fiber, a specific fiber that encourages the growth of healthy bacteria in your digestive tract and helps you feel fuller for a more extended period. This type of fiber also helps you feel less hungry between meals.

Rhubarb, much like spinach, includes a high concentration of oxalates, which hinders the body from absorbing a large percentage of the calcium. That is because oxalates compete with calcium for binding sites in the digestive tract. Oxalates are to blame for this situation because they compete with calcium for binding sites in the digestive tract. According to one piece of research, the human body can only absorb about 5 percent of the calcium that is present in rhubarb.

On the other hand, rhubarb is a source of calcium even though you only absorb a minimal amount of it. Each cup (122 grams) of raw rhubarb contains 105 milligrams of calcium, equivalent to around 8% of an adult's required daily calcium intake.


In addition to a wide range of other vital nutrients, rhubarb is an excellent source of dietary fiber, and vitamin K. Rhubarb also contains various other critical elements. In addition, it has calcium in it, despite the fact that the human body can only absorb a negligible quantity of this mineral from the food it eats. That is because calcium is not a very water-soluble mineral.

10. Fortified Foods



There is a chance that if you consume fortified foods consistently, such as cereals, it will be simpler for you to satisfy the daily calcium requirements that you have set for yourself.

One single serving of certain varieties of cereal can provide as much as one thousand milligrams of calcium, which is comparable to one hundred percent of the daily intake for that nutrient. That is true even before the milk has been incorporated into the mixture.

However, keep in mind that your body cannot absorb all of that calcium at once, and it is preferable to spread out your calcium over the day rather than consuming it all at once. Consuming calcium all at once might be harmful to your health.

It is conceivable to include calcium in the manufacturing process of flour and cornmeal, which would increase the nutritional content of these products. Consequently, specific types of bread, tortillas, and crackers may contain a substantial quantity.


Calcium is a mineral that is typically added to foods that are derived from grains, and these kinds of foods tend to have higher calcium content. Cereals for breakfast, tortillas, slices of bread, and crackers are a few examples of items that fall under this category.

11. Amaranth



Amaranth is a pseudocereal that packs an impressively wide range of healthful elements into highly high concentrations.

In addition to being a significant source of folate, it is abundant in manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron, and it also contains a substantial quantity of a variety of other minerals. Folate is an essential component of this food.

Amaranth grain that has been cooked and measured out to be one cup (246 grams) has 116 milligrams of calcium, equivalent to nine percent of the daily value. Consuming grain is the means through which you can accomplish this.

Each cooked cup (132 grams) of amaranth leaves has significantly more nutrients than other greens, including calcium at a level that is equal to 21% of the daily value. That is in addition to a fair number of vitamins A, and C. Amaranth leaves have far more than other greens. Amaranth leaves have been found to contain a sizeable amount of both of these necessary components in significant quantities.


Although you can eat both the seeds and the leaves of an amaranth plant, the sources are where you can find most of the plant's nourishment. The leaves are primarily used for flavoring. While one cup of cooked amaranth (246 grams) has 9% of the daily value for calcium, one cup of amaranth leaves contains 21% of the DV for calcium. Amaranth is a species of the grain family (132 grams).

12. Edamame And Tofu



Young soybeans, also known as edamame beans, are frequently marketed while still contained within the pod in which they were grown. This practice is common in countries where soybeans are grown commercially. The food business often engages in this method of operation.

The amount of calcium in one cup (155 grams) of cooked edamame is equivalent to eight percent of the required calcium daily. In addition, it is an excellent source of protein, and just one serving is needed to meet the daily recommendations for folate consumption.

Tofu that has been processed with calcium also has unusually high numbers. More than 66% of the Daily Value for calcium is included in just a half cup of the prepared tofu. This tofu also has an unusually high number of calories. Tofu that has not been treated with calcium before being consumed also contains exceptionally high levels (126 grams).


