What Is A Refined Carb?

Refined Carb?

Refined Carb?

Updated on 3/7/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

Pasta, pizza, French fries, white bread, and sugary desserts are examples of bad or simple carbs. These are the types of comfort foods that we frequently crave. Selecting the right kinds of carbohydrates can have positive effects on your health, happiness, and waistline.

What Exactly Are Refined Carbohydrates, As Well As "Bad" Carbohydrates?

Sugars and refined grains that have had all of their bran, fiber, and nutrients removed are examples of bad or simple carbohydrates. Some examples of refined grains and sugars include white bread, pizza dough, pasta, pastries, sugar, white flour, white rice, sweet desserts, and many types of breakfast cereals. They are easily digested, but due to their high glycemic index, they create harmful surges in the levels of glucose in the blood. They are also known to make shifts in mood and energy levels, in addition to the accumulation of fat, particularly around the midsection.

Refined Carb

Refined Carb

When you consume refined or simple carbohydrates, your bloodstream is inundated with sugar, which causes a spike of insulin to be produced in order to eliminate the sugar from your blood. When you eat sugar, your bloodstream is saturated with sugar. Because of all this insulin, you can feel hungry immediately after a meal, and you might crave more sweet and carbohydrate-rich foods. This can lead to you overeating, which can lead to weight gain, which can lead to insulin resistance, which can lead to type 2 diabetes. Diets that are heavy in refined carb and sugar have been related to a number of negative health outcomes, including elevated blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, hyperactivity, mood disorders, and even suicide among adolescents.

Why Is It So Tough To Cut Back On Sugar And Other Refined Carbohydrates?

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Refined Carb

It can feel like an enormous challenge for many of us to reduce our intake of sweet snacks and get control of our urges for carbohydrates. Sugar is not only found in items that are obvious to include it, such as sugary snacks, desserts, and candies, but it is also present in a significant portion of the processed foods that we consume, including soda, coffee, and fruit drinks, as well as bread, pasta sauce, and frozen dinners. Cutting back on these diet-ruiners, however, does not mean that you will feel deprived or that you will never be able to enjoy comfort food again. The trick is to select the appropriate carbohydrates. Vegetables, whole grains, and naturally sweet fruit are examples of complex, unprocessed, or "healthy" carbohydrates. These types of carbohydrates break down more slowly, which leads to more stable blood sugar levels and less fat buildup.

You can reduce your intake of sugar and simple carbs, keep your blood sugar stable, maintain a healthy weight, and still find ways to satisfy your sweet tooth if you focus on whole foods and complex, unrefined carbs. This will allow you to satisfy your sweet tooth while still maintaining a healthy weight. In addition to feeling better and having more energy, you may also find that you are able to lose the persistent belly fat that so many of us suffer with.

The Unappetizing Connection Between Sugar Consumption And Abdominal Adiposity

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Refined Carb

Insulin resistance and an increased risk of diabetes are strongly linked to having a large amount of belly fat, which causes the abdominal organs and liver to be surrounded by fat.
It is a type of sugar that you can find in sugary beverages such as soda, energy, and sports drinks, coffee drinks, and processed foods such as doughnuts, muffins, cereal, candy, and granola bars. The calories that you obtain from fructose are more likely to cause you to gain weight in your abdominal region. If you reduce the number of sugary foods you eat, you may find that your waistline decreases along with your risk of developing diabetes.

Good Carbs VS. Bad Carbs

One of the primary sources of fuel for your body is made up of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates should make up between 45 and 65 percent of your daily calorie intake, according to the recommendations of several health agencies, such as the United States Department of Health and Human Services. However, rather than refined carbs, the majority of these should come from complex, unrefined sources of carbohydrates (including starches such as potatoes and corn).

Refined Carb

Refined Carb

Complex carbohydrates, as opposed to simple carbohydrates, are absorbed slowly and lead to a steady increase in blood sugar levels. They often have a high nutrient and fiber content, both of which can assist in the prevention of major diseases, facilitate the loss of excess weight, and boost your levels of vitality. In general, "healthy" carbs have a lower glycemic load than other types of carbohydrates, and they may even be able to help protect against type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular issues in the future.

Among The Types Of Healthy Carbohydrates Are:

  • Whole grains that have not been refined, such as whole wheat or multigrain bread, brown rice, barley, quinoa, oatmeal, and bran cereal.
  • Spinach, green beans, Brussels sprouts, celery, and tomatoes are examples of vegetables that do not contain starch.
  • Peas, kidney beans, baked beans, and lentils are all examples of legumes.
  • Nuts such as cashews, walnuts, and peanuts.
  • Fruit — apples, citrus fruit, bananas, pears, berries

Both The Glycemic Index And The Glycemic Load Are Terms That Need To Be Defined

Refined Carb

Refined Carb

The glycemic index (GI) is a measurement that determines how quickly a food causes an increase in blood sugar. In contrast, the glycemic load is a measurement that determines the quantity of digestible carbohydrate (total carbohydrate minus fiber) that a portion of food contains. Even while both of these can be helpful tools, having to refer to separate tables can make things more difficult than they need to be. The majority of people, unless they are following a very precise diet, find that it is simplest to adhere to general principles for what constitutes a "good" or "bad" carbohydrate.

Making The Switch To Healthy Carbs

Even though switching from simple to complex carbohydrates has many positive effects on one's health, this does not mean that one must forever abstain from consuming simple carbohydrates such as white bread and French fries. After all, it's only normal to desire particular foods much more when you've been told you can't have them.

