How To Stop Heartburn? See How It Goes

How To Stop Heartburn? See How It Goes

How To Stop Heartburn? See How It Goes

Updated on 3/7/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

How To Stop Heartburn? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Trusted Source issued a request in April 2020 for all prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) formulations of ranitidine (Zantac) to be withdrawn from sale in the United States. They Issued This advice due to the discovery that certain ranitidine products had insufficient quantities of the chemical NDMA, which has been linked to an increased risk of cancer. 

If your doctor has recommended ranitidine for you, you should discuss other safe treatment choices with them before you stop taking the prescription. Stop taking ranitidine over-the-counter immediately and see a doctor or other qualified healthcare practitioner about other available treatment choices. Instead of bringing unused ranitidine products to a drug take-back location, they should be disposed of following the instructions provided on the package or the recommendations provided by the FDA.



Zantac 360, formerly known as ranitidine and sold under the trade name Zantac, now has a new active component and is being promoted to consumers (famotidine). Famotidine belongs to the same class as ranitidine and performs the same function; however, it has not been discovered to have levels of NDMA that are deemed objectionable.

Home treatments, lifestyle adjustments, and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs can provide excellent relief for the discomfort caused by heartburn.

A burning feeling in the chest and throat is the hallmark symptom of heartburn. It's possible that the meals you eat, particularly those that are acidic, spicy, or greasy, are what sets it off.

The condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may, in certain instances, cause heartburn (GERD). A wide variety of factors might have caused this chronic illness.

No matter what causes it, heartburn is an uncomfortable and irritating condition. This article will discuss strategies to get rid of heartburn using home remedies, pharmaceuticals, and lifestyle suggestions. It will also discuss techniques to prevent heartburn from occurring in the first place.

Do You Suffer From GERD, Heartburn, Or Acid Reflux?

Do You Suffer From GERD, Heartburn, Or Acid Reflux?

Do You Suffer From GERD, Heartburn, Or Acid Reflux?

There are a few synonyms for heartburn, including acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). However, not all of them have the same significance. Understanding the difference between the two might be beneficial when trying to alleviate heartburn.

One of the symptoms is heartburn. The term refers to the sensation of having a searing agony in the center of one's chest. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) Trusted Source reports that the discomfort often begins under the breastbone and progresses upward into the throat.

When the acid from your stomach gets too far up into your digestive tract, you may have a condition known as acid reflux. In most cases, gravity and your digestive system will cooperate to ensure that your stomach acid remains where it should be, namely in your stomach. However, it can occasionally go back into your esophagus, resulting in irritation, heartburn, and other symptoms.

You may be familiar with the term GERD, which is an abbreviated form of the term gastroesophageal reflux disease. Heartburn is one of the most common symptoms of this ailment, even though it can have various reasons. If you have regular heartburn, you should consult a medical professional since GERD can occasionally lead to significant consequences.

Treatments Available At Home For Acid Indigestion And Heartburn

Treatments Available At Home For Acid ingestion

Treatments Available At Home For Acid ingestion

If you are unfortunate enough to suffer from heartburn, you will be relieved to learn that various remedies may perform at home.

However, medicines, home cures, and supplements might present potential health problems. Some might have an adverse reaction to drugs or lead to additional complications.

It's possible that you shouldn't take some medicines or supplements if you're pregnant, breastfeeding or chestfeeding, or if you have any other kind of medical problem.

Herbal treatments and nutritional supplements are not subjected to the same rigorous testing required of pharmaceutical drugs to ensure their safety and efficacy. Therefore, it is not always feasible to know what is included within the bottle that you are purchasing or the various impacts that it may have.

It is strongly recommended that you see your physician before attempting any of these alternatives.

Combine The Baking Soda And Water

Combine The Baking Soda And Water

Combine The Baking Soda And Water

It's possible that you already have a heartburn treatment in your kitchen, but you're unaware of it. Baking soda works by neutralizing the acid your stomach produces, which helps relieve certain instances of heartburn. To do this, mix one teaspoon of baking soda with one glass of water, then gently sip the mixture.

If you want to avoid any potential side effects, you should only take this baking soda cure on an as-needed basis. Have a conversation with your healthcare provider about how to use baking soda. A case study conducted in 2013 found that doing so can assist you in avoiding adverse effects on your health.

Consume Licorice Extract In Supplement Form

An ancient herbal medicine known as licorice root may be beneficial for treating heartburn. According to a review published in 2020 by Trusted Source, it may assist expand the mucous layer that already exists on your esophageal lining. May protect Your esophagus from the damage produced by the acid in your stomach, which will allow it to repair.