Consuming either edamame or tofu is a wise decision because of the high levels of calcium that are contained in both of these foods and the fact that they both benefit your health. In comparison, a mere half a cup (126 grams) of calcium-seasoned tofu contains 66% of the daily value (DV) for calcium. Tofu is measured in grams, and only 8% of calcium's daily value (DV) can be found in one cup (155 grams) of cooked edamame.

13. Fortified Drinks



Several nondairy beverages have been fortified with calcium; therefore, even if you don't drink milk, you can still get the calcium you need in your diet thanks to these beverages. Milk is the most common source of calcium fortification, which is why this is the case.

Approximately 237 milliliters of soy milk are contained in one serving of fortified soy milk, equating to about 23% of the daily value.

In addition, it has 6 grams of protein, making it the nondairy milk most nutritionally comparable to cow's milk. That is the case because it is the only milk alternative that contains protein, and this is because the milk substitute option has the most protein overall.

In the not-too-distant future, it is conceivable that some additional types of nut- and seed-based kinds of milk will be fortified with even greater levels than they currently contain.

On the other hand, the fortification process is not limited to using nondairy glasses of milk exclusively; you may apply it to any beverage. One more dietary supplement you can consume is orange juice, and just one cup of this beverage can provide as much as 27% of the daily value for several different nutrients (237 mL).


You can add calcium to various beverages, including orange milk, orange juice, and specific nondairy milk. For illustration, a serving size of one cup (237 mL) of fortified orange juice may have 27% DV, whereas the same amount of fortified soy milk may only contain 23% DV.

14. Figs



Figs, especially dried figs, have a significant amount of fiber and a high concentration of antioxidants in their bodies. Dried figs are especially beneficial.

In addition, the amount of calcium contained in these dried fruits is noticeably higher than that of any other kind. The amount of calcium that is contributed by one serving size of dried figs (which is equal to 5% of the daily value and consists of 1.4 ounces or 40 grams) is similar to the daily value for calcium (DV).

Additionally, figs are an excellent source of the micronutrients potassium and vitamin K, both of which are essential for preserving bone health and are found in high concentrations in figs. Figs are also a fantastic source of fiber, which is an additional benefit of eating them.


Compared to the calcium content of other dried fruits, the calcium content of dried figs is the highest concentration found in any dried fruit. The following table details the percentage of the daily value for this mineral that you may meet by consuming a serving that is 1.4 ounces (40 grams) in size and provides 5% of the daily recommended requirement:

15. Milk



Calcium can be found in various foods and drinks, but milk is widely considered one of the best and easiest to obtain types of calcium.

The range of milligrams that may be found in one cup of cow's milk (237 milliliters) is between 306 and 325; this range changes depending on whether the milk is whole or nonfat. One cup of whole milk contains 306 milligrams, while one cup of nonfat milk contains 325 milligrams. Additionally, the calcium included in dairy products is readily absorbed by the body due to the digestibility of these foods.

In addition to being a source of calcium, milk is also an excellent provider of the nutrients protein, vitamins A and D, and calcium.

Goat's milk is regarded as one of the best sources of calcium you can presently obtain because one cup of goat's milk contains 327 milligrams of calcium, making it one of the highest amounts of calcium currently available (237 mL).


Milk, a rich source of calcium and can be absorbed quickly by the body, includes a substantial amount of calcium. Calcium may be found in high concentrations in milk, making it a great source of calcium. One cup of milk, equal to 237 milliliters, contains between 24 and 25 percent of the daily value needed for this mineral, and the discount varies depending on the type of milk.

The Bottom Line

Bottom Line

Bottom Line

Calcium is an essential mineral that participates in a wide variety of functions critical to maintaining a healthy body. These functions include the following: Calcium is a mineral necessary for good health.

Even though dairy products often contain the highest levels of this mineral, plenty of other good sources are accessible. Most of these beneficial sources come from diets based on plant-based components.

If you consume meals from the vast list of foods with calcium provided in this article, it will not be difficult to achieve your daily calcium requirements. This page provides a list of foods that are high in calcium, and this list of dishes includes a diverse selection of culinary options.