Instead, you should try to limit your consumption of refined carbohydrates and sugary foods to special occasions rather than making them a consistent part of your diet. It is possible that if you consume less of these unhealthy foods, you will feel less of a desire to eat them as you continue to cut back.

By Selecting Healthier Carbohydrates

Sweet potato mash and cauliflower mash.

Sweet potato mash and cauliflower mash.

Instead of attempting toTry
Rice that's white.Rice is made from brown or wild rice, as well as cauliflower rice.
Yukon gold potatoes (including fries and mashed potatoes)Sweet potato mash and cauliflower mash.
Regular pastaPasta made with whole wheat flour and spaghetti squash
Bread that is whiteBread is made using entire grains or whole wheat.
Sweetened cereal for breakfastCereals that are low in sugar and high in fiber
Oatmeal made from instant, steel-cut, or rolled oatsCornflakes Low-sugar bran flakes Cornflakes Cornflakes
CornGreens Leafy Vegetables
Chips made of corn or potatoesNuts or raw veggies for dipping
Refined Carb

Refined Carb

Calories Gained From Added Sugar Are For Nothing.

Your body obtains all of the sugar it requires from the sugar that is naturally present in food, such as the fructose that is found in fruit or the lactose that is found in milk. There is no nutritional benefit to the sugar that is added to processed foods; instead, it merely adds a lot of empty calories, which can ruin any attempt at a healthy diet, lead to weight gain, and increase the risk for significant health problems.

Again, it is not reasonable to expect to be able to completely eliminate sugar and other sources of empty calories from your diet. The American Heart Association suggests that women consume no more than 100 calories worth of added sugars on a daily basis (approximately six teaspoons or 24 grams of sugar), while men should consume no more than 150 calories worth of added sugars on a daily basis (approximately nine teaspoons or 36 grams). If you think it is a lot, keep in mind that a 12-ounce soda has up to ten teaspoons of added sugar and that some shakes and sweetened coffee beverages have much more sugar than that.

It is estimated that the average American consumes 19.5 teaspoons (82 grams) of added sugar per day, the majority of which is consumed unknowingly. If you are more conscious of the amount of sugar in your diet, you will be able to reduce it to the levels that are advised, which will have a significant impact on how you look, think, and feel.

How To Reduce Your Intake Of Sugar

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Refined Carb

  • Your taste receptors need time to adjust, and you need time to wean yourself off the urge, so cut back on the amount of sugar in your diet gradually, a little bit at a time.
  • Do more cooking at home. You may ensure that you and your family enjoy fresh, healthful meals without any added sugar if you prepare more of your own food and do more cooking at home.
  • Make the recipes you use more modern. You can make many recipes for sweet treats with far less sugar without sacrificing flavor.
  • Avoid sugary drinks—even "diet" ones. Even if you use an artificial sweetener, you may still experience cravings for sugar, which can lead to weight gain. Try mixing a little bit of fruit juice with your sparkling water as an alternative to drinking soda. You could also make a great and nutritious smoothie by blending skim milk with a banana and some fruit.
  • Steer clear of items that have been processed or packaged. Sugar is added to around 75 percent of the packaged foods sold in the United States. This includes low-fat meals, frozen dinners, and canned soups, all of which can quickly accumulate to levels that are dangerous. The situation is not significantly improved in a great number of other countries.
  • When dining out, exercise extreme caution. Requesting your gravy, dressing, or sauce on the side is a good idea because most of them contain a lot of sugar.
  • Consume healthier options for snacks. Reduce your consumption of sugary foods and drinks, such as candy, chocolate, and cakes. Instead, indulge in naturally sweet foods like fruit, peppers, or natural peanut butter to sate your craving for anything sweet.
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Refined Carb

  • You can make your own ice cream yourself and other frozen delicacies. Make popsicles out of pure fruit juice by freezing them in an ice cube tray and using plastic spoons as the grips. You may also make frozen fruit kabobs by threading slices of pineapple, bananas, grapes, and berries onto skewers.
  • Always read the labels on the food that you purchase in a package. Pick foods with minimal sugar content, but be aware that companies frequently try to conceal the presence of sugar on their labels.

How To Identify Foods That May Contain Hidden Sugars

A wise approach to sweets is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to cutting back on the amount of sugar and simple carbs in your diet. Sugar is also present in a large number of packaged foods, fast food meals, and staples sold in grocery stores, such as bread, cereals, canned goods, pasta sauce, margarine, instant mashed potatoes, and frozen dinners, low-fat meals, and ketchup. The first thing that has to be done is some sleuthing in order to find any hidden sources of sugar on product labels.

  • On their labels, manufacturers are required to indicate the total amount of sugar. Still, they are not required to differentiate between the sugar that is added and the sugar that occurs naturally in the food.
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Refined Carb

  • Even if they are included on the list of ingredients, added sugars are not usually immediately obvious to the consumer. Sugar, honey, and molasses are three of the most obvious forms of added sugar. However, added sugar may also be listed as corn sweetener, high-fructose corn syrup, evaporated cane juice, agave nectar, cane crystals, invert sugar, or any type of fructose, dextrose, lactose, maltose, or syrup. These forms of added sugar are all considered to be forms of added sugar.
  • Although you may anticipate that sweet foods would have sugar mentioned near the beginning of their list of ingredients, manufacturers frequently utilize a variety of additional sugars, which causes those sugars to be dispersed throughout the product's ingredient list. However, these teeny-tiny amounts of various sweeteners can quickly add up to a significant amount of added sugar and calories that have no nutritional value.