Licorice is present in the dietary supplement known as deglycyrrhizinated licorice, or DGL for short. The production of DGL involves removing a significant portion of the chemical known as glycyrrhizin, which might result in unintended consequences.

Consuming excessive licorice or DGL may cause your blood pressure to rise, cause your potassium levels to drop, and cause some drugs to no longer work properly, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), a reliable source. 

Always see your primary care physician before beginning treatment with licorice or DGL supplements.

Sip Apple Cider Vinegar In Water

Sip Apple Cider Vinegar In Water

Sip Apple Cider Vinegar In Water

Vinegar made from apple cider is yet another home cure that some people use to alleviate heartburn symptoms. Others claim that consuming vinegar made from apple cider might help enhance digestive health.

According to the information provided by the Department of Defense Dietary Supplement Resource, there is currently insufficient evidence to support this claim. However, it is generally considered safe to consume modest amounts of apple cider vinegar that have been diluted.

Consuming vinegar in excessive quantities or undiluted has potential health hazards. These include damaging your teeth, causing pain in your throat, and even setting off acid reflux in your stomach.

If you want to give this treatment a go, dilute apple cider vinegar with water to a concentration of between one teaspoon and one tablespoon per eight ounces (or 237 milliliters) and drink it after each meal.

Chew Some Gum

chew a gum

chew a gum

Chewing sugar-free gum for at least half an hour after meals, as suggested in an older study published in 2005, may also help reduce heartburn symptoms. However, these findings are only based on the responses of 31, and therefore the reliability of the data is low. More study is required to determine unequivocally whether or not this technique alleviates heartburn.

Chewing gum encourages the production of saliva and the swallowing reflex, which may help dilute and flush the acid from your stomach out of your esophagus.

Chewing gum is beneficial for several digestive disorders in general. However, little research conducted in 2015 found that it can worsen other symptoms. Please consult your primary care provider to determine whether or not it would be beneficial for you to give this treatment a shot.

Try Ginger

Try Ginger

Try Ginger

According to the NCCIHTrusted Source, the use of ginger in traditional Chinese medicine dates back many centuries. Since this herb can help reduce nausea, others feel it could also be beneficial for treating heartburn.

Think about grating or dicing some ginger root and adding it to your favorite stir-fry recipes and soups and other dishes. To create ginger tea, steep raw ginger root, dried ginger root, or ginger tea bags in hot water.

However, ginger may also induce heartburn and other issues if used in large quantities, so it is crucial to consume it in small amounts.

It is highly recommended that you steer clear of ginger ale. Carbonated beverages are a common factor in heartburn development, and most ginger ale brands are prepared using ginger flavoring rather than the essential ingredient.

Additional Strategies To Aid With Digestive Health

Additional Strategies To Aid With Digestive Health

Additional Strategies To Aid With Digestive Health

Loosen The Straps Of Your Shirt

If the contents of your stomach go back up into your esophagus, where they might come into contact with the sensitive tissue, you may have heartburn.

You're experiencing heartburn because your tight clothing is compressing your stomach.

If this is the case, you should first relax your belt and your jeans, dress, or anything else that may be squeezing you too tightly.

Try Not To Slump

Your posture may also be a factor in experiencing heartburn. You might want to try sitting up straighter if you're slouching. You can utilize pillows or supports to assist you in maintaining a more upright position if necessary.

An upright position puts less strain on your abdomen. After you have eaten, if there is pressure on your belly, this might cause stomach acid to ascend into your esophagus, which would result in heartburn.

A Case Study For The Year 2021

According to Reliable Source, chronic postural issues may be a contributing factor in the development of GERD. According to the study's findings, they address improper posture completely cured reflux symptoms. However, further investigation is required to comprehend the link.

Altering your perspective will probably not solve your problems, but it might be beneficial in some circumstances.

Raise Your Upper Body To A Higher Level

Raise Your Upper Body To A Higher Level

Raise Your Upper Body To A Higher Level

It's possible that lying down will make your heartburn worse. When it's time to get into bed, change the height of your sleeping surface so that your upper body is elevated.

It's possible that propping your head up on additional cushions won't be enough. To gain relief, consider lifting your body from the waist up.

By utilizing a wedge cushion, you can adjust the slope of the surface on which you sleep. Alternately, if you have a bed that reclines, you may modify it to a more comfortable position.

Avoid Cigarette Smoke

You are undoubtedly well aware of the adverse effects smoking may have on your health. But it would be best if you realized that smoking is one of the factors that might cause heartburn. If you have a history of heartburn and are a smoker, you should refrain from lighting up.

Although smoking may be a coping mechanism you turn to when you're in an unpleasant situation, it won't relieve the burning sensation you're experiencing. According to the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG), it may even induce acid reflux in certain people.

Medications For The Treatment Of Acid Reflux And Heartburn

Medications For The Treatment Of Acid Reflux And Heartburn

Medications For The Treatment Of Acid Reflux And Heartburn

If you require medicine, either your doctor or your pharmacist can assist you in selecting the most appropriate option.

OTC Drugs For Heartburn Relief

There is a large selection of over-the-counter medications available to treat heartburn. 

These pharmaceuticals can be divided into three categories:

  • Antacids work immediately to reduce the acid produced by the stomach.
  • H2 blockers are medications that block particular receptors in the stomach, therefore reducing the amount of stomach acid produced by the body.
  • According to the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG), proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which reduce the amount of stomach acid you produce and may be more beneficial for treating severe or long-term symptoms,
  • Other over-the-counter treatments and prescription pharmaceuticals are available to treat heartburn.

What Are Some Ways To Stop Acid Reflux?

What Are Some Ways To Stop Acid Reflux?

What Are Some Ways To Stop Acid Reflux?

You may try a few different things to avoid getting heartburn or to stop it from starting when it does occur.

It's best to avoid eating immediately before going to bed, and a snack before bed might be pretty alluring. However, the American College of Gastroenterology says that giving yourself at least two to three hours to digest before sleeping reduces the likelihood of experiencing heartburn.

Limit alcohol consumption. If you already have heartburn, cutting back on the quantity of alcohol you consume or quitting drinking altogether can help reduce the severity of your symptoms.

Keep an eye out for meals that induce reactions. Did you know that making changes to your diet might assist in alleviating acid reflux and heartburn symptoms? Some examples of foods to avoid include:

  • Meals with a strong flavor
  • Tomatoes, as well as tomato-based items such as tomato sauce
  • Chocolate
  • Meals high in fat and grease
  • Coffee
  • Mint
  • Foods high in acidity, such as oranges, lemons, and limes
  • Quit smoking. If you smoke, giving up the habit is one of the best things you can do to alleviate heartburn.



Try these exercises that can help you relax. The American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) suggests practicing relaxation techniques to alleviate heartburn symptoms. Your primary care physician may also be able to provide you with a referral to a qualified mental health expert.

Take control of your weight. According to the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), decreasing weight might assist with heartburn symptoms if you are overweight or obese.

Talk It Over With A Medical Professional

How Can You Tell Whether Your Heartburn Is A Severe Condition?

How Can You Tell Whether Your Heartburn

How Can You Tell Whether Your Heartburn

It is recommended that you consult a medical professional if you get heartburn that is severe or occurs frequently. The chronic symptoms you're experiencing may be due to GERD in certain instances.

Alterations to one's lifestyle, in conjunction with medical management, are frequently successful in treating GERD. Experts from Trusted Source indicate that surgery may be an option for those with severe symptoms of the illness.

It is not always simple to determine the Source of chest discomfort you are experiencing, and the symptoms of a heart attack and heartburn may be the same. If you are worried about the symptoms you are experiencing, you should call your local emergency services or go to the emergency department in the nearest hospital.

Other signs that you could be having a heart attack include:

  • A feeling of constriction or pressure in the chest
  • A difficult time breathing
  • Shivers in the cold
  • Weakness
  • Experiencing dizziness or a sense that you could pass out
  • Nausea
  • A pulse that is fast or erratic

The Main Point To Be Learned

The Main Point To Be Learned

The Main Point To Be Learned

When an episode of heartburn strikes, there are some over-the-counter medications, home therapies, and changes in lifestyle that may bring relief.

Modifying the behaviours you engage in regularly can also be an effective means of preventing the onset of heartburn symptoms. For instance, make an effort to:

  • Avoid foods commonly known to cause heartburn, such as those that are fatty or spicy.
  • Put an end to your eating at least a few hours before night.
  • Quit Smoking If You Smoke

If you are overweight or obese, you should drop some weight.

Talk to your primary care provider if you suffer heartburn more frequently than twice or thrice per week. In some circumstances, they could recommend certain drugs or other forms of treatment.